Why does trust have to be so fragile?

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After a few weeks away, Alina feels the contentment begin to heal her body again

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After a few weeks away, Alina feels the contentment begin to heal her body again. Her senses and perceptions are much sharper again, giving her the strength to work more with and train Mira and Myles.

The joy she had lost before had also begun to seep into her mind, bringing a gentle, soft smile to her face that infected the twins. Although it was best seen on Mira, which didn't mean Myles hadn't tried, but with her... it was just a little more difficult. Despite all of this, Alina tried to make sure that they both had a varied and busy day, one that would allow them to develop their fighting skills and important daily knowledge, but also keep away worries about their father's growing addiction and their mother's death.

However, some small element kept him on guard at all times. And everyone around him was beginning to notice. Especially Than. And that even today.

Alina and Mira were sitting in her and Lev's base, learning simple assault tactics, when Than quietly knocked on the door.

Alina turns to Mira and asks: "Shall we give it a try?"

Mira nods silently and with a swift kick kicks the door open and pushes Than's foot against the wall by the door, " Yield!"

Alina grins quietly and says: "Well done, Mrs Snakov. Now take a little break."

"But Alina..." tries Mira to protest.

Than leans over to Mira and says: "You owe me a coup de grace, killer."

Mira snorts something under her nose and Than walks up to Alina and asks: "How are you, nameless?"

Alina shrugs and says: "I'd like to say fine. And... yet. Something still seems wrong."

Than rolls his eyes and says: "Nameless, you've been talking about it all week."

Alina nods silently and looks at the window, "I just have a bad feeling. You look at the window and Alina nods. Calmness has never been a good sign in Wendel. Especially after our gang came."

Than sends the girl a sly smile and says: "You really want to talk about this... now?"

Alina looks at Mira and asks: "Mi-mi, can I ask you something?"

Mira nods quietly and Alina asks: "Did Lev tell you to keep a secret?"

Mira nods eagerly and Alina looks at the curled paper in the girl's hand and asks: "Is the secret written on the paper?"

Mira hands Alina a small piece of paper and asks: "Can I go now?"

Alina nods silently and says: "You were very good, green eyes."

Mira jumps for joy and Than adds: "You heard what Alina asked you to do: go hide now. We'll tell you when you can come out."

When Mira goes back, Than booms, "These coordinates are somehow criminally familiar."

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