All 'bout politics

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As Adrian quietly turns off the main road onto a side road, he mutters to himself, "Italy, here we come!"

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As Adrian quietly turns off the main road onto a side road, he mutters to himself, "Italy, here we come!"

Valerie stares at Adrian quietly and begins to wave her arms when Adrian feels a strong light near him and says, "We should find you a change of clothes. A sedan, though."

But when he says that, Valerie is already looking out the window.


At the same time, Lily puts on her shoes and Kro, holds out her hand and asks, "How about a little walk in Milan, Miss Black?"

Lily freezes for a moment and asks, "What?"

Kro smiles quietly and says: "You still have a lot of influence in Italy. And in a political sense, what better way to show it than to show that you have found someone who supports your plans."

Lily shakes her head thoughtfully, then turns to Kro with a doubtful expression and asks, "Political sense?"

"If you're going to the throne, you have to be able to show that you have real people who really stand by you. Because at the moment... all this talk about Lily Black or Liliana Elizabeth Ferecci returning to the throne can only seem like... a rumor to many," Kro explains quietly.

Lily quietly bites her lip and touches the silver lily pendant chain around her neck, muttering, "It's true that we've been...not seen much lately, but still...are you sure about that?"

Kro nods and adds, "No ruler is born overnight, my queen. To get closer to their people, they all had to take small steps."

Lily looks at Luna, who has now walked up to the two of them, and asks, "Can they associate me with him?"

Luna smiles softly and says, "No matter who you try to become, your Italian-English roots will always be your starting point. And also a place where you can find a sense of security and strength to move forward."

Lily swallows quietly and asks, "What about what I've been trying to do? Tried to break this cycle?'

Luna nods quietly and asks, "Yeah, but... if you break something that started everything, where do you go back to when it's all over?"

Kro looks at Lily and then turns to Luna and says, "We'll deal with it when we get to it. After all, it's something that doesn't have to be decided right away.. right?"

Luna stares at Lily with a questioning expression, then turns to Kro with a soft smile and replies in her velvety voice, "No, of course not. God has his plans ready - it's just up to us to move forward along this path."

Kro nods quietly and says, "If you believe so, Luna..." and kisses her hand.

Luna sends the boy a half-smile and Kro gives her another suspicious look, gently taking Lily's hand in his and kissing her cheek, "Shall we go?"

Lily looks at Kro and nods quietly.


Alina stands quietly in the middle of the city and stares quietly at the walls of the houses, until suddenly Than steps closer to her and asks: "Alina, what brings you here?"

Alina turns to him and swallows, seeing that a gun is visible from under his jacket, and says: "I didn't want this war. It's about Lev."

"And yet you went with him," Than replies, walking closer to the girl.

Alina nods quietly and says, "Sometimes I get the better of myself, Than. And when that happens, nothing comes of it."

Than chuckles quietly and raises an eyebrow, "You think your apology is enough to stop the war from starting?"

"I'm not the enemy here," says Alina, gathering courage.

"You threatened Lily. Anyone who questions Wendel's position as queen or her abilities and is willing to stand against it is a traitor to both the queen and her people. And traitors are also considered blood enemies in this area. So if I were you, I'd shut up, Alina." Than hisses, pushing the girl against the wall and grabbing her by the throat.

Alina gasps for breath as she speaks in a hoarse voice, "Please... mercy... it was my choice to seek refuge in Lily's empire. I didn't know that Lev would force himself to come with me."

Than grits his teeth and asks in a low, dark voice, "And where is your darling Lev now?"

Alina shakes her head, tears streaming from her eyes: "I don't know... I really don't know!"

Than lets the girl fall with a thud and replies, "I can offer you no mercy. However, I can offer you a place among Lily's most loyal members."

Alina quietly rubs her neck and asks, "What's the price?"

Than chuckles quietly and says, "From now on, you'll leave Lev alone and join us."

Alina nods softly and rubs her injured shoulder softly, and Than motions his head towards his house, "Come with me. Let me help you with that bullet."

Alina looks suspiciously at the bullet once more and says, "So.. as soon as the bullet is out.. I'll be among the most loyal members of Lily's team... leaving Levi alone?"

Than nods softly and says, "It's time to be selfish, Alina."

Alina half laughs and says: "Yes. Yes, it is, Than."

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