Secret's Not So Safe- Deadpool

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(Female Reader)

*Language warning cause, well it's Deadpool*

"I really have to go," you hummed through another kiss with Wade. 

"Now, I disagree," he started, tightening his hold on your waist. "Because I know for a fact you'd rather stay in bed with me instead of going to another self-righteous super orgy with your avenging buddies." You rolled your eyes through a smile before turning in his arms to face him. 

"Oh, you know for a fact huh? Did you read my mind? Have I been dating Professor X this whole time?" you fake gasped. The morning sun showed a twinkle of admiration in his eye.

"I would consider myself lucky to be confused with James McAvoy or Patrick Stuart," Wade said confidently. Another smile bloomed from your cheeks as you leaned in to kiss him again. 

"You know I'd stay with you in a heartbeat, but it's my job," you said with a sigh, reluctantly pulling away from his grip. "And besides, it's not like you don't do this too, Deadpool," you shot him a smirk while gathering your clothes that were thrown off the night before. 

"Yes, but you knew going in that I would never pass on the opportunity to shit on that selective group of dicks." You heard a note of jealousy in his voice while yanking on your shirt.

"You sure you're not just jealous? I mean, you have always wanted to see Iron Man in the flesh," you smirked before pulling on your shoes.

"I never wanted to be apart of their superhero frat house anyway!" he yelled defensively. You chuckled before grabbing your phone and keys. "Who still don't know about us.." Despite your rush to get out the door, you stopped. A sigh escaped your nose while guilt weighed down on your chest. You and Wade of course discussed this when you first started dating, and agreed keeping each other a secret would be best to keep you both safe. However, that didn't mean it was easy. Or preferable.

You turned to kneel beside him, bouncing slightly on your shared bed. "Wade, we've talked about this. Keeping each other a secret is the best way to keep each other safe." He raised his eyebrows at that. "" You held his cheeks in your hands before kissing him as a sort of apology for things being the way they were. 

"I'm just glad this is being written without being canon with Infinity War. If that purple ball sack laid a finger on you, I would've had to actually help those fuckers. And they really don't deserve me." He never failed to make you smile, no matter the context. 

You pushed up to a stand and headed toward the door. "I should be back tonight, it seems like a simple mission." Pulling the door open, you paused before turning back to the sight of Wade lying shirtless in bed. "Try not to do anything colossally stupid until I get back?"

"Maybe I'll just do Colossus!" he shouted after you.

"Like you haven't done it before!" you yelled back while shutting the door. 


Simple mission...well that turned out to be a lie. Well not entirely, it just didn't end like you expected. Due to some visibility issues, Cap accidentally threw his shield into your leg, effectively shattering it. Maybe not, but it sure felt like it. 

Sam and Steve carried you into the compound's infirmary after the mission with Steve apologizing profusely. You knew he would never stop feeling badly about this accident, but you barely had the energy to say more than "It wasn't on purpose, Steve" through your teeth. You were just focusing on breathing through the pain of a broken leg. 

They rested you on a table with a stifled groan on your part. "We're gonna get a doctor in here to help you out, alright Y/N?" Sam blurrily explained in your pain hindered vision. 

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