The Swordsmith Village Part 4

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At that moment, Tanjiro felt a new scent hit his nose, which he would've never expected to be possible coming from a demon.


As soon as he discerned that what he was smelling was indeed fear, his whole perspective on the fight changed. In a moment of rage for the demons, all four of them rushed at Tanjiro.

Tanjiro on the other hand, wanting to end this fight as quickly as possible, gripped his sword with all his might, turning it from an obsidian black to a glistening red.

Get out of my sight you filthy demons!!

"Sun Breathing. Tenth Form: Beneficent Radiance!"

In a spectacular display of skill and determination, Tanjiro executed a formidable technique, propelling himself skyward with a graceful spiral motion. As he ascended, a crescendo of power emanated from his blade, culminating in a breathtaking, fiery tornado that engulfed the four demons ensnared within its blazing vortex. This incandescent tempest, akin to a celestial dance of flames, not only rendered it a formidable challenge to track but also posed an insurmountable obstacle for the demons to evade its impending onslaught.

As he landed back on the ground, Tanjiro heard all four heads hit the ground as he caught his breath.

I've only got a limited amount of time before they regenerate so I have to act fast! But...I just can't shake the feeling that this isn't the right way to do it. I don't think we can beat them the same way I did with Upper Moon 5. So this kind of attack doesn't work against the primal emotion demons. 

Tanjiro's face scrunched in determination, whipping his head from side to side seeing all four primal emotion demons slowly regenerating.

But something has been bothering me. If their weak point isn't their heads, then what is?

Tanjiro looked in the direction of the scent that hit his nose quite a while ago and discerned that wasn't any of the four demons in front of him.

I smelled something weird a while ago. Yeah, it was...

Tanjiro tried to concentrate on the smell and after a second or two, he opened his eyes confirming his suspicion.

The smell of a fifth body!! So there's five of them!! I have to find it...I'm sure the fifth guy is the main body. Just gotta look for it.

Tanjiro started running away from the four demons, jumping off the crumbling building and landing two stories down onto the ground.

His feet landed perfectly flat making him not even feel the 6 meter (20 feet) drop. He set his sights to the right of him again trying to pinpoint where he first felt the smell of the fifth demon.

Find him!! Focus! Where is he? No thanks to the fan demon's wind, the smell of the hot spring's sulfur is all over the place making it hard to find him.

A small whiff of the scent grazed Tanjiro's nose again and he whipped his head to the side again looking at multiple bushes and trees.

Yes!! Found him!!

Tanjiro ran in as fast as he could even when nearby branches were slapping him in the face. He didn't even notice it because of how locked in he was in exterminating this demon.

Once he made his way to the center of the smell, he had his head on a swivel looking for the demon. He was confused because he didn't see anything in sight that looked like a demon.

But then in the corner of his eye, he saw an outline of what looked like an animal. He looked down at the grassy ground to see a smaller version of the first demon he saw before it split.

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