Playing chess with the criminals of the world

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About 10 minutes later Than and Shadow arrive at their secret base and Shadow sets Marc down on one of the small chairs

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About 10 minutes later Than and Shadow arrive at their secret base and Shadow sets Marc down on one of the small chairs.

Than looks at Shadow and asks, "What do we do now?"

"I'll stay here. You see to it that Night gets the message to Kro. And would get here before the others," says Shadow quietly.

Than nods quietly and runs back towards the city, leaving Shadow here to quietly guard the others.

As soon as Shadow settles down, he notices Marc silently glaring at him, asking, "Why did you do all that?"

"It's all a decoy, Marc," Shadow replies stiffly.

"You shouldn't kill them. Think what would happen if Lily..." Marc tries to say.

"It's Lily's decision what becomes of them. But I think she'd rather let them fry," says Shadow quietly.

By this time, Irina and Vasili also open their eyes.

Irina turns her gaze to Shadow and asks, "Where are we?"

"In Wendel. More. But we have to escape," Shadow answers quietly.

Irina looks at the girl and asks: "Why?"

"We're playing a dangerous game, Irina. Because if you're right, then..." says Shadow.

"They are trying to manipulate them, Irina," replies Vassili, appearing next to the girl.

Shadow nods quietly and says, "We had no choice. It seems those who are not on our side are trying to boycott Lily. And his throne."

"And how do we escape from here? Do you have a plan at all?" asks Irina, looking at Vassil.

"Yes it is. And for now we have to stay put." Shadow hisses bitterly.

As midnight approaches, Lily feels something stirring in her stomach and begins to move again, quietly crawling out of Kro's arms and walking quietly to the window, muttering, "What's happening to me?"

Kro quietly squints his eyes and asks: "What are you doing up so late?"

"I felt hot," Lily answers, looking at the boy.

Kro nods quietly and asks, "Bad dream?"

"I love nightmares, Kro. They keep the senses sharp," Lily replies with a smile.

Kro walks up to the girl and asks, "Are you sure there's nothing I can do for you?"

Lily nods quietly and says, "I don't think it should be too bad. I've been having these sharp stomach pains. It wouldn't be the first time."

Kro nods cautiously and grabs Lily around the shoulders and whispers, "Sometimes... I've wished I could feel what it would be like if I was going through all the pain you're going through."

Lily turns to Kro and asks, "Why?"

Kro smiles and says, "Because I care about you, Lily."

Lily pulls away from the boy slightly and says, "Kro, I..."

But before Kro can open his mouth to say anything, Night flies in and lands on Lily's palm, raising his right leg and showing her a small roll of paper.

"What do you have there, Night?" Lily asks, petting the crow tenderly.

Kro looks at Lily and holds the crow while Lily takes a roll of paper from his leg and reads it silently.

"What does it say?" Kro asks, frowning.

But Lily looks around and says, "We have to go."

Kro looks at Lily and Lily says, "Trust me, Kro. We have to run."

Kro looks hesitantly at Night, but as soon as Lily starts running, he feels his only instinct is to follow her.

Lily peeps at the boy once more out of the corner of her eye. He really runs after her without even thinking. The girl feels a shooting in her legs, but it doesn't stop her. Running through deserted streets with only Kro on his heels gives her inexplicable thoughts.

One of the loudest thoughts is that if Kro is willing to follow her, how far would he go?

When she finally reaches Than's base, Lily notices Than standing in front of her, grinning.

"Than?" Lily asks looking at the boy.

"Black bloom. I didn't think that Night would find you so quickly," Than replies with a smile.

"Night found Kro. Ash finds me. It always has been. And that's how it will be," replies Lily, looking at Thani's rings.

"And right now it's important that you not be found. Because if you are found...." Than rushes her.

Lily shakes her head and wraps one arm around Than and whispers, "Than, not you too..."

But Than shakes his head and glances over Lily's shoulder and shouts, "Black bird, now!"

Kro rushes closer to Than and Than whispers the last words to Lily, "In the end... it all comes down to our survival. What about us.."

"Politics," they reply in chorus, and Lily lets Than wrap her arms around her and help her into the car, yelling through the door, "Now, shady!"

Shadow nods and Vassili, Irina, Marc and Kro run to the car.

Kro grabs the steering wheel and says, "Let's take over the world?"

Everyone in the car looks at each other and Lily says, "Let's do it."

"By all means." Shadow replies looking at Lily.

"Let someone try to stop us," says Irina triumphantly.

"I feel like I got into a car with the most psycho girls in the world," Marc mutters.

Vassili shrugs his shoulders and says: "Well, now it's probably too late to change my mind."

"Looks like...yeah," Marc mutters.

Kro grins and presses the gas pedal, and with the roar of the engine, the journey to Milan begins - to play chess with the criminals of the world.

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