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Miyara's pov:
"Hey, pretty girl," Aonung said when I joined their group causing me to blush, "I've missed you around here."
"Sorry," I said followed by a breathy chuckle, "I've been taking care of Zuaia a lot."
"Hm, aren't you sweet?" Aonung said as he walked over to me, it was clear that the days where I towered over him like I did when we were only six years old were gone as he leaned down to peck a kiss on my cheek. I used to be repulsed by his touch, but even I had to admit that in the last few months he had started to grow on me. He was getting much nicer to me and others and he also seemed to be maturing a bit more. Aonung placed his hand on the small of my back as he gently guided me to the group, I had to admit that I was starting to like him. I was slowly beginning to crush on the boy I am to mate with when I turn eighteen. I was starting to see the good in him and I liked that side of him.
"Miya!" Tsireya said excited as she made her way over to me and hugged me tightly, "I'm so glad you could join us!"
"Yeah, me too!" I said with a smile on my face, I didn't lie, I did miss hanging out with my friends, ever since I helped out my brother with my niece I hadn't seen my friends for a while. I greeted Rotxo and Teungyi as Tsireya excitedly waved me over to follow after them and I was eager to do so as I watched them dissappear into the water with their Ilu.
"Miya," Aonung said and he grabbed my hand before I could follow after them, I turned around to face him as I wasn't sure why he suddenly needed me apart from the others, "I have something for you."
He lowered his head slightly as a small smile appeared on his face, making me curious right away.
"What is it?" I asked him and waited for him to lift up a beautiful white pearl necklace.
I gasped as I took a closer look at it before looking into his eyes and smiling. It was so beautiful.
"Did you make this?" I asked him as I gently touched the pearls and examened them.
"I made it for you," Aonung said softly, "it's the betrothal necklace."
My ears shot up when he said that, I had already forgotten that he had to make me a betrothal necklace before my seventeenth birthday, which would be in about three and a half months, this necklace would show everyone that it would be in less than two years before I would be his. Forever. Seeing as we had gotten so much closer in the past few months it could've been expected that he thought it was the perfect timing to get me a betrothal necklace, because now I would actually appreciate the gesture. I adored that he choose the white pearls that are only found beyond the reef, it meant that he had studied what I wore which was mainly white shell tops and I never had any white accessories to match with those tops. I knew that it was dangerous for him to get those pearls, seeing as they are close to where Payakan usually roams around. The fact that he had gone through all that trouble just to make me a necklace that truely matched with my style made me like him more. It showed he really cared about me.
"It's beautiful," I said as I trailed my fingers along the smooth edges of the pearls.
"May I?" He asked and I nodded, I turned around and pulled my black, curly hair out of the way so he could put the necklace on, he gently placed the necklace around my neck and pulled my hair back when it was done,  allowing my curls to bounce back into place.
"Thank you, I love it!" I said because I was grateful, it was the most beautiful necklace I had, I placed my hands on his shoulders, stood up on my toes as I wanted to kiss him on his cheek to thank him. Aonung decided to turn his face to me just before I could kiss his cheek and so my lips met with his instead, being shocked from the sudden kiss I pulled away quickly and took a few nervous steps back as a bright blush appeared on my cheeks. I hated the fact that I liked the sudden kiss and the smug grin that appeared on his face when he saw the way I looked at him afterwards. Perhaps it was the rush of a first kiss that made my heart skip a beat, or perhaps it was the longing look in his light, blue eyes or the fact that he could tell by the look on my face that I had enjoyed it like he had, even if it was for a slim second.
"Aonung," I gasped not knowing what to say besides his name, still being flabbergasted from the unexpected kiss.  Aonung decided to take a step closer to me and placed his hands on my waist, rubbing circles on my skin with his thumb.
"I just couldn't wait to kiss you, I hope you don't mind," Aonung said in a soft tone, looking down at me as he gently pulled my body against his. I didn't say anything, I simply blushed like a little kid who had done something bad and got caught as I looked deep into his eyes.
"I wasn't expecting it," I said softly, my heart beating fast in my chest, "but.. I don't mind."
"So, can I do it again?" He asked softly already slowly leaning in for another kiss and I didn't stop him, nudging my head slightly to his.
"Our friends are waiting at our spot for us," I whispered but for some reason still allowing him to come closer. I could feel his breath on my skin, trailing goosebumps all over my body.
"Let them wait," he said taking one hand away from my waist and placing it behind my ear, his thumb smoothly rubbing along my cheek.
"O-okay," I said with a soft gasp in between breathes. I didn't know why I was curious to have his lips on mine again, I didn't understand that I desired it in that moment. Because I never had done so before.
He gently pecked a kiss on my lips, it was a small and tender kiss but it took him pulling me closer to him than I already was to realise that I didn't mind this at all, in fact I liked it, I finally moved my arms up from their dangling position next to my body and I placed my hands on the back of his neck, pulling him in and closing all the inches that were left between our bodies. I could feel him smirk against my lips, clearly enjoying that after all those years of rejection I finally allowed him to kiss me and enjoyed it. Like he finally got what he always wanted.
"Gross," Rotxo suddenly said causing me to jump almost five feet away from Aonung, who was clearly annoyed with his friend and groaned when he interrupted our kiss. My eyes widened as I saw Rotxo quirking a brow at the both of us, Aonung placed his hands on his waist as he waited for his friend to explain why he came to interrupt them.
"We were waiting for you! They send me back to see where you were!" Rotxo explained, "how were we supposed to know you were almost in each others loincloths?"
"That's not what happened," I stammered as I crossed my arms and hugged my body, still ashamed Rotxo saw us. Aonung was about to open his mouth to say something to Rotxo when five shadows flew over us, interrupting our conversation, the three of us looked up and saw five Ikrans flying to the village. I shot a worried glance to Aonung who grabbed my hand and pulled me with him back to the village, followed by Rotxo who wasn't even bothered to get the others back. When we arrived back in the village I was surprised to see a forest Na'vi family get off the Ikrans, I had never seen other Na'vi besides the Metkayina before. Their skintones were a more intense shade of blue compared to ours, their eyes were piercing yellow, their bodies were more slim and tall. I saw the father stepping forward, holding up his hands to show us he was unarmed, he was followed by the mother who held her youngest daughter tightly to her body. Behind them was the oldest daughter who seemed unhappy to be here and there were two brothers, the youngest brother was looking at something behind me with big eyes so I turned around and saw him gaping at the sight of Tsireya who was coming toward us. I couldn't help but grin at that sight. Another one falling for the chief's daughter. When I turned back around to see the family my gaze fell on the oldest brother but he was already looking at me and when his yellow eyes locked with my ocean blue eyes he kindly nudged his head a little and halfsmiled. I couldn't help but smile back at him, but I was feeling nervous and so I looked down at my feet right after I started smiling.
"Bro, what is this?" Aonung mocked followed by a laugh from Rotxo as he walked to the younger brother, "what a baby tail." And with that he grabbed onto his tail, followed by a hiss from the younger brother and a deadly glare from the older brother.
"Aonung!" I hissed under my breath and his eyes met with mine, "stop it!"
Aonung simply lifted his hands up in defeat, his gaze remaining on me and with a develish smirk he took a step back and walked over to me, he brushed his hand past mine and stood by my side, his skin touching mine, and he left the newcomers alone like I had asked him to.
"Jake Sully, What brings you here to us?" Tonowari asked the father once he arrived.
"I seek uturu, for my family," the father said but I looked away from the father and locked my eyes on the older brother, he was taller then me, he was slightly muscular like his father but it was clear he was still trying to get the muscles in shape, his face however had perfectly captured his mother's beauty, he had braided hair that fell onto his shoulder and his eyes were a bright shade of yellow like I had never seen before. Those yellow eyes were breathtaking. The older brother probably felt my eyes on him as his eyes met with mine once more but this time I didn't break away, I could feel a certain unexplainable attraction towards the older brother, I was curious about him. This time it was him that broke the eye contact, I smiled a little when he did, thinking the way he quickly turned his head around causing his braids to whip around with his head looked quite cute.
"Very well," Tonowari said snapping me back to reality, helping me to realise I was almost staring into that boy's soul and getting lost in it, "Jake Sully and his family are here to stay! They don't know our way of life so they will be like newborns taking their first breath-" Aonung chuckled at that statement so I softly slapped him on his arm for that, "teach them our ways so they won't feel the shame of being useless! My son Aonung and my daughter Tsireya will guide your children."
"Father," Aonung said as he walked past me, "why?"
"It has been decided!" Tonowari said strictly followed by an annoyed groan from Aonung as he stubbornly walked away followed by Rotxo.
"Come, I will show you our village," Tsireya said excitedly as she locked her eyes with the younger brother. I watched the family gather their things and follow after Tsireya, the older brother walking past me and taking a glance at me before turning his head back to his family. I watched him walk away into the village with his family and my best friend, I let out a big sigh as I decided to go home now that all my friends had scattered off to do their own things.

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