Final Selection Part 1

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As Tanjiro and Urokodaki was walking away from the sliced boulder he felt confident that he would do well in the Final Selection. Tanjiro had practiced the Hinokami Kagura in the middle of the night that he dreamt of. While walking back the sun started to rise. Urokodaki was curious on how Tanjiro learnt another breathing style. "Say Tanjiro, how did you learn that breathing style you preformed?" Tanjiro thought what to say for a couple seconds before responding "Well I actually had a dream of the dance my father preformed every new years before I had to do it for him two years before he died"

Urokodaki still was confused about one thing "But why did you wake so late in the day and trained for hours?" Tanjiro cocked his head at Urokodaki in confusion "Wait I spent hours training? It only felt like minutes". "Yes Tanjiro, you woke 2 hours before midnight and slashed the boulder 4 hours later". Tanjiro seemed impressed that he could train for that long without feeling tired, he could barely do 10 minutes of water breathing without feeling frustrated.

As they chatted about how Tanjiro felt doing the Kagura dance, they arrived at Urokodaki's house. "Well Tanjiro, since you cut the boulder in half, I will allow you to enter final selection. It starts tomorrow. I've crafted this fox mask for you. It has a protection spell on it." Tanjiro took the mask and looked at it. It was white all over with red spots on the ends of the mouth and red eyes. Just like Tanjiro's mark on his forehead, the mask had flames coming down the upper left side. "Wow... It's very pretty." Urokodaki had another gift to Tanjiro. "I'm also giving you these clothes for final selection." The kimono was blue with white cloud marks. "Wait but Mr. Urokodaki, I don't use water breathing. This kimono is for water users, right?" "While that is true it also shows that you were trained by me. All of my students used this kimono when they went into final selection."

Tanjiro had a determined look while saying "Okay! I will make you proud! I will come out of final selection alive! I promise you that!" Urokodaki had a surprised look on his face beneath the mask. "Yes Tanjiro, I really hope you do" Urokodaki seemed proud as to the man Tanjiro had become and felt a smile creep up on his face. "All I wish is to see you walking back alive from final selection. Please grant my wish Tanjiro. I do not wish to lose another" Under the mask Tanjiro could hear the soft sniffles of Urokodaki. Oh Mr. Urokodaki must be sad because his students in the past didn't pass final selection. Tanjiro had some new found motivation. "Don't worry Mr. Urokodaki I will pass final selection for you to see my face again. So don't be sad!" Having said what he wanted to, Tanjiro suddenly felt a rush of tiredness overcome him and layed down in his futon. He immediately fell asleep because of how tired he was.

--Time Skip--

Tanjiro woke up to the next day feeling refreshed and prepared for the final selection. He put on the clothes and the fox mask Urokodaki gave him the previous day and grabbed his sword. He gave Urokodaki and Nezuko one last hug before standing and leaving the house that he was so grateful to live in for a month and a half. He opened the door and waved one last time knowing that he wouldn't see their faces for another week. Feeling prideful and courageous he walked the path that lead to Mt. Fujikasane.

--Time Skip--

By the time Tanjiro had arrived at his destination it had already become nighttime. He walked up to the entrance of the mountain  but noticed wisteria flowers blooming on trees like wildfire. Are those wisteria flowers?  I thought they were out of season. Why are they growing now? There everywhere too. Strange.

As he was climbing the steps that lead to where the other slayers were he found himself encouraging himself that he would do alright and come out alive. He noticed there were many other people there too, many had scars on there face. He noticed two short girls standing in front of another set of stairs. They spoke up in unison and said "Greetings everyone. Thank you for joining the final selection tonight. There are many demons held captive on this mountain brought back by demon slaying swordsman. They are unable to leave. Because from the mountain foot to half way up, there are a lot of demon repelling wisteria that bloom all year round. However, from here on out, there are no more wisteria. Only demons. If you can survive here for 7 days, then you pass the final selection. Now let the final selection begin."

Okay! I will survive here for 7 days and kill any demons I may encounter! I will leave with my body intact!

As Tanjiro started walking up the stairs with the other slayers in front of him, he already started smelling horrible demons coming from within the forest. Tanjiro walked for about 10 minutes before encountering one of these horrific beasts. Tanjiro heard them arguing over who would eat them! "Hey! This human is mine!" "No! I saw him first, so I get to eat him!" Okay. My first demons to kill! Calm down and concentrate!

"That's my prey!!" "Shut up! We'll just decide by see who gets to him first!" "I haven't had human flesh in so long!"

Tanjiro put both of his hands on the handle of his katana and quietly muttered "Total Concentration. Hinokami Kagura. Dragon Sun Halo Head Dance." The flames on his sword came out and engulfed the demons neck. He twisted and turned so his flame sword could reach their throats. He landed on the ground hearing the demons decapitated heads hit the dirt.

I did it! I sliced them! I really have gotten stronger! My training wasn't wasted. Tanjiro felt happy that the training he did with Urokodaki for a month and a half wasn't wasted time. He saw the demons body and head crumble and disintegrate into nothingness. The blade that Mr. Urokodaki gave me sliced their necks. They've completely disintegrated, not even leaving bones behind. Tanjiro clapped his hands together in respect May you rest in peace.

Tanjiro then smelled a wave of rotten hit his nose. Ugh. Where is this foul smell coming from? I should investigate. It could be a demon.

PS Note: Sorry all that I haven't been on schedule in terms of uploading chapters. School has been getting in the way of everything. Trust me, if I had the time to write chapters I would. Also not sure when next chapter will be, it might be this Friday or next Monday. Just keep checking in everyday to see if I uploaded a chapter, please and thank you!

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