Ghosts are rattling behind the windows

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When Snake finally makes it out of the house, Kro turns a questioning look to Lily, "Did you notice that?"

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When Snake finally makes it out of the house, Kro turns a questioning look to Lily, "Did you notice that?"

Lily nods to herself and says, "Snake doesn't pay off debts. You are right."

"Not only. He is also much more confident and sharp-tongued. Something's wrong." Kro mutters as he stands by the wall.

"What do you offer?" Lily asks, biting her nail with her teeth.

"I do not know. More. But whatever it is, you're right. Something more will come of it," answers Kro, frowning.

Lily adjusts her jacket and asks, "Is it true then?"

"What is true?" asks Kro.

"Have the fringes really become so critical?" Lily asks, looking at Kro with her head tilted slightly to the side.

Kro swallows quietly and says, "Yes. But that's not the only reason why I've been hiding here for so long."

Lily raises an eyebrow and Kro continues, "Storm is dangerous, Lily. That's what I'm telling you. Especially now that she's...again..."

"SHE'S PREGNANT AGAIN!?" yells Lily, kicking the ground and trying to calm down.

"And not for too much longer. And her ring.." mumbles Kro.

"What's up with that?" Lily asks, rubbing her temples.

"W-with what? She's just changed the ring. Many women do this..." Kro tries to explain.

"I-I trusted her..." Lily mumbles, clutching her head with both hands.

"I know," answers Kro, looking down.

"And now... she betrayed me! She betrayed me!" Lily screams even louder until she grabs her stomach with one hand.

Kro groans in pain and watches as Lily collapses in agony.

Yes, Lily had seen betrayal before. But she had never reacted to it. Her blue eyes were filled with pure rage, hatred and revenge.

At times like these, the boy wished he hadn't had to see it. But now there was something even more involved. The sadness that Lily is trying to hide was also mixed in there.

Kro steps closer to the girl and says: "What I can do? Tell me."

"Kro, what she did to me.... It's not yours to fix. Stella Storm Snakov betrayed me, not you. And she must bear the responsibility for this."

"And you really hope revenge will help with that?" Kro asks.

Lily sighs to herself and asks, "What would you do? How do I know there aren't more traitors among my troops?''

"You can't know. And it would be difficult to determine it alone," answers Kro, looking behind him.

"Yes. Which is why I need you." Lily mutters, looking down.

"With what?" Kro asks, crouching next to the girl.

"I need you. To protect your city. Your people. Ghosts," Lily explains.

"Ghosts protect us, Lily. They know the price your soul has had to pay for them. They will fight you. We'll fight you." and places a hand on Lily's shoulder, whispering, "And if war is what Storm wants, I'll give it to her. No matter what. Because I mean it, Lily. I want to stand by your side as long as I can."

"So... we're doing all this for Wendel's empire?" Lily asks looking at Kro.

"As much as we can do under our current contract," Kro replies with a shrug.

"No. That way we wouldn't get very far. When we play, we do it right. A full house. Proximity and all that..." says Lily looking at Kro.

"Would you be ready for that?" Kro asks doubtfully.

" But if I ever want to establish myself in front of the world, I have to be ready to take such steps."

"Okay. But if you feel it's going too far, you tell me. And we'll stop it," says Kro warningly.

Lily nods quietly and walks down the streets.

The idea of falling into Kro's arms is naturally dangerous. But being caught between them... seems like a dream.


Snake stands quietly in his doorway, watching Storm quietly look out the window at the moon before placing his jacket on the back of a chair and slumping wearily onto the couch.

Storm turns to Snake and smiles at him as she quietly sits down next to Snake and asks, "Where have you been for so long?"

Snake sighs to himself and mutters, "Out."

Storm shifts even closer to the boy until she's half on top of the boy, but Snake moans, "Ow, get off. It hurts."

Storm pulls away from Snake disdainfully as the boy begins to softly mumble his leg and mumbles gruffly, "What have I done to you?!"

Snake looks at the girl with a questioning expression and says, "I have warned you many times. My leg has not yet fully recovered from the war."

"Your leg hasn't recovered from the war? How many times have you used this excuse? For the thousandth time?" Storm asks as she walks up to Snake.

"Because I have no other explanation for it. By the way, what explanation do you have for that belly?" Snake asks venomously.

Storm looks down at her stomach and says, "Don't even try. I am very capable of taking responsibility for my actions. Right now it's about you."

Snake looks at the girl's hand, which is wearing a wedding ring with a white stone, and asks, "Where did you get that ring?"

"Gabriel gave it to me," Storm replies moodily.

"Can I see?" Snake asks, holding out his hand to the girl.

But Storm suddenly pulls her hand away and Snake nods quietly as he walks towards the children's bedroom and asks, "Talk to you in the morning?"

Storm turns her back on him and mutters, "Okay."

Snake nods sleepily and enters the dark room when he suddenly notices Mira sitting attentively on the bed.

"Daddy!" the girl squeals happily and Snake quietly kneels over her and whispers, "Hey Mi-Mi. Why aren't you sleeping already? All the ghosts are waiting for you to get to know them."

"Can't sleep," Mira says, snuggling into Snake's embrace.

Snake swallows uneasily and asks, "Shall we sleep together? Maybe then sleep will come."

Mira looks at the window and whispers, "Ghosts are scary, Daddy. They are rattling outside the windows."

Snake kisses the girl softly on the cheek and whispers, "Ghosts are very restless creatures, Mira. They are looking for something."

"What are they looking for daddy?" Mira asks looking at Snake.

"I don't know. That's what Aunt Lily is trying to find out," replies Snake, smiling at her daughter.

"Can I help Aunt Lily?" Mira asks hopefully.

Snake chuckles softly and says, "Let's see that in the morning, shall we? For now, you must remain acquainted."

Mira yawns quietly and Snake lies down next to the kids and they both fall into a deep sleep.

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