Selfless State

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(Going back a little to when Rengoku and Akaza were still fighting)

Tanjiro looked onward as Rengoku and Akaza were battling intensely. He looked extremely worried and was shaking frantically. Sweat beads were dripping down his face, showing his panic.

 Sweat beads were dripping down his face, showing his panic

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What should I do!? I...I have a feeling Rengoku is going to lose! I'm not sure why instinct is screaming at me to do something! But what!? In a drawn-out fight between a human and a demon, humans are always at a disadvantage if their opponent is similar strength!! Rengoku's strength won't last until sunrise! So hurry! Take him out fast! If I don't hurry...Rengoku might...lose! Calm down! Just calm down! 

Tanjiro closed his eyes to try and calm his nerves.

Think. Don't panic. My nerves are getting the best of me right now. I noticed something while they were fighting. Akaza's attacks are always super accurate. More than should be possible. Even for a demon.

Tanjiro remembered what Akaza said before they started fighting.

"I can tell you're strong, you know. You've developed your fighting spirit to the edge of perfection."

Wait...fighting spirit...? What does that mean? Just like I can sense something by smell...can Akaza sense fighting spirit?

Tanjiro's memory of a silly conversation with Inosuke not too long ago popped into his head.

. . .

Both Tanjiro and Inosuke were conversing about how he loved defeating demons and how it was his only pleasure in life (again). Tanjiro felt that the conversation was a little too childish for his age, but he didn't want to make Inosuke feel bad, so he let him talk. Inosuke was giggling slightly from praising himself.

"I feel a tingle where an opponent is aiming. My hide is stronger than a human's, so even if it's from behind, if someone looks at me, I know they're looking. Why don't you try it on me!?"

Tanjiro laughed at Inosuke's childish behavior but decided to play along. Inosuke flipped himself to face the other direction from Tanjiro's bed that he was laying in.

"Okay, sure."

Tanjiro stared intensely at his right shoulder. Inosuke could feel a slight tingle right where Tanjiro was looking.

"You're looking at my right shoulder!"

"Wow! You're right!"

"If someone is looking at me with the intent to kill, I can tell right away! If something is going to hurt me, it's dangerous! Their intent stabs right into my hide! But on the other hand, when someone doesn't have any hostility, it's really hard to notice! That little hag! That old hag in the Wisteria Crest house was the worst!! Suddenly she was sitting behind me, making rice balls!! And I didn't even notice!"

"Don't say hag. Say elderly lady!"

"Hag lady!"


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