See Through World

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Tanjiro had been restless the last couple of days. Through a livid dream his brain replayed the moment he fought against Giyu while trying to protect Nezuko. That day his family got massacred. He remembered through the dream that while he was fighting Giyu for his sister's life, at one point in the fight, he saw through Giyu's entire body. All his bones, organs, and muscles moving very slowly, to the point that it felt like time was almost stopped. Once he awoke from the very real feeling dream, he became obsessed with trying to recreate seeing through one's body. He got the feeling that it would make him even stronger than he already is, if he could control this state. Unfortunately he hasn't had any luck. He became frustrated when he couldn't do it. At one point, he snapped. He threw his sword on the ground one day while training, when he put his best effort but still couldn't tap into that state. His sword hit the ground aggressively.


"Arghh!! Shit!!"

This goddamn sucks!! Why can't I get it!? What is it that I lack!?

He sighed heavily in frustration. He fell to his knees in defeat.

What is it that was different when I fought Giyu...? Maybe I just have to be really angry? I don't know anymore...

Shinobu walked around the corner seeing Tanjiro on the ground looking sad.

"What's wrong Tanjiro-kun?"


"What's the matter? You seem really down."

"Well, I'm trying to do this very specific training, but I can't get it no matter how hard I try..."

"Oh, that's unfortunate. I'll help you! Maybe you can get it with my assistance!"

"I'm not sure...even if I told you what I'm trying to do, you would just think I'm crazy..."

"I wouldn't do that! Tell me what you're trying to accomplish and I'll try to understand the best I can."

"Okay...well, here when I met Giyu the day I lost my family, he tried to kill Nezuko, and I defended her. I was only carrying a hatchet at the time, so I didn't have much to defend with. I got very enraged and somehow, I'm not joking when I say this but, I saw through his entire body. I started seeing his organs, bones, and muscles. With my eyes. Crazy I know, but it actually happened. Also I saw all of his movements slowed down. It was as if time had slowed down, and I could react in normal time. Almost like he was slowed down, but I wasn't."

Shinobu looked at Tanjiro with a slight smile, almost waiting for him to say it was all a joke.

There's no way he's serious right? Right??

"I see..."

I did say I would try to understand but....he's definitely crazy....seeing through someone's body? How absurd.

"I swear I'm telling the truth! I'm not talking stupid!"

"No it's okay, I totally believe you."

Tanjiro looked at her uncertain.

Wait...her scent smells like she's do I really sound that crazy...?

"Well Tanjiro, what should I do to make you unlock this state?"

"Um...maybe sparring with you would do the trick. Maybe it only works if I'm fighting with someone're a hashira so you must be strong."

But that begs the question, if I didn't unlock the state with my fight against Sanemi, why would it unlock with her? Maybe it needs to be someone even stronger...but anyways, I won't pass up on the chance to fight another hashira.

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