Inconvenient Timing- Peter Parker

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(Female Reader)

Warnings: Minor smut implied

"Ow, shit..." Peter chuckled, rubbing where his forehead had connected with your open window. 

"Shh," you giggled yourself at how clumsy he always was climbing through your window. "How can Spider-Man not effectively climb through a window?" you teased as he finally stood fully in your room. 

"Shut up," he smiled, which undermined his serious tone, and tousled his fingers through his hair. 

"Why don't you make me?" you returned the smile while your hands trailed over his shoulders. 

"Well I'm confused as to what I would be doing here instead," Peter cheekily grinned in response. His arms were subtly coiling around your waist but it didn't go unnoticed. 

"Just kiss me, Parker," a chuckle left your lips and Peter practically swallowed it when he leaned in to kiss you. It was a familiar feeling, but you never grew tired of it. Though sometimes it could get tiring keeping your relationship on the down low. Not entirely secret or anything, but sometimes, for example today, you had to sneak Peter into your room to avoid a speech on how school took first priority. 

Your back hit your bed and Peter steadied himself above you, still continuing his loving and excited attack on your lips. The both of you smiled subconsciously into the kiss, and your legs wrapped around his waist. You ran your hands under his Midtown Tech crew neck before slipping it over his head. As per usual, you sighed in content seeing his toned upper body. A blush spiraled on his cheeks to accompany his smug smile. 

Upon feeling Peter stay still, you looked up to meet his eyes, brimming with adoration in the afternoon sun. "You know I love you, right?" he whispered. 

You tugged your bottom lip between your teeth through a loving smile. "Of course I do. I love you too." A gentle kiss punctuated your sentence, and you felt thoroughly content. 

"Y/N! Your father's here to see you!" You heard your mom yell from somewhere else in the apartment, which let a stream of panic course through you. 

"Shit..." you muttered as you pulled away from Peter. He noticed your panic immediately, and concern spread over his features. "One second mom!" you hollered back.

"What? What is it?" he asked. "I-I don't have to meet your dad right now.." he offered, though looking a bit nervous that you'd say the opposite.

"That's not it... Um, okay I was going to tell you this eventually, and now seems like an odd time but hey, it's happening anyway..." you rambled nervously. "Okay, so technically my dad is Tony Stark?" It came out more like a question, and Peter's eyes just about bulged out of his head. 

"WHAT?!" he yelled and sprang to his feet, with you following suit with a nervous shush, and your right hand flying up to cover his mouth. "How could you not tell me your dad was Tony Stark?! I talk about him all the time, you couldn't ever mention it?!" he now whisper-yelled under your fingers but his shock was still glaring. 

"Look, he knocked my mom up years ago and wasn't there for most of my childhood. I only found out who he was when he reached out to my mom and I when I was thirteen!" Through your rushed explanation, you kept throwing nervous looks to your door. "I don't go around telling people he's my dad because I don't really consider myself his-" You were interrupted by a sudden knock at your door. 

"Y/N?" Tony said from the other side. You'd avoided thinking about this conversation between you, Peter, and Tony, and you were in no way prepared for it. So, you went with the first idea that came to you: shoving Peter into your closet and begging him to just stay quiet. His eyes were still full of surprise and nervousness, but he didn't protest to hiding in your closet to avoid the situation. 

You quickly grabbed the first book you saw and launched onto your bed to seem as relaxed as possible. "Come in," you said, luckily rather calm. 

"Hey kiddo," Tony said after popping his head through the now open door. 

"Hey," you said, trying to ring out any nerves in your voice, and looking up from your book. Which you realized was upside down in your hands. "What's up?"

"Nothing really," he walked further into your room, pushing the limits of your anxiety as he wandered by your closet. "Didn't have any lunch plans, so I thought I'd see if you wanted to grab a bite. It's been a hot minute since we've caught up," he said genuinely. You didn't necessarily consider yourself Tony Stark's daughter, but the effort he had been making made your heart happy.

"Um yeah, I-" you started, but stopped just as quickly when you saw him staring at the Midtown Tech hoodie on your floor. "Actually, I have a lot of homework to do, but I'll take a rain check?" You regretted your voice sounding so rushed. Tony ignored your comment, and instead picked up the hoodie to get a better look at the logo. 

"I didn't think you went to Midtown?" he asked suspiciously. 

"Uh, ye-yeah I don't, that's a friend of mine's...must've left it here." Despite your attempts to sound casual, and like you weren't hiding a boyfriend you also worked with him in your closet, your voice still seemed nervous. It was then that his eyes caught an open notebook on yous desk, with Spider-Man doodles in the margin. Of course that was open...

The color drained from your face, and your heartbeat was bouncing between your ears. Tony set the hoodie down on your desk and swapped it for the notebook. "These aren't half bad," he said, an almost knowing smile on his face. "I didn't know you were a fan of Spider-Boy." 

Just as you were about to respond, your heard a very faint "Spider-Man" said from your closet, and knew that Tony heard it too. Your eyes fluttered closed in defeat. 

You heard the closet door clicking open, and opened your eyes to see Peter with the epitome of a "deer in the headlights" look on his face. He was trying to cross his arms over his shirtless torso, like that would cover it, and stumbled into a casual tone. "H-hey, Mr. Stark I um was just..I uh..."

"Have you been screwing my daughter Parker?" Tony asked out of nowhere, and both yours and Peter's eyes widened in shock as you both launched into some sort of explanation. Peter slipped by Tony, who was standing still as a rock, to grab his sweatshirt and yank it on.

"No! No, he was just-"

"I-I would never... Mr. Stark that's not-"

Suddenly, Tony let out a laugh and clapped a hand on Peter's back. "Hah! You should've seen the look on your face. Priceless. You really do fall for anything, Peter." 

You and Peter exchanged a worried and confused look. "So, you're not, mad?" you asked, your voice getting smaller with each word. 

"Of course not. I know both of you, you're good kids. And you suit each other. Plus, I know you'd never do anything to hurt my daughter." You noticed the fear on Peter's face when Tony tightened his grip on his shoulder. "So, you have my blessing," he smiled, releasing his grip. 

"Thank you," you smiled yourself, and your hand found Peter's.

"And you have my word, Mr. Stark. I'd never hurt her, no matter what." For the first time that afternoon, his voice was steady. 


Hey guys, thanks for reading! Hope everyone's having a great day! I wanted to do a Spider-Man one in honor of me meeTING TOM HOLLAND TOMORROW! If I stop uploading, it's because I died after seeing him. Anyway, vote, comment, and request! Love you guys!

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