By her

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Kro walks quietly along the streets until he suddenly hears suspicious noises from Electra's house and turns inside

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Kro walks quietly along the streets until he suddenly hears suspicious noises from Electra's house and turns inside.

When he walks into Electra's headquarters, he first notices a young man standing against the wall and asks, "Electra? Are you here?"

Electra quietly gets up from her chair and looks in Kro's direction and almost jumps on his neck shouting, "You're back! It was about time!"

Kro mumbles to himself when suddenly a dark male voice is heard in the distance, who suddenly steps out of the shadows and Krod looks at him with a thoughtful expression.

"And you are...?" Kro asks, looking at Electra.

Electra looks at Marc quietly and says: "Don't worry. He is one of us."

"Hmh," Marc mutters from a distance and reaches out to Kro, saying, "Marc Gauthier."

Kro nods quietly and shakes the boy's hand and says, "Kro."

Marc quietly walks over to Electra and says, "I just finished reviewing these files. And I found something you should see."

Electra nods quietly and mutters, "Well, that's my cue. I'll leave you two here to explore." and walks over to Marc and says, "Shout if there's anything."

Marc nods quietly and Electra heads back to her computers.

Kro stays to look after Electra, and Marc looks focused at Kro and asks, "Do you want anything? Coffee? Water? Tea?"

Kro shakes his head and quietly sits down in the nearest chair and mutters, "So you're the... infamous Marc Gauthier."

"I have many names," replies Marc coldly.

"Thank you for taking care of Lily. I know it probably couldn't have been too easy," says Kro, looking at the boy's hand.

At this, Marc perks up even more and asks, "What role are you playing for Lily?"

"I'm his right hand. Again," answers Kro.

"Again?" Marc asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I've been serving Lily since I got her around 3-4. year old here in the dilapidated city I found. And I helped her grow up," explains Kro.

Marc nods to himself and asks, "What did you mean by "again"?"

Kro bows his head sadly and says, "We had a little disagreement with Lily. Ironically, because of you."

"So you were the one Lily was referring to as a traitor?" Marc asks, reaching for his pistol.

Kro notices Marc's hand reaching for the gun and says, "I wanted to protect her. And as much as Gabriel had told me, then..."

Marc huffs and mutters, "You don't say. That he can't keep his claws away from anywhere either."

"Presumably your relations are not the warmest either?" Kro asks, raising an eyebrow.

Marc shrugs to himself and replies, "My brothers had more to do with him. But the general opinion that was forced upon us was that the Gauthiers and Beaumonts could never work together. I didn't believe them, but now hearing your story, it seems that my parents might have been right."

"I wouldn't get too caught up in that well-worn preconceived notion. There are people who, despite their family's troubled past, can show themselves... more open. Maybe better," Kro says while cleaning his under-nails.

"You believe in Lily," Marc mutters thoughtfully.

"Yes," answers Kro, nodding and adjusting himself to sit better.

Marc stares at his clenched fingers and says, "It's weird that you're telling me such personal things about yourself, don't you think?"

Kro nods quietly and replies, "I don't trust anyone, by the way. Besides Lily. And since Lily trusts you, I see no reason not to trust you."

"So you trust me purely on ethics?" Marc asks, raising an eyebrow.

"We live in dangerous times, Marc. Trust between people has never been more fragile than it is now. Besides, I don't know you well enough yet to fully trust you. But I'll try. You have my word," explains Kro, looking at the boy and trying to maintain eye contact with him.

"Then I'll try too," Marc replies and extends his hand towards Kro.

Kro smiles slyly at the boy and politely shakes the boy's hand and asks, "What is your relationship with Electra? From a distance, you seemed somehow... close.''

"She's my fiance," Marc answers, looking at Electra.

Kro nods his head thoughtfully and mutters, "Congratulations."

Marc nods quietly and watches as Kro quietly walks over to Electra and says, "Things are not good, Electra."

Electra nods her head numbly and says, "The attacks have intensified and my systems are basically constantly blocked. And I don't know why."

Kro nods quietly and says, "I don't blame you for that. Our life is what it is."

"How's Lily feeling? With the whole Criminal Empire thing? Is she worried?" Electra asks, looking at Kro.

Kro smirks evilly and mutters, "Honestly, I seem to be more worried about her than she is."

Electra nods quietly and mutters, "You can't let her go back there."

Kro nods softly and murmurs, "I know, Electra. But she is no longer the little girl she was just 2 years ago."

"If you could master her containment, I should ask your advice about it. Assuming I'm not dead by then," Electra replies with a smile.

Kro grunts quietly and says, "What happened to her anyway?"

Electra sighs to herself and says, "She became very withdrawn and very... I can't exactly explain... The point is, I'm not speaking for her, because I'm not even really sure what exactly happened to her, but your case I recommend it. She trusts you. And I believe that this thing is mutual."

"Did Marc use the same tactics on you?" Kro asks, leaning over to Electra.

Electra smiles softly and says, "I don't know exactly what he did, but at one point, trusting him seemed natural. Simple. And... good."

Kro smiles at the girl and asks, "So what can we do?"

"We can't do this alone, Kro. If Lily's empire is to survive, it is essential that Lily takes her place as the new Queen of the Criminal Empire. Because between us... I don't know how long I can keep fooling the systems," Electra answers with a sigh.

Kro nods quietly and says, "Lily gets it. I'm sure of it."

"And if you can't?" asks Electra, looking at Kro.

"Have you ever seen Lily Black give up on something like this?" Kro asks, raising an eyebrow.

"No... but that doesn't mean she shouldn't be careful," Electra replies, rolling her eyes.

"She shouldn't be afraid of anything. I'm by her side," Kro answers firmly.

"Yes, but will you stay there? By her?" Electra asks doubtfully.

Kro nods quietly and says, "I'll stay there. And no force will pull me away from her, except Lily Black herself."

Electra nods quietly and watches as Kro walks steadily out the door, then turns to Marc asking, "Why do I get the feeling that something could go terribly wrong here?"

"Because we play dangerous games with great powers?" Marc offers with a frown.

"Well... you might be right," Electra murmurs as she turns back to her computers, then asks, "What did you want to show me again?"

"Oh right. I'll show you right away," replies Marc and brings a chair next to Electra, where they begin to compile and sort the next program overview.

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