What do criminals want?

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When Lily finally gets to her room, she throws herself into her bed and grabs her pillow around her, hiding her face in it

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When Lily finally gets to her room, she throws herself into her bed and grabs her pillow around her, hiding her face in it.

Her hands clutch her stomach and she screams at the ceiling and starts pacing back and forth across the room.

How could Kro even think like that! After all... what he had seen... what the girl had done for this empire...

But she doesn't have time to think about it for long when he suddenly hears a familiar voice behind her saying: "La mia bella Liliana." („My beautiful Liliana.")

"Luna?" Lily asks, raising her head and turning her around. 

"Quindi è vero

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"Quindi è vero. Hai sconfitto la morte e sei sopravvissuto." she says, smiling softly at her. ("So it's true. You defeated death and survived.")

Lily runs to her and pulls her into a hug, whispering, "Pensavo che Marcello Ferecci fosse arrivato a te." („I thought Marcello Ferecci had got you.")

"Pensavo lo stesso," the woman answers, embracing the girl. („I thought the same.")

"Luna, ho bisogno di te. Temo che potrei non essere la ragazza che ero una volta." Lily answers, lowering her head. ("Luna, I need you. I fear I may not be the girl I once was.")

"Liliana..." Luna begins to say.

"Non sono più Liliana. Sono Lily Black. Sono la regina dei fantasmi." says Lily quietly. ("I am no longer Liliana. I'm Lily Black. I am the queen of ghosts.")

"Capisco!" Luna says with a laugh. ("I understand!")

"Sai come potrei diventare la regina dell'impero dei criminali?" asks Lily looking at Luna. („Do you know how I could become the queen of the criminal empire?")

"Beh... cosa intendi per governare l'Impero Criminale?" Luna says, sitting next to the girl. („Well... what do you mean by ruling the Criminal Empire?")

"Voglio mostrare loro che la mia influenza è forte. Desidero governare il mondo criminale. E dimostrare che non sono quello che si aspettano che io sia... la figlia di Marcello Ferecci." Lily explains quietly. („I want to show them that my influence is strong. I wish to rule the criminal world. And prove that I'm not what they expect me to be... Marcello Ferecci's daughter.")

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