I Don't Care- Thor

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A/N: So I saw Thor: Ragnarok and was inspired because I forgot how much I love Thor and Loki, and so I wrote this, and a Loki one will probably follow. Anyway, there's minor spoilers? I guess? This just resembles the plot, doesn't have too much of the actual plot besides what's in trailers so..anyway, enjoy!

(Gender Neutral Reader)

You could feel a rumble through your bones as the crowd roared around you. You just added another victory to your belt in the Sakaar "Contest of Champions," and every one seemed to have less of an affect than the last. Sure, you threw your arms up to help rile up the crowd, keep an image worthy enough for the Grandmaster to keep you around, but you were done. Beyond done, with being trapped on the chaotic planet.

The thousands of fans chanted your name as you made your way back to the holding pen, the bright lights and colors mixing into a blur around you. Once you passed through the gate, and the next contestant darted into the arena, you loosened the sweaty gauntlets on your wrists. You had the rest of the night off, and you planned on taking advantage of that. Just you and a corner of the holding pen behind the weapons where it seemed quiet.

"Hey, hey!" There was plenty of talking around you, but this seemed as if it was aimed at you. You had no intention of paying attention to the thunderous voice, and continued your path to hang up your axes still dripping with some blood. You were in no mood to be harassed, but whoever it was was insistent. "Excuse me," the voice repeated and this time, you felt someone grab your wrist.

As fast as there was contact, you threw the hand off, and looked up to see eyes bluer than you'd ever seen. He looked as human as you, which you had to admit was comforting since there were a lot of monsters and aliens surrounding you, but you still had no means to talk to this guy. He held up his hands in yielding upon seeing your icy glare.

He cleared his throat and regained some of his former confidence. "E-Excuse me, I just wanted to say that your fighting out there was incredible," he said firmly. You twirled one axe in your hand before hanging it back on the weapons rack.

"Thanks, I know," you answered curtly.

"You seem like you have a knack for survival, and I wanted to ask for your help," he added, and you didn't hold back a chuckle.

"Oh is that right?" You hung up the other axe with a clank of metal against metal. Just through a quick glance at him, you saw the desperation in his eyes. A step brought him closer to you and his voice lowered.

"I need to get off this planet, and I need some help in doing so." There was a grumble in his voice when it dropped lower. You turned toward him fully, leaning against the weapons rack, and saw that he threw his gaze around the room in paranoia before it landed back on your eyes.

"Listen, I uh, appreciate your goal but there's no getting off Sakaar. Or out of the contest for that matter. Even if there was, you think I would help you? Because I think our relationship still classifies as strangers. I don't know about you," you swiftly looked him up and down, "but I don't give a damn if that classification changes. Good luck with your death wish, leave me alone." You spun around before moving through the crowd like a rock through a puddle, the mass of competitors parting around you before concealing you again.

"My people need me!" He shouted toward you, and you didn't have to look back to know that he was making his way through the crowd. "They'll die if I don't return!"

"When are you going to realize I don't care?" you called over your shoulder, not even sure if he heard you over the rest of the ambient chatter.

You thought that was the end of it, until you heard his voice barreling through the noise again, as he was right behind you. "I am Thor of Asgard, and my people need me," his voice echoed with confidence, though not many competitors paid any attention. However, his identity pulled you back around.

Your eyes trailed down then up his figure, allowing you to fully take him in. Everything seemed to be as described; captivating blue eyes, Asgardian accent (and ego), not to mention unbelievably ripped. Though he was missing the flowing blonde hair. You'd definitely heard of him, of all the Avengers. You heard stories about them saving your home planet once or twice, though you weren't there to see it yourself. And, Thor wasn't the first Avenger to come through that arena.

"Thor, son of Odin, huh?" you smirked, crossing your arms over your chest. A pang of surprise crossed his features.

"So, you've heard of me?" Thor asked with a slight smile, to which you gently rolled your eyes.

"I'm human, of course I have. Still doesn't change the fact that you're stuck here." This time you said it with something a bit genuine in your voice. Suddenly, a mass of bluish rocks in armor appeared behind Thor.

"Hey man, you're up any minute now," Korg's somehow cheerful voice said to Thor, though he all but brushed off the reminder.

"Hey Korg," you warmly smiled, always having a soft spot for the pile of rocks, and he smiled back.

"Hey there Y/N, congratulations on the win." The two of you fist bumped like old friends, and Thor rolled his eyes.

"Oh, him you're nice to..." he added, and you were about the defend your friendship, when you remembered the time and what Korg just told Thor.

"Wait, you're fighting the champion?" you questioned, though not so surprised he'd be so bold. He must not know who the champ is...

"Yes I am," Thor replied confidently, puffing out his chest not-so-subtly.

"And he's gonna die so don't be too mean," Korg "whispered" as he tried to conceal his words with his hand, but Thor let his hands collapse at his sides with a "seriously?" expression directed at the rock creature.

You cracked a partial genuine smile. "Look, I don't care if you're a demigod, you won't defeat the champion. One way or another you'll end up on your ass."

"Though your vote of confidence is just, top notch, I'll do whatever I must to get back to Asgard," he said sternly, and you had to admit you admired his passion. He seemed as though he was about to protest further, but the announcer had started to introduce the main event, and Thor had to slip away and into the arena.

"He's gonna die, but I really hope he doesn't. Seems like a nice guy that one, I guess he used to ride a hammer," Korg said optimistically, and you sighed. The two of you made it towards the arena to witness the fight, and things started mulling over in your head.

The incredible champion was being introduced, you tapped your fingers against the wall nervously. If you had any hope to get off this planet, a risk taking demigod would probably be your best bet...


Hey guys! I know I know, it's been a while. I'm so sorry guys! I really did want to update sooner than now, but procrastinating is my best friend. Anyway, how good was Thor: Ragnarok???? The answer is extremely! I hope you guys enjoyed, I originally thought I could wrap this up in one chapter, but now it's getting an extension. Vote, comment, and request! I'll try to get part 2 up soon, love you guys!

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