The Morning After

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Tanjiro's eyes throbbed awake as he groaned out. He sat up and rubbed the back of his neck as his eyes adjusted to the harsh lighting of the sun's rays from the window.

He looked over to see Kanao peacefully sleeping beside him, still immersed in whatever she was dreaming about.

She was barely wearing any clothes, just her nightgown not even covering her chest fully. He looked down at himself and saw that he was barely wearing any clothes as well. His belt and top uniform were off to the side on the floor. The coldness of winter hit him slightly making him shiver.

As his brain was trying to process what was going on, he blinked in confusion.

As his brain was trying to process what was going on, he blinked in confusion

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Eh? Why is Kanao sleeping beside me almost naked?

His brain finally connected the dots and replayed the events of the last night.

Oh right, I remember now. I lost my virginity last night to her last night.

He kept staring at her sleeping, watching her chest slowly rise and fall with her soft breathing. Then he realized the severity of the situation and his actions from yesterday.


His brain panicked and he stood up, rushing to put the rest of his uniform on. He scrambled out of the room, leaving Kanao to sleep.

He opened the door and walked through it, closing it gently behind him.

Okay just calm down...I need to get some fresh air...

He strode through the hallway, anxious. After rounding a corner, he saw the bright yellow haori with white triangles. Tanjiro tensed up a little seeing his friend.

"Oh Tanjiro...morning..."

Tanjiro picked up the slight smell of animosity from Zenitsu while waving.

"Morning Zenitsu. How did you sleep?"

"I didn't."

"Oh, why's that?"

"I think you know why..."

Zenitsu scoffed and walked off angrily. 

Tanjiro could sense what he was referring to but hoped he was wrong.

He walked off in the opposite direction and headed for the back of the house. He needed to clear his mind.

Tanjiro slid the door open to the onsen and sat down by the nearby veranda. He was bouncing his leg anxiously and sighed into his hands as he felt slightly scared.

But he didn't know what of. Why was he anxious?

He couldn't come up with a reason.

He was supposed to be happy taking his lover's virginity but he couldn't help but have a sense of foreboding. He looked up from his hands and watched the stream of water flow into the onsen.

It was quiet and peaceful. Tanjiro could faintly hear the birds chirping in the distance. But he couldn't relax.

He bit his lip, drawing blood slightly. His brain was going into overdrive trying to come up with reasons why he was feeling anxious.

Still, nothing came up.

This is so weird...why am I feeling like this?

He stood up, stretched, and paced around the onsen multiple times trying to calm himself.

After a couple of minutes of that not working he plopped back down on the veranda, bouncing his leg again. He heard the door behind him slide open and the familiar smell of his lover hit his nose.


He turned around to see Kanao standing in the doorway rubbing her eyes tiredly. He stood up and tried to smile but it didn't come across as genuine. 

"Hi Kanao. How did you sleep?"

"F-Fine I suppose. Why are you out here? Did you eat yet?"

"Oh um, I just wanted to get some fresh air..."

"Did you eat yet?"

"Not yet...I was waiting for you to wake up."

"Well, I'm awake now. Do you want to eat then?"

"He nodded and walked through the door ahead of her. Something was still tugging at his mind as he approached the kitchen.

As he entered the room he saw Zenitsu and Inosuke already eating. Zenitsu looked up from his food eyeing Tanjiro with a glare.

He could still smell the animosity like earlier.

Tanjiro tried to ignore it and sat down grabbing some food for himself. Kanao sat down beside him and snagged a plate for herself. 

They all ate in silence until Zenitsu decided to break it, looking in Tanjiro's direction. "So, did you at least have fun last night?"

Kanao's eyes went wide and her face went red as she averted her gaze. Tanjiro coughed as he heard this unexpected comment.

He looked up to Zenitsu as he regained his breathing. "Wha-What're talking about?"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about. Last night. You and Kanao. You two were making so much noise."

Tanjiro's face flushed red as he looked down at his lap, not wanting to face him. " um...heard that...?"

"Tanjiro. Only a deaf person wouldn't have heard that."


Inosuke was also slightly curious as to what he and Kanao were doing last night. "Were you two wrestling?"

" Inosuke...we were not wrestling..."

"So then what were you doing?"

Tanjiro sighed not wanting to explain this. "Inosuke, even if I explained it, you wouldn't understand a thing I say."

"Why not?"

"Just...I think it would be better if you found out on your own..."

"You're acting strange."

"I know....I know..."

Tanjiro sighed again shoving food in his mouth trying not to think about it. He wanted to get done with this vibe.

He finished his meal quickly and excused himself from the table. He put his dishes away hoping someone else would clean them. Tanjiro walked out the door, into the backyard.

He did what he always did when he wanted to take his mind off things. He took off his shirt and unsheathed his sword.

Training time.

. . .

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter yall. Just trying to adjust my planner for the upcoming arc.

Also thanks for 96k views!

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