All roads seem to lead to Rome

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When Akita and Adrian finally find a spare room, Adrian closes the door and asks: "Are you all right, concubine?"

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When Akita and Adrian finally find a spare room, Adrian closes the door and asks: "Are you all right, concubine?"

Akita sighs softly and asks: "Did you know that Lev Sergeyevich is in Italy?"

Adrian nods quietly, "I knew. I found out that he had gone to Italy only recently."

Akita nods quietly and asks: "And... either... or rather why...?"

Adrian steps closer to the girl and says: "Because I don't act purely on hearsay."

Akita bites her lip and pouts: "'Hearsay for hearsay'... In central and southern Italy, safety is a dice game and instead of warning anyone or anything, you screw up and hide. And when I ask you about it, you shut up and tell me to stay still." She folds her arms at her sides and roars: "Why, I ask. WHY?!"

"Because I expected you to react like that. And... in a war situation we don't have..."

Akita raises a sarcastic eyebrow: "In a war situation? We? Are you sure we're talking about the same thing?"

Adrian slams her hands on the table and asks: "So what do you think we're in if not war!?".

Akita retreats a few steps and says: "The only ones who can declare a state of war are the rulers of the Crimean Empire. But as I see it, their absence is being abused even when more than 60% of their district's immediate community is holding on to the last straw with ten fingernails. And so do those who have sworn allegiance to Lily and Kronos."

"That's where you're wrong." Snarls Adrian with his hands clenched in his fists.

Akita crosses her arms over her chest and asks: "So even... a few months after training them as rulers, crowning them and... their wedding, you didn't even think to swear allegiance to them?"

Adrian shakes his head and says: "They already understand my position. My words and homage would mean nothing to them!"

Akita redirects her gaze and says: "I thought the same thing, Adrian. But... the first time I made it official to them, I realized later that my fear was unfounded."

"You don't understand..." says Adrian, shaking his head.

Akita puts the picture she found in the barn back on the table and turns her soft eyes to him, giving a cold pout: "Then explain it to me."

" You'd fight me!" Adrian snaps dismissively.

"I'm already fighting you!" Akita hisses angrily.

Adrian swears quietly and explains: "Lily and I are both Italian. And we both know the political system better than anyone. Moreover, we both hate Gabriel Beaumont and the system set up by our parents. And finally, as if that wasn't enough, we are both innovative and willing to work with people whose parents have the same story, without either of us feeling the need to slobber all over the other."

Akita swallows quietly, a tear streaming down her face: "And who would I look like standing next to you?"

Adrian takes her hands in his and says: "Thy power would match mine by many miles. For you, too, would be the heir to the Pacific Rim Mafia throne."

"That would sound menacing, don. Because everything that belongs to me... belongs to you."

"And that would scare you?" Adrian asks, rubbing her cheek.

"Maybe I'm a fool to say this, but yes. And given the way I'm being looked at right now, I'm not sure if the way I'm being looked at right now... will change." Says Akita, casting down her gaze.

Adrian lets go of her arms and says: "How long have you felt like this?"

"Does it matter?" Akita asks quietly and turns to the window and asks: "Or haven't you realised yet that I'm not... the kind of woman who just dresses nice and does business with gullible men?"

"It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that given the fact that if Scipiot hadn't been around..." Adrian tries to explain.

"You think I couldn't have handled the situation?" Akita asks, dropping her hands to her sides.

"Gabriel is a dangerous man, Akita." Adrian says cautiously.

"All people in the Criminal Empire are dangerous people!" Akita hisses venomously: "...But apparently I'm not one for you..."

"Rani - Akita Wang!" Adrian hisses angrily.

"I know you care deeply about me. But since we still... don't know each other too well, you'll have to let me take it all in my stride. Unless you just..." says Akita quietly.

"So you... don't trust me now?" Adrian asks, quietly emphasising each word.

Akita quietly spreads her hands and says: "To be honest, the word 'trust' is causing me a great deal of disgust and anger towards the word itself right now."

Adrian thinks for a moment and asks: "Do you want me to ask you for forgiveness?"

Akita shakes her head and says: "You've had a long night, Adrian. I wish you would sleep it off and concentrate on yourself for a while."

"And you? What's going to become of you?" Adrian asks, looking at the girl with pleading eyes.

Akita gently pulls her hands out from between the boy's and says: "One of the most common misconceptions I've noticed about men is the idea that a woman necessarily needs someone to make her feel good. But let me tell you something - it's just a false illusion." And standing on the doorstep adds: "But if you really want to think about something, remember that I'm not doing it for politics, but for the good of myself and the people I love. And if you can't do that, I'm in no state not to be your judge."

As Akita finally exits the door and heads for her dressing room, she hears a soft knock on the door and says: "Come in!"

Nadja is standing at the door, and she sits down with the girl and says: "I heard you..."

Akita nods quietly and asks: "What did you infer from what you heard?"

Nadja chuckles to herself and says: "I thought I felt your spine growing through the walls of the mansion."

Akita grins to herself and says: "I just don't think... I don't know anymore."

Nadja nods quietly and says: "As someone who has known Adrian for a long time..." she thinks for a moment and says: "You know what! You don't really need this right now."

Akita shakes her head in confusion and asks: "What are you..."

Nadja sighs and says: "Adrian is a complicated person. And sometimes... he lets himself be driven by ambition. And now that he's found out about his mother...I can see it happening to him again."

Akita spreads her arms and asks: "So what are you going to do?"

Nadja thinks for a moment and says: "I'm going to Rome. And I'm going to bring that damned Lev Sergeyevich to watch Lily and Kronos finally start their dynasty."

"And then what?" Akita asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I'll hand him over to the rulers of Criminal Empire and Wendel. Because in the end, he's still a humble servant of the Wendel Empire." Nadja answers without hesitation, and twisting the bayonet in her hand, she points its tip at Akita and asks: "What do you say, Ms Wang?"

Akita stands up and grabs the butt of the bayonet and says: "It seems that all roads lead to Rome."

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