Are You Jealous?- Clint Barton

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(Female Reader)

Parties never really were your thing. Too loud, too many people, not that any of them really noticed you. Especially not the person you wanted to notice you. Honestly, you'd rather be anywhere else. But, you were officially an Avenger and your team mates, one in particular, loved to throw parties. And you, being the great team mate you are, agreed to go to one of the famous Tony Stark parties, despite dreading the idea.

So, there you sat, sipping some cocktail Natasha recommended and enjoying solitude. Luckily she'd only swayed your choice of drink and not your choice of clothing, because otherwise you'd be in some dress cutting off your circulation and really hating your life. Much to your content, an airy black tank top hung off your shoulders, white ripped skinny jeans hugged comfortably to your legs, and black heels boosted your height and your confidence.

Your h/c hair was worn naturally, and black mascara and a light smoky eye made your e/c eyes pop. There was about a ten minute debate prior to the party between you, Natasha, and Wanda and you had to convince them that red lipstick was not a good idea. Seeing your reflection in your glass, you wished you'd won that argument.

No one else was sitting with you at the lowly lit bar, so that gave you a fantastic opportunity to look around at the other party goers. Some old veterans, some scientists, and plenty of people you'd never seen before. And then your eyes landed on him. He was talking to Sam and Rhodey, and then he laughed. His face lit up and you couldn't help but think, damn you Clint Barton for making me fall in love with you. Everyone was laughing and having a good time, well...not everyone. Tony really did know how to throw a party.

"Out of all the people here, how'd you wind up sitting alone?" Speaking of...You didn't have to turn to the seat next to you to know Stark was there.

"I guess I'm better off by myself," you halfheartedly said, looking up at Iron Man himself.

"Oh come on, don't say that. That hurts my feelings, being a part of the team that you're now a part of too," Tony smirked and you let a little smile slip through. "Seriously though, you should be with somebody. I'd be more than happy to oblige," he sent a small wink your way and you rolled your eyes, but you couldn't help laughing a bit. Glancing over his shoulder, a very pissed off Clint caught your eye. He almost glared at you, then stormed off towards the balcony.

"Uh, excuse me," you said quickly, downing the rest of your drink. You sprang to your feet and made your way through the chatting mass of party goers. Moving away from the higher concentration of people, you shoved open the glass door to the balcony. Clint, who was leaning against railing, barely paid any attention when you walked out onto the balcony. "Are you okay?" you asked, walking closer to him.

He glanced at you, shaking his head. "Not really," he replied flatly.

"You wanna tell me what's wrong?" you asked carefully, leaning next to him. He was silent for a long while, so you decided to break the silence. "Well, I'll tell you what's on my mind then; I hate parties. Hate 'em. Much rather be with a small group of people and talking about things that matter. Or even if they didn't matter, I wouldn't really care. With smaller groups, everyone's pathetic and stupid as that sounds. But with big parties, nobody really notices me," you said sadly. You could tell he was looking at you, but you were afraid to see what expression he was wearing so you avoided eye contact. "Alright your turn, Barton." You nudged his arm with your elbow, and he remained silent for a while before responding.

"Have you ever cared about someone so much, you couldn't bear the thought of losing them? And telling them how you feel would only drive them away so, you can't risk it? And it's eating you alive because all you want to do is tell them. Tell them how amazing, and beautiful, and funny, and kind they are and a thousand other things, but you can't..." The sadness in Clint's voice was heartbreaking to hear. You looked away from him and towards the skyline of New York. "And then you see them flirting with Tony freakin' Stark..." he muttered angrily and you whipped your head to face him.

"Wait that's what this is about? Are you, jealo-" You asked hesitantly but he interrupted.

"And you just want to tell them that they're seen," he said sincerely, and the loving look in his eyes proved it. "Tell them that they are not only loved but extremely so...but you can't. Because if they don't feel the same, nothing would-" now it was your turn to interrupt, but in a different way. You held his face in your hands and collided your lips to Clint's. He seemed surprised at first, but kissed back without hesitation.

His hands wrapped gently around your waist, holding you close to him. You pulled away but stayed in a close proximity to him. "I do, feel the same." He smiled in relief it seemed, and you chuckled when you glanced down to his lips.

"What?" Clint asked. You ran a thumb over his lower lip to remove some of the red lipstick. He looked down to your thumb and smiled accusingly at you.

"Don't worry, it's a good color on you."


Thanks for reading! Sorry for this extremely late request but vote and comment!

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