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Aonung's pov:

"Wake up, sleepyhead," Miyara whispered as she placed a kiss on my nose, "it's your birthday."
"It is?" I groaned as I opened my eyes, Miyara resting her forehead against mine.
"Mhm," she hummed and smiled, "happy birthday."
"Thank you," I said softly as I leaned in and kissed her before looking down at her belly, "still no 'the baby's on his way' feelings?"
"No, none," she hummed and sighed, "he's a little slow, like his dad."
"Oh, really? You want to play that game hm?" I grinned as she began to chuckle, "you know I still beat you every time, no matter what game we are playing."
"That is not true, when have you ever won a game?" She chuckled as I pulled her closer to me.
"Hm, perhaps that time before you became my girlfriend and you thought you could beat me at a water game? Remember? When all our buddies watched us make out?" I asked as she rolled her eyes and began to blush.
"That never happened," she lied, "you should get your head checked by your mother, you're starting to make things up."
"Oh, I am?" I laughed as she tried to crawl away from me but I gently guided her back to my embrace as I started to peck kisses all over her face.
"Aonung, stop it!" She giggled as I continued to kiss her before breaking away, our eyes locking with each other as I did.
Two years ago since she became my girlfriend, two years since the Sully's arrived and after two years of having her I was still as madly in love with her as the first day she became my girlfriend. I believed that Eywa had spend a good amount of time crafting us for each other, how we were perfectly shaped for each other and knowing that even beyond our lives in this world she will be mine still in the next one. My love for her was infinite, I loved everything about her even her flaws but to be honest, in my opinion she had no flaws. To me she was always perfect no matter what she did. I knew it was her from the moment I met her.
"Stop looking at me like that," she whispered, a tension between us as I hovered over her, our lips mere inches apart from each other as I could see the very few green speckles in her bright blue eyes.
"Like what?" I asked her softly and I licked my lips, "you're the most beautiful woman in the world, you're worth looking at."
"Only if it's you looking," she whispered, "nobody else but you."
"Good," I said as I slowly started to lean in, "because you're mine."
"I'm yours," she said and I gently kissed her, Miyara moved her hands up to cup my face as my tongue teased her bottom lip, asking for entry. She chuckled and allowed my tongue to roam around with hers, our saliva mixing together as my heart was beating just as hard in my chest as it did the first time I kissed her. I'd never grow tired of her, of the way she makes me feel. After a while of passionate kisses she pulled away, brushing her thumb along my lower lip and she smiled at me with her eyes.
"I see you, Ma'Nung," she whispered.
"And I see you, Ma'Miya," I said as I looked down at her belly, "and soon, I'll see our son."
"The next Olo'eyktan after you," she chuckled.
"If he's anything like you he'll be much better than I ever will be," I said and before she could speak again I already kissed her again.


Miyara's pov:

"And so he pulls out too late and now I am very much worried for babies," Teungyi said as we all sat together at the celebration of Aonung's nineteenth birthday. I saw him sit across from me, chatting with the guys as I was seated next to Tsireya and Asena.
"Didn't that happen like three months ago?" Seyza asked Teungyi.
"Yes, your point?" Teungyi asked and I could see Seyza getting fed up with Teungyi.
"So wouldn't you know it by now if you were pregnant?" Seyza asked her in disbelief.
"How am I supposed to know? I've never been pregnant before," Teungyi said worried.
"You're not pregnant!" Seyza, Tsireya, Kiri and I said in unison.
"What would you know Kiri? Have you an Rotxo even had sex? You never talk about it," Teungyi said as she quirked a brow.
"We've been together for a year now," Kiri said but Teungyi simply shrugged, ".. yeah, we've had sex."
"Yeah, good job, Kiri! You're officially a slut, like me, congratulations!" Teungyi said as she fist bumped Kiri who was too confused to even respond to Teungyi, "we need another girls night soon."
"We should," I said and I turned to Asena, "you should come too."
"Sure," Asena said and smiled her green eyes looking at each of us, "you guys are very welcoming."
"We better be, we started of as a group of three and now we're with.... more than three," Teungyi grinned and she pointed at me, Seyza and Tsireya, "you guys are by the way carrying living prove that you've been fucking."
"No, not me," I said, "I'm just fat."
"Yeah, because body fat kicks of course, I can see your boy's feet from here," Teungyi grinned but then her smile faded. We turned around to see what Teungyi was so suddenly glaring at when we saw Fninrey nervously looking at us. Fninrey had been keeping her distance since she and Spider apologized and I didn't know why but she suddenly stood before us.
"Could I.. could I join you?" She asked me and Tsireya mainly.
"If you don't hit on anyone's man you can," Asena said followed by a snort from Teungyi.
"I like you, new girl," Teungyi said as she pointed at Asena.
"I like you too, weird girl," Asena smirked making Teungyi laugh.
"Be nice," I told the two before turning to Fninrey, "of course you can join us, have a seat."
"Thanks," Fninrey said as she sat down in between me and Tsireya. There was an awkward silence for a brief moment before Teungyi returned to her usual self.
"So, what's it like carrying the newest menace of Awa'atlu?" Teungyi asked me and I rolled my eyes.
"Why don't you take another sip of your drink," I sighed and Teungyi chuckled.
"Sounds like a plan to me, your hubby is pretty drunk himself," Teungyi laughed pointing at Aonung who was dancing with Neteyam, Lo'ak, Spider and Yrritsyo whilst Rotxo and Raì observed them.
"What are they doing?" Tsireya asked confused, nobody knew what kind of dance they were performing but for some reason everyone enjoyed it.
"It's a sky people dance," Kiri laughed, "it's called the Macarena."
"Ah, it looks funny, doesn't it?" I questioned as I saw Aonung put his heart and soul into that dance.
"Teungyi, did you steal my fucking spear again?" A man's voice suddenly sounded and we all turned around and met with Kiojah, one of Teungyi's older brothers.. Teungyi had three older brothers and, Kiojah, was the middle out of the three brothers, he was also extremely tall, like Teungyi's entire family was.
"Why would I steal your fucking spear?" She asked her brother, "ask Ratso or Fiezoka, or mom or dad but not me."
"Yeah, will do," Kiojah sighed and rolled his eyes.
"You should stay, brother," Teungyi said, "stop being such an emo and enjoy other people's company for once in your life."
"You're so annoying," Kiojah groaned annoyed before his eyes landed on Asena.
Kiojah's jaw slightly dropped and his eyes widened when he saw Asena, I smirked at the sight of it as I turned around to see Asena look the exact same way at him, blushing as she did so.
"I.. suppose I could stay a little longer," Kiojah said and without even questioning it he walked over to Asena and sat down besides her, "I'm Kiojah, I've never seen you here before."
"That's because you live in your room, skxawng," Teungyi snorted at her older brother who shot her a glare, "they moved into Miyara's old pod next to ours, you blind fuck."
"I'm Asena," she said softly, "my brother, sister-in-law, niece and I just moved back here after living at another village."
"I'm glad you returned then," Kiojah said and Asena smiled, "so you could brighten up Awa'atlu with your smile once more."
"Ah, that's so cringy," Teungyi groaned, "my brother the rizz god."
"Says the one who fucks everything that's fuckable," Kiojah retorted.
"Hey! Not anymore, I only fuck Yrritsyo now," Teungyi said stern, pointing at her drunk boyfriend.
"Yrri, you're not fucking my sister are you?" Kiojah asked a very drunk Yrritsyo who had also joined in on dancing the so called Macarena dance.
"No, I'm a virgin!" Yrritsyo lied, "I would never dare to touch your virgin sister, she's a saint."
"The fuck is a saint?" Kiojah asked me like I was supposed to know.
"I don't know, why don't you ask the boys that are dancing sky people dances? I'm sure they'll know," I told Kiojah and he shrugged.
"Asena, it's a pleasure to meet you," Kiojah said turning back to Asena, "would you like to come with me on a skimwing ride one day? I could show you the basics."
"Are you asking me out on a date?" Asena asked a little shy.
"I am," Kiojah said, "if you'd like."
"I would be interested in going on a date with you," Asena chuckled as Kiojah smiled broadly.
"Great," Kiojah said, "I'll drop by your pod soon to pick you up."
"Sounds good to me," Asena said and smiled.
"I'll be leaving now, because otherwise I'll be strangling my sister at the end of the evening," Kiojah said, "bye."
"Bye," Asena said as Kiojah got up and walked away, she immediately started to giggle and I wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
"I should warn you, he snores," Teungyi said, "and he's like... fucking annoying."
"This might be your first future sister in law," I said and Teungyi rolled her eyes.
"And the only one because my other brothers don't want to be mated, well Fiezoka does but to another man," Teungyi said and smirked, "he's gay as fuck."
"Says the girl who's fucked other girls," Seyza added to that, "or did you forget that you had already told us about your threesome?"
"Why? Are you offering another one?" Teungyi asked and smirked when Seyza got flustered from her forward question.
"Miya," Asena whispered in my ear, "could you... help me with preparing for that date? I've never been on a date before.. I've never even had a boy interested in me before. What if he finds out about my anger issues?"
"Don't worry, it's just a date, you'll discover stuff about each other and from there on you'll decide if you want to continue seeing each other or not," I said as I pulled her closer to me, "believe me, he'll love you.. Kiojah's never been interested in anyone ever. You're special."
"It's true, my brother's a pathetic loser that never likes anyone," Teungyi added and I shot her a glare.
"Be more rude," I scoffed.
"I could but I don't think you'll like it," Teungyi snorted and I rolled my eyes.
"Don't worry, Asena, you'll be fine," I said and she nodded kindly.
I frowned when I suddenly saw my husband walk over to me, but he couldn't walk in a straight line. He stumbled towards me, a drunk smile plastered on his face as he tripped over his own feet and fell down flat on his stomach infront of me, coughing out sand when he looked up to me and acted like none of it had happened.
"I think you've had enough," I said softly as he crawled over to me, I could smell the alcohol on his breath. Aonung chuckled and held up a pink flower before he suddenly decided to place it in my hair and letting his fingers brush past my cheek.
"For you," he said, "because you're pretty."
"Thank you," I said and smiled at him.
"You're the prettiest girlfriend ever, you know," he said and he squinted his eyes.
"I'm your wife," I told him and Aonung gasped.
"That's even better!" He exclaimed as he stared at me with dreamy eyes.
"He's wasted," Teungyi laughed, "he's on another planet."
"Just because I am drunk doesn't mean that I am drunk," Aonung said as he sat up next to me, pushing Asena aside and placing his head on my shoulder.
"You want some water?" I asked him and he nodded, "Teung, could you get him some water please?"
"Why out of all people does it have to be me?" Teungyi asked me.
"Because you aren't walking with living prove that you've been fucking," Tsireya said followed by a snort from Kiri, "so move your lazy butt and get my brother some water."
"Fine, Kiri, let's go," Teungyi said, waving at Kiri to follow her.
"Why? I don't think this is a two-person-job," Kiri sighed.
"You're right," Teungyi said and she turned around, "everybody that's not carrying living prove that they've been having sex can follow me to get our future Olo'eyktan his fucking water. So, Kiri, Fninrey and Asena can come with me, you pretty little Princesses and your babies can stay here and braid each others hair."
"That was uncalled for," Seyza said as she looked at Tsireya and me, the others following after Teungyi without a second thought.
"Everything Teungyi says and does is uncalled for," Tsireya said and sighed as she leaned back, watching her drunk husband sing some sky people song.
"I'm a jelly bear, cuz I'm a gummy bear. Oh, I'm a movin', groovin', jammin', singin' gummy bear," Lo'ak sang proudly, "oh yeah!"
"Out of all the songs dad taught you, you chose that one?" Neteyam asked Lo'ak in disbelief and snorted when Lo'ak simply shrugged.
"What did we marry into?" Tsireya asked Seyza and I snorted, having Aonung's head still on my shoulder.
"No idea, but Rotxo is next," Seyza said as she rolled her eyes, "looks like it's not going to be the pregnant wives with sickness tonight but the husbands who could not find the bottom of their bowls."
"A bowl has no bottom, it's an endless circle," Aonung said pointing his finger up as Tsireya and Seyza both shot me a questioning look.
"Yeah, you've proven that tonight, brother," Tsireya said, "your wife could give birth any moment and you thought getting this wasted was a good idea?"
"My wife gave me permission!" Aonung said defensively, "she has no baby feelings yet and I asked her if I could get drunk and she said yes."
"What a romantic story," Seyza sighed, "the great future Olo'eyktan of Awa'atlu, the one that will lead us all one day, needs to ask permission from his wife."
"He doesn't need to, we simply talked about it and came to an understanding together," I defended him and Aonung nodded.
"You tell her, darling," Aonung said as he snuggled into the nape of my neck. I smiled warmly from his embrace but my smile soon faded when I saw Teungyi, Asena, Kiri and Fninrey return with a bucket of water instead of a bowl, each one carrying the heavy bucket together.
"Oh, shit," I whispered under my breath, catching Aonung's attention as he instinctively looked up and saw the four girls come towards us.
"Wait!" Aonung said as he got up to his feet, "not over my wife, she's pregnant."
"You're allowing us to splash you with water?" Kiri asked him in disbelief and Aonung nodded, "who are you and what did you do to Aonung?"
"I'm too drunk to answer that," Aonung said, "but I'm pretty sure the answer is Aonung."
"Get in position, wethead," Teungyi cackled like a maniac, "or I'll take your wife down with you."
"You do that and I will make your first pregnancy a misery," Aonung said as he stepped away from me and held his arms up, embracing the water. The girls giggled as they dropped the bucket over his head, the guys noticed and began to laugh so loudly but what caught my attention was Aonung's loincloth that was starting to come down because of the force of the water, revealing his v-line to everyone but he was clearly too far out of it to notice, but the others surely noticed.
I got up as quickly as I could as I ran over to him and just before the loincloth could drop entirely I grabbed onto the waistband and pulled it up so harshly I accidentally gave him a wedgie.
"Ow! Miya!" Aonung whined, sounding a little bit more sober, "why'd you do that?"
"Why did I do that?" I asked him in disbelief, "do you want everyone to see your dick?"
"I wouldn't mind a peek of what Miya's been obsessed with for over two years now," Teungyi shouted, followed by laughter from the others, except Tsireya who most certainly did not want to see that.
"Shut up!" Aonung and I called back to her in unison.
"No, I only want you to see," he said smirking as he pushed the waistband further with his thumb, allowing me to look inside of his loincloth and I grunted annoyed with him.
"Can you please tighten your waistband so I don't have to hold it up for you anymore?" I asked him and he chuckled but nonetheless he still did what I asked him.


"Are you sober again?" I asked after a few hours, the ending of the party being nearly there, only Teungyi, Yrritsyo, Asena, Kiri, Rotxo, Spider and Fninrey were left, the others had already gone home.
"I'm sober," Aonung said softly, "sorry for my behaviour."
"You don't have to apologize, don't be silly, it's your birthday and you deserve to enjoy that," I said as I placed a loose strand of his hair behind his ear.
"I would've liked it more if I could've shared my birthday with our child," he said softly, "maybe the next one can.. would you like to go home?"
"I wouldn't mind to get some sleep," I chuckled as I leaned him and pecked a quick kiss on his lips, "in three months we've already been mated for an entire year."
"Before you know it we're old and have grandbabies, which will most likely be an army since you saw us having four children in Eywa's vision," Aonung said as he got up to his feet and then helped me up too, "I would like to have my own army, how cool would that be, Miya? Can you see me making an army of all our grandchildren?"
"We haven't even had our first chi-" I began but stopped when I felt a sudden cramp in my stomach.
I grunted in pain as I reached for my belly, squeezing my eyes shut as Aonung immediatly crouched down to my level with worry.
"Miya, what's wrong?" He asked me worried, "Miya, talk to me, darling."
"The.." I grunted as I opened my eyes and looked directly into his, "the baby's coming."

Woah what a plot twist.. but not really since it was to be expected.
What a cliffhanger I should say..
This was chapter 55, only 4 more to go people.. 60 will be the last chapter and it will be a very special one.
Anyway what did you think of this chapter?

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