Threshold of war

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"Do you even know what time it is?" Scale asks, pushing himself out of his daze

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"Do you even know what time it is?" Scale asks, pushing himself out of his daze.

"I need your help," Adrian whispers quietly.

"What are you so busy with that it can't wait until morning?" Scale asks sleepily.

"Package. I need it to get to Gabriel somehow. Could you help me?" asks Adrian, his face full of blur.

Scale sighs to himself and mumbles, "Yeah well...come in. Show in advance."

Adrian places the black package in front of Scale and Scale proceeds to carefully analyze it.

Seeing the carefulness with which Scale looks and examines the package, Adrian takes a few steps back and fills his lungs with restless air.

Scale casts a suspicious glance at Adrian and asks, "What are you doing with ants in your pants?"

Adrian swallows quietly and mutters, "I just hope I can trust you with this package."

Scale chuckles to himself and says, "If you don't trust me, you can always ask Snake for help..."

"No. No need. You're good enough," Adrian answers, frightened.

"Can you wait til morning?" Scale asks, looking at the package.

Adrian shakes his head and hands the man a 200-euro note: "I can raise the stakes."

Scale chuckles to himself and rejects the money, "Then no. Not a single note is from Lily's trust, which is worth at least 5,000 such notes."

"If it's about money, I'll have it. I promise," Adrian answers, gritting his teeth.

"Fuck your money. You can't put a price tag on a sold soul. It stays there." Scale replies as he places the package on the chair.

"Then I have no choice," Adrian replies and stabs Scale's throat and runs into the room, grabs his black package and slips into Scale's jacket, puts on his glasses and pulls the collar around his face. The last thing she does is grab the car keys along with his passport and jump into the car.

Getting into the car, he presses the gas pedal to the bottom and drives out of Wendel's city limits by the broken wall, listening in horror as the red sensor goes off behind him.


That same night, in Than's arms, Shadow wakes up and pulls on her cape and walks down the window.

She glances towards the window and reaches for one of her knives, but Than has already put his hand on it and asks, "What is it, Shadow?"

Shadow shakes her head to herself and mutters, "Something's wrong. I can feel it."

Than looks at Shadow and asks, "Do you want me to come with you?"

Shadow bites her lip and asks, "What could you do?"

Than walks closer to Shadow and puts his hands on her shoulders and says, "If something were to happen to you, you'd have a chance to call me for help."

Shadow smiles softly at Than and says, "Come with me then."

"And you with me," Than whispers, kissing the girl on the forehead.

Shadow quietly rolls her eyes, but as she reaches the street, she suddenly becomes very alert and turns to Than, "Are those the sensors on the gate towers?"

Than stands next to the girl, but Shadow quietly hops away and Than moves towards Snake's base.

Shadow feels some secret animal growling inside her as she runs along the wall, listening silently to the gravel crunching under her feet and the night wind cutting across the skin of her face.

She could have sworn she could smell the bittersweet scent of crimson blood in the air, wafting in the wind.

Her jumps are calm and her eyes are full of anger.

It was the threshold of war. And this time it was a war, not just something that Lily simplified to call a war to avoid saying that this war was just a repressed contradiction...that might never end.

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