Mount Natagumo Part 3

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Inosuke ran from his attackers while laughing and rushed them, the same way Tanjiro did. He lifted the person into the tree.

"Up you go!! Ahahaha!! See Tanjiro? I can do anything you can but better!!"

"Sorry I didn't see that!"

"Huh!?! You bastard!!"

"I'm sort of busy here!"

"Alright one time! I'll do it one more time so you better watch closely!!"

"I get it Inosuke! You can do it! I don't have to watch you do it! Just try not to be so violent with-"

Then suddenly, each of the people strung up in the trees, got killed by the demon twisting their necks with the threads. All of them fell limp as their brains lost blood. Tanjiro walked up to one of the corpses and crouched down saying a little prayer. Inosuke was extremly angry on how the demon killed the corps members they tried so hard to save.

"Ahhhh!! Bastard!! The demon killed all of them!! Monjiro what are-"

Inosuke was cut off as he realized how furious Tanjiro was. He was silent and his back was turned but Inosuke picked up the sense on how enraged Tanjiro was at this moment. Tanjiro stood up and spoke.

"Let's go."


They both started running in the direction Tanjiro smelled where the demon was.

"Over here!! We're very close!!"

The wind just changed slightly so I got back my sense of smell. I'm picking up on two demon scents. One just up ahead, and one further away.

They both saw they demon in the distance and Tanjiro wanted to warn Inosuke.

"Inosuke! The demon's up ahead! Be careful!"

"I'm the one who found him first so imma be the one who kills it!!"

They approached the demon but they stopped in shock as they saw it.

Both Tanjiro and Inosuke were shocked that the demon didn't have a head

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Both Tanjiro and Inosuke were shocked that the demon didn't have a head.

What the hell...? It doesn't have a head!

"This thing doesn't have a head!! This guy doesn't have a weak spot! How am I supposed to kill it if it doesn't have a head!!"

"Inosuke calm down!!"

"What do I do!?!"

"Calm down!! Let's try and cut him from a diagonal angle, from his shoulders! It's a large area so it'll be tough but we can do it!"

"We? I'm doing this on my own!! Rahhhhh!!"

Inosuke charged head first at the demon. Tanjiro seemed concerned to see Inosuke rushing at the demon without thinking.

"Wait!! We have to do this together as a team!"

Inosuke jumped at the demon and it extended his arms ready to kill him. Tanjiro ran in behind having to save Inosuke

Arghh! Inosuke's about to be hit! I gotta save him...

"Hinokami Kagura! Benefit Radiance! 

Tanjiro's blade lit ablaze and he spiraled into the air near where the demon was and he performed a swirling slash upwards into the demon, to not only protect Inosuke from the incoming attack but also take the demon's head all in one swift movement. Inosuke was stunned on how fast Tanjiro moved. He couldn't even see Tanjiro even begin his attack. All he saw was how the demon was going to strike him, and then the next moment the demon's limbs and head had been separated from it's body. Inosuke landed on the ground and looked at Tanjiro off to the side.

Woah....what happened...? Did he kill the demon? But how? I didn't even see all happened in a blink of an eye....maybe even less...

Tanjiro turned around to face Inosuke with a serious look on his face.

"Inosuke. Don't make my job harder then it has to be. You rushed in not even knowing how fast the demon was. If it weren't for me you'd be injured right now. Be more careful the next time."


Inosuke didn't have the anger like he usually does because of how strong Tanjiro seemed so he decided not to argue with him and just accept it.

How was he able to move so fast...? And the flames coming out of his sword...they looked majestic...he looked like a spirit moving instead of a cool....

. . .

PS Note: I know this chapter was kinda short but the next one will be much longer I promise.

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