Mount Natagumo Part 5

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He looked to his right and saw two demons. He saw one standing over one crouching on the ground. The one crouching on the ground had blood all over her face. The other was holding threads between his fingers covered in blood. Tanjiro was extremely confused on what was going on. Then the demon with threads spoke up.

"Hey. What're you looking at? This isn't for show."

What the hell is going on here!? A demon is injuring another demon? They look similar...both of them have spider crescent-shaped kimonos...this is so weird...

The demon crouching on the ground, started healing the blood splattered all over her face from the threads of the scarier demon standing above her. For some reason, Tanjiro got angry at this scene.

"What are you doing!? Isn't she your ally!?"

"Ally? Don't call it such a lowly thing. We are family. Connected by strong bonds between us. Besides this is situation here has nothing to do with you. It's between me and nee-san. Don't get involved. If you do then I'll crave you up with these threads of mine."

"Both families and close allies have strong bonds. Even if your not connected by blood you can still have a strong bond. Also, people who have strong bonds have the scent of trust. But from you guys...the only things I'm smelling are fear, distrust, and hatred!!"

The words of Tanjiro seem to have struck a nerve with both the demon's standing in front of him. The one crouching on the ground started to get scared at Tanjiro's harsh words. But then, another person walked into the scene. Another slayer. He walked in all cocky and confident.

"Oh. Perfect timing. There are demons here. Since these demons look weak, even I can do this."

Tanjiro looked confused on what this person was doing so close to such a strong demon.

"Who're you!?"

The new unknown person started unsheathing his blade as he prepared to fight the demon.

"You stand back and watch me kill this demon. I wanna get promoted in rank as quickly as possible. The higher in rank I am, the more money I get. My squad's pretty much wiped out but, I'll defeat a relatively strong demon and descend the mountain."

He charged at the demon. Tanjiro wanted to warn him.

"No stop!! You can't defeat him!!"

But it was no use. The boy didn't listen. The demon instantly-without turning around-aimed his threads at the boy and he got diced up completely in less than a second. His body fell into chunks as it hits the ground, spilling all of his organs on the floor. Tanjiro looked onwards completely shocked and terrified. The demon who diced up the boy spoke up completely enraged.

"What did you say?"

Tanjiro looked at the demon and he had multiple veins protruding from his forehead.

"What did you say just now?"

Holy shit...this is some unbelievable presence...the air just got heavy and thick...he's trying to intimidate me...I can't lie, it's working a bit but, I'm not scared of you!

"I'll say it as many times as I need to! Your bonds are fake!!"

Tanjiro then rushed at the demon cautiously. The demon threw out his threads from his hands and Tanjiro had to stop running and dodge.

Woah! Those things look sharp! I bet that would cut me up instantly...I better avoid them.

The demon threw out more threads and Tanjiro kept on dodging all of them.

Shit how can I get close if he's just going to keep throwing those threads? I need a solution. And fast.

More threads being throwed and more dodging ensued. No matter what Tanjiro did he couldn't find a gap anywhere to slip in and get a attack in. But as he landed on the ground from a dodge, he realized something.

Wait a minute...why I'm I dodging...? How come I never thought of just cutting the threads with my sword? What the hell am I wasting my time for?

Tanjiro stood up with a more comfortable presence and slowly walked towards the demon. The demon got confused at Tanjiro's new strange aura and threw more threads at him. Tanjiro lifted his sword and cut them in a single slice with almost no effort at all. The demon was shocked and threw out even more threads. Tanjiro again, effortlessly cut them all.

What's going on!? Why can he cut the threads now?! What did he do!?

The demon tried to calm his nervousness and trash talk Tanjiro.

"I'm not sure what you did, but you won't be able to win. I'll kill you loser."

Tanjiro looked up at the demon and smiled.

"Is that so? I'd like to see you try."

"S-Shut up! Did you actually think that this was as strong as my threads was going to get? How foolish. Obviously as a member of the twelve kizuki, I was hiding my strength. So don't underestimate me you brat."

The demon held up his hands with his threads and they slowly started getting stained blood red. 

"Blood Demon Art. Cutting Thread Cage."

His threads surrounded the area and enclosed on Tanjiro. He stood in the middle of the attack unmoving. Then, he held up his sword sideways.

"Hinokami Kagura. Burning Bones Summer Sun."

Tanjiro twisted his sword blazingly fast and engulfed all of the threads burning them to a crisp instantly. The demon stood there completely shocked and terrified at Tanjiro's strength.

He cut my blood demon art threads as well!! What did he do!?! He wasn't this strong before!? Was he hiding it!?

Tanjiro walked up to the demon grinning from ear to ear.

"Oi...where did you get the idea that you were the only one being serious?"

In a flash Tanjiro rushed at the demon's neck and made a clean slice. Without the demon even realizing, Tanjiro had won. His head hit the floor and his body started slowly disintegrating.

. . .

PS Note: Tanjiro wins! The fights over just like that!

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