An Important Conversation Part 3

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Tanjiro was now sitting in the huge backyard of the butterfly mansion. He was about to leave but he didn't have the energy to do anything for the rest of the day so he just sat on a rock, contemplating his actions.

It was already sunset as he stared at the glowing orange ball in the sky. Looking at it was peaceful. It took his mind off things for a bit so he didn't have to face reality.

He sat there for quite a while before finally getting up, dusting off his uniform, and heading back inside. He was supposed to be inside resting, but his body was restless. He couldn't help it.

He limped back into the estate and he passed by the only woman in the entire building who was upset at him.

Shinobu Kocho.

As he was walking by he was mentally hoping she wouldn't say anything but of course she had to go and open her mouth.

"Tanjiro, I need to have a word with you."

He sighed as he stopped in place. He turned his head to face the short woman. "Again?"

His tone seemed to anger her slightly. "Yes, again. I'll talk to you as many times as I want to."

He rolled his eyes as he turned his torso to face her. "What is it?"

"I know that earlier today I outraged on you and I only realize now that I may have gone too far."

Tanjiro was surprised to hear this from her. He expected to be lashed out on again. "Wait, really?"

"Yes. I'm sorry. Although you deserve it, I shouldn't have treated you like that. I was blind with anger. My apologies."

", thanks."

"Also another thing. You probably don't realize it but there are a lot of responsibilities that come with being a parent you know."

Tanjiro hadn't really thought about it. She was right though. Being a parent would take up more time than anything he's ever done in his life. More than being a hashira.

"I...haven't thought about that..."

"Well, you should. Do you know what you legally have to provide for your child?"

He shook his head slowly, embarrassed about his lack of information. "No ma'am..."

She raised her hand and counted everything he would need to provide. "You need to provide them safety, food, clothing, shelter, financial aid, medical care, and an education. You think you can do that?"

Tanjiro was impressed with how many things he would need to sacrifice in his life to give to his child. It was much more than he thought. He mentally noted all of these things.

"I can try..."

"No, there is no try in this Tanjiro. You have to. Failure to provide these is not an option. At all. Do you understand?" Her tone was stern but she wasn't trying to be mean, she merely spoke the truth. 

"I understand..." He nodded fully realizing his duties as a parent to come soon.

Shinobu wanted to change the topic since Tanjiro understood. "You're injured correct? You can stay in the infirmary."

"Thank you Shinobu-sama."

"We're both hashira. No need for honorifics."

Tanjiro nodded with a slight smile and walked off. He walked into the infirmary and put on a spare medical garb. He slipped into one of the empty beds beside Kanao.

"Goodnight Kanao."

She was already half asleep so when she heard his voice, she could only lazily reply. "Mmm...night..."

. . .

The next day he woke up nice and early, just after the sun had risen. He pulled his covers off of himself and got up.

He walked to the kitchen to see Aoi already making breakfast. He grabbed a plate and said a quick 'thank you' to her.

After hastily eating, he set aside his plate and walked out of the room. He changed into his uniform and walked outside of the estate.

The sun was shining bright and he could hear faint chirps of some birds in the distance. He was sitting on the porch and wrapped up his left leg with tape to reduce the pain of his crushed bones inside.

He wanted to train but he knew he shouldn't since he was injured and could only limp everywhere without wincing from the pain.

After tying up his leg with some tight tape, he stood up and walked to the middle of the backyard.

First, he would do some light bodyweight exercises.

He would do some push-ups, squats, and other exercises to warm up his muscles. After about half an hour of training, he picked up his sword and unsheathed it.

The weight and feeling of his blade was so familiar to him, that he felt it was almost weightless. He swung it a couple of times in various directions to get the muscle memory back.

He started going through the sun breathing forms one by one, letting his sword flame the air and he could feel the heat in his face.

Two hours passed and he felt exhausted so he called it quits for the day. He sheathed his sword, wiped the sweat from his face, and headed back inside to take a quick shower.

. . .

After his comforting shower, he walked into the infirmary and saw Kanao still lying in bed. He softly sat down on her bed, shaking her slightly since she was still asleep.


She groaned out and rubbed her eyes as she adjusted to the lighting. She saw Tanjiro sitting on her bed with a smile.


"How're you feeling?"

"Tired...and groggy..."

Tanjiro raised his hand and touched her forehead, feeling how hot she was burning up.

Jeez, her fever is still super high...

"I'll go get you some water okay?"

She nodded and stuffed her face back into her pillow.

Tanjiro stood up from her bed and made his way over to the kitchen, grabbed a spare glass, filled it with water, and made his way back.

He sat back down on the bed and handed her the water glass. Kanao sat up straight groggily and sipped on the water.


"No problem. Will you be okay for now?"


"Alright then. I'll be going."

"Wait." As Tanjiro was standing up, she grabbed his wrist, preventing him from leaving.

"Can you stay with me? Just for today? I want some company..."

Tanjiro chuckled a bit at how cute she looked and smiled. "Sure."

He sat back down and snuggled with her.

. . .

A/N: Thanks for reading!

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