Recovery and Training

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Tanjiro woke up the next morning with a searing pain in his head. He groaned out.


He turned over as his eyes forced him awake. But he wanted to go back to sleep. After a couple of minutes of contemplating whether or not to force himself back to sleep, he sat up in his bed. His head was fuzzy and he could barely see straight. He put out his numb legs to touch the floor. He stood up, just barely. He wobbled over to the bathroom and fell to his knees in front of the toilet. He could feel vomit erupting from within sooner rather than later.

Man...what the hell...what happened last night...?

As he tried to recall the events of the previous night, nothing came up. It was like the last night never happened to his brain. Finally, he could feel the inevitability. Hot vomit spills into the toilet, splattering loudly. Even the tiny amount of food he ate last night was most definitely completely emptied from his stomach now. He didn't get sick very often, but when he did, he hated it. Every flu season comes with a minor cold for him, and that means his body freaks out and goes insane. He resented the fact every flu season came with uncontrollable vomiting, coughing, a dry throat, and worst of all, an unbearable fever. But it confused him. It wasn't flu season yet. That was months away. So why was he sick, he wondered. If only he could recall the events of last night, then it would give him his answer. Usually, when drinking alcohol for the first time, you're supposed to take it easy, drink lots of water, and have an adult nearby to control you. Tanjiro had none of these things. Almost the opposite actually. Tengen was encouraging him the entire night, only making his situation worse. At this point, Tanjiro knew there was nothing left in his stomach. But his body refused to believe that as he kept on gagging over top the toilet bowl.

Please stop...

. . .

He clings to the bowl in front of him, head aching from the pressure of forcibly heaving for over an hour. His fingers feel like ice now. He'd been begging his body to stop pointlessly gagging over a toilet when nothing came out. He was granted that wish. He stopped heaving for a couple of minutes giving him peace of mind that his body relented. He stood up against the will of his unwanting legs and walked over to the sink. He looked in the mirror and saw how terrible he looked. Traces of dry puke were on the corners of his mouth. He washed it off, somewhat successfully.

I really hope I don't get a mission today...I feel terrible...

He finally got the energy to stand comfortably and stumbled out of the bathroom back into his room.

I need to get some training done today...I haven't had the time to do that for....

He counted the days since he last trained. The last time he got the time to train was before the Mugen Train mission.

Four days ago...I'll try to train later...I'm tired...

Tanjiro heard someone walk into the room but didn't bother looking up to see who it was.


He wasn't expecting it but he heard the soft voice of the girl he loved. Every time she spoke it made Tanjiro's heart skip a beat. He so desperately needed to talk to someone like her. He coughed a couple of times before speaking.


"You okay?"

"I'm fine..."

"You sure? You haven't had breakfast. I'm worried..."

"It's fine...if I eat something now, it will probably just come back up."


The conversation seemingly ended, but Kanao still stood there looking worried.

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