The Swamp Demon Part 2

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As Tanjiro handed over the unconsciousness women to Kazumi, Tanjiro concentrated on focusing where the demons were and trying to attack them.

If the demon's blood demon art is to appear out of a black puddle, then he could summon the puddle anywhere right? He could summon it from the ground or the wall, or even out of thin air if he wanted! But it's a good thing I have this nose. Even when the demon vanishes, it's smell doesn't disappear. It's right here!!

Tanjiro could feel the concentrated smell in a particular spot and and waited for the demon to reappear from the ground. Tanjiro was only expecting one demon to emerge from the ground but to his surprise three different demons unexpectedly lunged towards Tanjiro!

Th-There's three of them!! Don't panic! I can take them all! Hinokami Kagura! Dance!

As Tanjiro swang his sword downwards his sword lit ablaze and it incinerated the demons. 

I managed to cut one of the demons neck off! This is good! Now just for the other two.

Both two remaining demons looked surprised that Tanjiro managed to kill one of them. The demon instantly turned to ash. One of the demons spoke up.

"You-How did you...? You managed to cut off one of my necks!? You'll pay for this!!"

Both remaining demons sank back into the black puddle.

As I thought. All three demons are the same demon but just split into three. It's not three individual demons. I need to protect these two and kill the two demons left. I need to concentrate! No need to be scared.

One of the demons appeared back out of the puddle and was trying to attack the women still in Kazumi's arms. Kazumi spotted the demon lunging for him and got scared.

I won't let you hurt Kazumi or the women! Hinokami Kagura! Clear Blue Sky!

Tanjiro's sword turned into flames once again. He tilted his blade sideways and swung his arms as hard as he could. His blade managed to reach the demons neck. The demon instantly turned into ash once again.

Yes!! I got another one! Two down just one more to go. This isn't as hard as I thought it would be. I just have to concentrate on which form to use and to hit the demon.  It's almost as if my body moves on my own when I pick the right form to use. I'm glad that I don't have to put much effort.

Kazumi was absolutely stunned. He could not comprehend how Tanjiro could move his body so fast, so precisely.

How can this boy move like this....? I don't understand how there is fire coming out of I seeing things? No..there's no possible way I was hallucinating. I was seeing it clearly two times.

The last remaining demon reemerged from the puddle seeming extremely angry.

"You bastard! Stop getting in my damn way!! If I don't eat that women now, she'll go stale! Why can't you understand that!?"

Tanjiro could feel him being disgusted with what the demon was saying. Tanjiro's anger was slowyly but surely rising. Kazumi also felt disgusted with what the demon was saying.

"That women is already 16! If I don't eat her quickly, she's going to lose freshness! Then she won't taste good anymore!"

Kazumi wanted to know what this demon did with his fiancee. "You monster...that girl you kidnapped last night..Give Satoko back to me right fucking now!!

The demon seemed confused. "Satoko? I don't know who're you're talking about."

The demon opened the flap of his kimono to reveal all sorts of hairpins. "If that girl's hairpin is in this collection, then that means I've already eaten her."

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