Final Selection Part 4

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As Tanjiro and Tanaki walked down the stairs that they step foot on 7 days prior, they walked in silence wondering what lies ahead for them.

They stood in front of the two short girls that explained the final selection to them. "Welcome back everyone" the black haired girl spoke. "And congratulations. We are pleased to see you safe."

There's only 5 of us left!? Didn't we start with over 20 people?

Tanjiro looked around to the other survivors. Of course there was Tanaki, which he had been spending the entirety of the selection with. He also saw a dark-haired girl that looked content holding a butterfly on her finger. He noticed a panicked boy in yellow whispering on how he wasn't going to survive. Another boy that had a mohawk and a scar on his face spoke up. "Hey. What do I do now? Where's my blade?"

"Have patience. We must all issue you uniforms by taking your measurements. Then you're rank will be engraved in your hand. In the demon slayer corps, there are 10 ranks in total. We will list them out now. Mizunoto. Mizunoe. Kanoto. Kanoe. Tsuchinoto. Tsuchinoe. Hinoto. Hinoe. Kinoto. Kinoe. All of you start at the lowest rank, Mizunoto."

"What about our swords?" "Yes. In a moment, you will chose the ore that will be used to forge your swords. However, it will take 10 to 15 days to complete. "Tsk" The boy with the scarred face seemed annoyed that it would take that long. "But first" She clapped her hands and everyone heard birds squawking as they circled arong them and landed on on each of their shoulders. Everyone except the pink kimonoed girl was surprised. "Now that you are demon slayers, you must be assigned your own kasugi crow." Tanjiro looked at the crow and wondered what the purpose was. "Wow... We get crows? What do we need them for?"

The girl spoke up again. "The kasugi crows are primarily used for communication. They will deliver information of a mission, as well as direct you to where the mission is. Also, after missions have been completed, you will give the report to the crow, who will then relay it back to demon slayer corps headquarters." The yellow-haired boy was confused with the small brown bird. "Wait, crow? Isn't this a sparrow?"

The boy who was asking about their blades, got irritated with his crow and threw it off his arm. "I don't need this crap!!" He walked over to the white haired girl and grabbed her hair "Give me my blade now! The color changing katana! The nichirin sword! Give it to me before I get angry!" 

Tanjiro could not stand someone else hurting someone else with no remorse. He grabbed his arm. "Hey! You let go of her right now! If you don't I'll break your arm! 

He looked at him with a confused face. "Huh? Who are you?! There's no way you can break my arm so try it if you want!"

Tanjiro's thread of reason finally snapped. He squeezed his arm as hard as you could and immediately the boy could feel his the bones in his arm crack. But Tanjiro didn't stop there. He went all the way and broke his arm completely.  The boy retracted his arm and cried out in pain. "Ahhh! Fuck that hurt. You bitch! I'll put you in the dirt!"

Before the boy with the mohawk could attack, the white-haired girl spoke up. "Are you done? If so, please come here and choose the ore that will be used to craft your nichirin blade. The alloy for the blade that will destroy and utterly annihilate demons will all be personally chosen by each of you.

--Time Skip--

Tanjiro and Tanaki were chatting as they were both heading home before their paths split. Tanjiro had learned that Tanaki was also a survivor of a demon attack and wanted to avenge his family. Tanjiro had to walk very slowly because Tanaki was holding a stick so he could support himself to not fall because of fatigue. "Hey Tanaki, are you sure you don't want me to carry you? It seems your legs could use a break.

Tanaki looked at Tanjiro with a genuine smile. "You are right when you say that my legs are very tired. They feel as heavy as lead. But I don't want to be disrespectful because you are older than me." Tanjiro shook his head in protest. "No, I really don't mind. Just hop on." Tanjiro faced his back to Tanaki and looked at him with a small grin. Tanjiro crouched down inviting him to be carried. Tanaki wanted to refuse politely but his legs said otherwise. He sighed. "I guess it can't be helped then."

Tanjiro held onto his legs as tightly as possibly. "So since I'm kinda hungry and want to get home as quickly as possible, I'll be running at  my top speed. Is that okay with you?" "Uh, yeah sure."

How fast can this kid run that he has to warn me?

"Oh, one more thing. Just let me know when to stop so we can go our seperate ways since our houses are not in the same direction." "Sure. Got it."

"Okay! We'll be off then!" Tanjiro let his legs rip through the air like thunder. Tanaki was surprised of how fast he was running. Woah! He wasn't kidding when he said he was fast! No wonder he had to warn me. How fast are we even going? If I had to guess, we're probably be around 50 or 60 km/h.

Tanaki was just enjoying the scenery zip by him and feeling the wind in his face. Before he knew it he was close to his house. He tapped Tanjiro on the shoulder. "Tanjiro you can put me down now. I'll walk the rest of the way." Tanjiro slowed down and let him get off.

"Before you leave Tanaki, I have to ask you a question." "Sure, what is it?" "Is it okay if we keep in contact via letters?" Tanaki seemed surprised. He thought Tanjiro was going to ask a more serious question. "Oh. Sure, I don't mind. Do you need my address?" Tanjiro shook his head. "No, I'm pretty sure once I give my letter to my crow it will be delivered to you regardless where you are." "Oh, okay." Tanaki sighed happily. "Well I guess I'll keep in contact with you Tanjiro. Hopefully we'll meet again in the future." "Of course. Let's both do our best to slay demons!"

Tanaki nods. "Yes, let's do our best. It was nice meeting you Tanjiro. I hope you stay safe." Tanaki extends his hands to shake them with Tanjiro. "You as well" Tanjiro grabs his hand and shakes them. As they both say goodbye to each other they walk down different paths that lead to where they currently reside.

PS Note: Again sorry all for the inconsistent upload schedule. My motivation for writing is as stable as a rollercoaster. Next chapter will be on Tanjiro getting his new blade. How exciting!

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