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(Play the song for extra emotional effect on this chapter)

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August 14th, 1923, 5:19 AM: (1 hr and 4 min to Sunrise)

Tanjiro's heart pounded in his chest, echoing the rapid pace of his footsteps through the dense forest. The moonlight filtered through the thick canopy of leaves, casting fleeting shadows on his determined face as he continued his desperate sprint with Tatsuki clinging to him. The young boy's confusion only deepened as they traversed the uneven terrain; the urgency in his father's movements not lost on him.

Tatsuki, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, gazed up at Tanjiro with concern and curiosity. "Otou-san?"

Tanjiro forced a small smile while struggling to maintain composure. "Y-Yeah? What is it?"

Wide-eyed and inquisitive, Tatsuki pressed on, "Where are we going?"

"To Aunt Shinobu's house," Tanjiro replied, his voice tinged with determination and worry. "I...I need to go rescue your Kaa-san."

"Rescue? Why? Is she in danger?"

The uncertainty in Tatsuki's voice only fueled Tanjiro's internal turmoil. "I... I don't know right now, Tatsuki. I'm trying to figure it out."

"Why do you look so upset?" Tatsuki questioned. The innocence in his voice was a stark contrast to the gravity of the situation.

Tanjiro didn't answer Tatsuki's question. His mind was racing and the moment he figured out why Kanao was stressed earlier in the day, he couldn't focus. Most of what he was hearing was muffled. His face was covered in sweat and he willed his tired legs to run faster.

The night air was thick with tension, but Tanjiro couldn't afford to let his guard down. The weight of responsibility weighed heavily on him and he wrestled with the turmoil within as he ran through the darkened woods. His son's innocent questions were a stark reminder of the fragility of the world.

Tanjiro's gaze shifted upward to the moon, its pale glow serving as a silent witness to the unfolding drama. Time was slipping away, and Tanjiro felt the pressure. A sense of determination surged through him though, urging him to push his legs to run faster; to cover more ground.

With beads of sweat dotting his forehead, Tanjiro willed himself to focus on the task at hand. The urgency of the situation gnawed at him and he reassured himself that time was still on his side, even as the moon above indicated the approaching dawn.

I can make it. I'll make it to Kocho's house in 20 minutes and then head in the other direction where her mission is. I have enough time.

. . .

August 14th, 1923, 5:33 AM: (50 min to Sunrise)

Tanjiro's heart pounded as he burst into the quiet Butterfly Estate. The tranquility of the front yard only intensified the urgency that gripped him. Unfazed by the empty surroundings, he sprinted to the front door, fueled by a sense of the impending crisis. The sliding door pushed aside with a resounding slam, echoing through the serene estate and announcing his arrival.

His rapid knocks on Shinobu's office door reverberated, and was accompanied by the impatient tap of his foot. The seconds stretched into an eternity, and with each passing moment, Tanjiro's anxiety intensified. The realization dawned after ten agonizing seconds—Shinobu wouldn't be in her office at this early hour. With determination etched on Tanjiro's face, he hurried towards her bedroom.

Tatsuki, nestled in Tanjiro's arms, struggled to find sleep amid the whirlwind of movements. The urgency radiating from his father's actions kept the young boy on the precipice of wakefulness; his eyes fluttering in the dim light.

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