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Aonung's pov:

"This is killing me!" I groaned annoyed as I layed flat on my back on the woven floor of the isolated marui pod, "is it almost over?"
"Dude, you've been here for ten minutes," Mo'iki snorted as he dropped off some of my stuff, "you you still got three more months to go."
"What am I supposed to do with my time now?" I questioned as I looked up at the night sky with a grumpy look on my face.
"Jerk yourself off instead of having my sister do it so I might actually sleep a night without worrying about your hands on my sister or the other way around," Mo'iki said and he rolled his eyes. For the first time I saw the similarity between the siblings, the way they spoke and rolled their eyes, I never realised how much alike they were.
"Miya does that too," I said as Mo'iki quirked a brow, "she rolls her eyes a lot now and makes sassy comments."
"Yeah because she's finally allowed to be herself instead of acting like the perfect princess my father wanted her to be," Mo'iki said, "who do you think taught her to blow those smoke circles? My abusive father?"
"You just go out of your way to teach your little sister to smoke pod and blow circles?" I asked and Mo'iki simply shrugged as he sat down.
"I didn't want my dad to take a full control over her, otherwise she'd be knitting all day and sit inside like a prisoner," Mo'iki said, "somebody had to show her what life can also be about aaaand she catched me smoking pod one day in my room and threatened me to teach her so, her sassy side was already there she just needed to be freed from the jerk that is our father."
"She never really talks about it, you know," I said, "she acts like your parents stopped excisting the moment Avaroa died."
Mo'iki took a deep breath and blinked rapidly a few times before looking up at me, he never spoke about his dead mate either, he was stubborn like that. Miyara and Mo'iki were both good at hiding their emotions, good at smiling for other people.
"Miyara admired Avaroa, because Avaroa wasn't afraid to follow her heart," Mo'iki explained, "they were like sisters, she told everything to Avaroa and would ask for her advice, but my father had such a hold on Miyara's mind that she only started thinking for herself when she started living with me and all that sudden freedom made her brain fuzzy.. I could tell and I was a bad brother for not helping her, I thought she'd figure it out but she was so conflicted with those feelings for you and Neteyam that she lost track of what she wanted and more of what she needed to be, things started to blur together for her.. I told her to explore her feelings for Neteyam, you know, because I thought that he resembled a certain freedom that you couldn't give her but I was wrong.
I'm not going to lie, Aonung, I thought you were a dickhead and I thought you'd treat her like shit because that's how you used to treat a lot of other people around you.. I kind of pushed her towards liking Neteyam, I didn't realise how influencial Miyara was back then because I wasn't at that age. I learned at a young age that disobeying my father would mean punishment and I learned that he didn't want me to live a life of my own but to Miyara it was a different view, she saw the way our father treated me and assumed that father was always right, that she should blindly do as he says because he knows what's best and that was imprinted in her mind for as long as she could remember so I had no idea that by telling her to explore her feelings for Neteyam she was blindly obeying my orders. I'm glad that overtime she discovered herself, especially after.. after Niokä and Oimliän almost raped her, she was a mess but I could see her thinking everyday.. she would wake up and think about everything, not from a perspective in which my father would think , or how I would think or anyone else but simply the way she thought, allowing all those feelings to wash over her. Then she wanted to train, determined on not relying on any man anymore, because that's all my father taught her; to rely on men. But she wouldn't talk to me about her feelings toward you or Neteyam, everytime I would even bring in a word that started with the letter A or N she'd freeze, thinking I would talk about you two.. but I knew she'd chose you in the end. As you know, Miyara talks in her sleep, she started doing that a lot more in that month, since she wouldn't talk to me I decided to listen to her sleep talk and every night she mumbled about one thing and one thing only.."
I listened intently as Mo'iki shared a personal story on both Miyara as himself, the two siblings could both be very closed of, but I was grateful that he wanted to open up about it, he was after all the one that knew Miyara the longest.
"About what?" I asked him as he eyed me curiously, like I was supposed to know.
"You, she'd be talking in her sleep about you," Mo'iki said softly and smiled when he saw my ears perk up, "she still does, it's getting annoying really."
"Well, you won't have to worry about it any longer, since we'll be getting our own pod after all this," I said as Mo'iki's smile slowly vanished.
"My baby sister's growing up," he whispered and I saw him blink away a few tears, "I still remember the day she was born, it was an extremely hot day, everybody was complaining about the heat, nobody got any work done and my mother went into labor, alone.. my father believed that he shouldn't support her in giving birth because that was what she was supposed to do as a woman and I was so angry with him for that, I was five years old and I was determined on being there for my mother, nearly fainted as I held my mothers head up during the birth of my sister and as soon as she was born it started to rain, not just a few drops of water, no it started to pour down on us and the birthing place was closer to your home than ours and your mother took us to your house, so my mother and Miyara wouldn't get sick in the bad weather. You were in this little cradle in your pod and you just wouldn't stop crying, everytime it thundered you would scream at the top of your lungs, honestly it was so bad I wanted to smother you, my mother somehow managed to sleep through your loud cries and I was holding Miyara in my arms who didn't make a sound, she couldn't care less about the thunderstorm, but my father didn't even bother to check why we weren't returning home or if my mother and Miyara were allright, he simply stayed at home waiting for us to return but as long as it stormed we couldn't.. It stormed all night and you were crying all night, no matter what your parents tried, you just wouldn't shut up and then I decided to lay Miyara down into your little cradle and as soon as I layed her down her next you, you stopped crying, just like that. You eyed her curiously and for a brief moment your pinky latched onto hers and you giggled, your mother was worried that something had happened since you fell quiet all of the sudden and she ran in and asked me 'what did you do, Mo'iki?' And I answered, 'he sounded scared so I thought he could use a friend'.. she slept with you in your cradle for about three hours and that's when the storm stopped, your mother checked on my mother and sister to see if they were all healthy and then we took her from your cradle thinking that you were in a deep slumber but as soon as my mother picked Miyara up you began to cry again.. I didn't see you for another six years and then my six year old sister walks into my room a sudden morning with a bruise on her ankle and tells me that she had met a boy when she snuck out the night before, I didn't think much of it because her best friend was Yrritsyo and they were always together but then she told me your name and I thought it was pretty ironic. Especially when you two got betrothed."
I smiled as Mo'iki told me that story, I was surprised why my parents never bothered to tell me that story, I never knew about that. It was a heartfelt story, truely proving that Miya and I were meant to be from the start.
"Did your mother ever tell you?" Mo'iki asked me, "I know Miyara never heard the story either."
"I never knew," I answered, "I always thought I met her the night she snuck out of the house to see what was beyond the roots."
"Nope, you met her on the very same day she was born, when you were just three months old yourself," Mo'iki chuckled, "funny how it all turned out."
"I really fucking love her, you know," I admitted, "I'd die for her if I had to, I'd kill for her if she asked me to.. I've never loved anyone more than I love her."
"I know, I can tell," Mo'iki said as he got up, "you say that you can't love anyone more than her now but just wait until you have children."
"Anything I should know about raising children?" I asked and Mo'iki scoffed.
"Don't be a dick like my dad," Mo'iki said, "but, she's not pregnant yet and I'm still getting adjusted to the idea of you fucking my sister, I'm sure you'll understand, since Lo'ak's pretty busy with yours."
"Yeah, don't remind me," I said and halfsmiled at Mo'iki.
"Good luck with your three months of solitude," Mo'iki said, "at least, solitude from my sister."
"Thanks, looking forward to it," I said as I watched Mo'iki leave, finding myself alone in the isolated pod. Every Olo'eyktan had spend three months before their mating ritual here, they all left a mark here, I'd explore it soon and make my own mark.

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