Time After Time- Steve Rogers

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(Gender Neutral Reader)

May 6th, 2016

"I can't believe you, out of all of us, are the one fighting against the rules!" you shouted at Steve.

"They don't seem like just rules Y/N. These are restrictions for how we do our job, how we protect people," Steve reasoned. 

"These accords will at least keep authorities off our backs! If we don't sign, you can bet anyone working for Ross will be breathing down our necks around the clock." You tried to keep your tone calm, but you were wrestling with your frustration. After the initial discussion, the two of you forgot the rest of your team was in the same room. 

"If we sign, then we might lose all control. Do you think anything would stop Ross from turning us into a team of dancing monkeys? Only here as a publicity stunt rather than what we should be? These accords put shackles on us." You dragged your hands over your hair and a grating sigh conveyed your frustration. There was an uncertainty caused by the situation that was squeezing your stomach, and your boyfriend disagreeing with you didn't make it better. 

"If we fight this, nothing good will come of it," you gritted through your teeth. Your best attempt to stay calm was starting to seem realistic while you glared at the carpet.

"I can't believe you could be so stupid!" Steve's outburst was what caused a tense silence to hang in the air. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath. 

You whipped your eyes up to see his already on yours. There was a whisper of regret in his stony gaze, but you were sure to keep your own steady. Neither of you were going to look away first. Though it seemed like it wasn't a big deal, Steve never, never, insulted you in any way. Not during fights, not as a joke, never. It would be a lie to say his comment didn't sting. Tears were starting to dot your eyes, and you had no more to say on the matter. As calmly as you could, you silently stood and left the room. Even your exit didn't ease the tense silence. 


There was a part of you that only sided with Tony because you and Steve were fighting. It was petty, and you regretted it. But you didn't regret fighting for what you thought was right. It wasn't until your friends were pitted against each other, put in prison, and torn apart that you regretted the whole thing. You were standing on the "winning" side, yet your heart stung with guilt. The Avengers were disbanded, and your boyfriend dropped off the grid. Your last interaction with Steve being a fight was what weighed on you the most. 

September 18th, 2016

It took a few months of unsteady searching to find where Steve was holed up. In retrospect, you should've suspected Brooklyn. It was in character for him to stick to his roots, to his home. Especially when everything else was crumbling apart. You only hoped he would hear you out, and that you could do the same. 

With hesitation, your fist tentatively knocked on the door you hoped he'd be behind. Nerves started to spitfire in your chest while you waited in a dark and sketchy hallway. There was movement behind the door but that only added to your uneasiness. What if he wasn't happy to see you? What if he was still mad after the Accords? What if-

The apartment's door was cracked open at first, then it swung fully open to reveal none other than Steve Rogers. His hair was getting longer, a short beard had taken over his chin and jaw, and a bright recognition lit up his blue eyes. Comfort and relief flooded your chest to drown your nervousness, and you found yourself fighting the urge to wrap your arms around him. "Y/N?" He may have meant it as a question, but it came out more as a sigh of relief. 

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," you breathed with tears building in your eyes. Steve stepped towards you to scoop you up in his arms. It was a hug that almost compensated for the weight and guilt of losing your family. 

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