The Devastation and Encounter

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The snow crunching underneath a worrisome boy. While unable to control his breath, his mind is racing. 'How could this have happened?! I can't believe it! While I was sleeping peacefully, my family was getting massacred! I'm sorry mother! I'm sorry Nezuko! I'm sorry Takeo! I'm sorry Hanako! I'm sorry Shigeru! I'm sorry Rokuta!' The pile of corpses that used to be his family flash though his head. 'I'm so very sorry everyone! As the eldest, I should've protected you all! But I failed!' "Nezuko, don't die. Please don't die. I'll definitely save you so don't go dying on me. We'll reach the village soon and I'll find a doctor for you. Your big brother will definitely save you!"

While being lost in his thoughts, Nezuko, who was being carried on his back suddenly woke up and distracted Tanjiro that he slipped of a short cliff. Not paying attention he was falling until he hit soft snow that softened his fall. 'What? I fell? The snow caught my fall. Wait where's Nezuko?' The boy started to panic unable to find his sister. Standing tall off in the corner of his eye, Tanjiro spotted Nezuko. "Nezuko! Are you okay? You don't have to walk, I can carry you to the village." To his horror he saw big protruding veins coming out her forehead along with vertical slits in her eyes, and fangs that were extremely sharp.

She then flew into a rage and pounced at him. He pulled out the hatchet he was carrying in front of him defensively. She bit down into the handle. Saburo's word's ran through his head. "There have always been human eating demons that prowl during the night. Because of that it's not safe to walk outside during nightfall. But there have also always been demon slayers that kill the demons so we can live peaceful lives". Tanjiro than thought 'Does that mean Nezuko is a demon? No, she's always been a human as long as I can remember. But her scent is different than the normal Nezuko. That means she wasn't a demon before, someone forcibly made a her a demon!'

Trying to get through to her Tanjiro screamed "Please Nezuko! Go back to being normal! It's me Tanjiro, your big brother! You wouldn't want to hurt me, right?" Tears started forming in her eyes. She was indeed trying to fight the urge for human flesh. Rapid footsteps approaching alerted Tanjiro someone was heading toward them. A man with a half red and half green and yellow patterned haori was worn on his chest. Tanjiro then flipped over his body so that he was protecting Nezuko because he saw that he had a sword and was trying to attack her.

The strange fitted man seem surprised and missed both Tanjiro and Nezuko. 'Who is this? Why was he trying to attack Nezuko?' Tanjiro thought. "Why did you protect it?" He asked to Tanjiro.  "She's my younger sister!" Tanjiro screamed to the man in hopes of convincing him to not attack the only family member Tanjiro still had. "That thing is your sister?" He asked almost feeling disgusted someone is still holding close a demon that will eat flesh any chance it gets. "Stay away! Since you already tried to attack her, you might do it again! I won't let that happen!"

Tanjiro shouted warning the mysterious man. He then tried to grab her, but Tanjiro noticed at the last second and jumped into the air surprising the attacker. 'Huh? What? How did he evade my attempt at grabbing the demon? Has this kid had some form of training? That's so odd.' "I told you stay away! I won't ask again!" Tanjiro screamed while pulling out his hatchet. "If you attack again then I have no choice but to defend!"

'Defend? Is this kid stupid? I've had years of pain aching training. He can't go up against a Hashira. Even if this kid did have training it wouldn't amount to how much I trained. I can be sure of that.' The tall man thought while having a confused look. He then lunged himself at the boy holding nothing but his hatchet in one hand and his sister in the other.

"Water Breathing: 3rd form: Flowing Dance!" The man started turning and twisting his body in ways Tanjiro couldn't predict where he was aiming for. Tanjiro then started to see through the man's body as if he was transparent. He saw his muscles, bones, and organs. 'Whoa. What is this? It's like I'm seeing through his body. Also, it seems like he's moving slower. Or am I just seeing his movements slow down? I've never had this happen before' With this Tanjiro could predict where the man was going to attack. As the man was nearing close Tanjiro swung his hatchet to hit the man's katana away from his sister.

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