The Swamp Demon Part 1

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Tanjiro was running as fast he could to reach the town in the northeast before nightfall. He wanted to investigate before it was night and everybody was sleeping. He could tell that he was getting close to the town because the house appeared more and more frequent. Just entering his view he could see the bridge leading to the town.

Ah...finally I arrived. Now let's start investigating into what happened here. I wonder where the demon is lurking.

As Tanjiro slowed down to a walking pace and crossed the bridge, he turned his head in every direction looking lost. He wanted to find the latest person the demon attacked very soon. Tanjiro then heard whispering from some women. Tanjiro turned his head in the direction of the women to hear what they were saying.

"Did you hear what happened to Mr. Kazumi? I heard Satoko was taken from him last night."

"Oh no...that sounds terrible."

"Yes...look how devastated he looks."

"It's so frightening that this happens every night."

"Yeah, I hate this..."

I wish this would stop...every night more young women will be taken..."

Tanjiro could not stand hearing this. "Mr. Kazumi! I would like to find out what happened last night from you. May I?"

Kazumi looked confused. "Why? It's not like you'd believe me anyway."

"I have to found out because it's my job! Also I will believe everything you say."

"Um sure...if you say so...I'll walk you to where Satoko was taken last night."

Tanjiro and Kazumi walked in silence around town until Kazumi stopped. "I was walked Satoko back home, and we were talking but then I suddenly stopped hearing her voice. I turned around and she was gone. It's like she vanished into thin air. But it's not like you believe me so..."

"I believe you! I believe what you said!" Tanjiro then crouched on the the ground sniffing it.

Even though the scent of the the demon are faint, I can still smell it. But I don't smell just one thing, there seems multiple scents. Very strange. Could it be multiple demons at once?

Kazumi looked very confused at what Tanjiro was doing.

What's this guy doing? Is he sane? Since he said that it was his job to investigate, does that mean someone called the police for me?

In a house nearby, A young women was getting into her futon to sleep.

I wonder what has been happening to the young women getting abducted. I hope their safe.

Just under her pillow started forming a black puddle. A pair of hands started coming out of it. It then grabbed her mouth. The girl was extremely surprised. As the black puddle grew and grew, the hands pulled in the girl until she was completely gone. Tanjiro could smell the scent get much stronger. He knew this meant that the demon was lurking somewhere. He took off at great speed leaving Kazumi in the dust.

"Why did you suddenly...?!!"

He's so fast!

"The scent has gotten stronger! The demon has shown itself!"

Tanjiro then jumped onto a rooftop. Kazumi was left astonished on how fast Tanjiro jumped from the ground onto a rooftop. did he...he flew...that rooftop is almost 10 meters...he jumped from the ground up into Wait demon? Did he say demon? Does that mean demons are real? I thought they were childrens stories...

Tanjiro ran across the rooftops until he jumped off. He could feel this was where the scent was the strongest but he couldn't see anybody in sight. He pulled out his sword.

The demon is here! There are two scents! The scent of a demon and a human women. But I don't see them anywhere. Then I'll just strike my sword where the scent is the strongest!

Tanjiro held his sword vertically with the handle pointing towards him. He brought his sword down into the ground. 


A black puddle started forming and a women's head was poking out of it. Tanjiro grabbed the women by her arms as quickly as he could. Then a demon with red eyes and three horns appeared from the puddle.

A 'blood demon art'! Urokodaki told me about this. He said that some demons produce a special type of magic called 'blood demon art'. I can't believe this thing was the one abducting the young women!

"You make me sick! Where did you take the abducted women!"

The demon didn't answer but it just started grinding it's teeth. Tanjiro was surprised with how loud the teeth griding got. The demon just started retreating into it's black puddle.

"Mr. Kazumi! Please hold this women and stay near me! As long as you are nearby I will be able to protect you!"

Tanjiro handed over the women to Kazumi.

Now I just have to concentrate on my job of killing this foul demon!

PS Note: Here's another chapter! I hope it was to your liking. I worked really hard to release two chapters in the span of two three days. And there's also another chapter coming either saturday or sunday! So look forward to that please.

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