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So I don't know about you but I was working so hard on making Miyara a likeable character, but then I realised that this is a love triangle story.. so what are the odds she'd be liked anyway.. I mean hardly anybody liked Elena Gilbert😂 so I decided to stop trying to make her likeable, if anyone wants to read about a likeable character who's name stars with a 'M' that finds true love in space I'd suggest my other fanfiction (Dark Pasts, Bright Futures) and if not I want you to be prepared for the dramaaaaa. Because that's what a love triangle is right? A lot of drama hahaha.

⚠️ By the way: this chapter contains some explicit scenes, so you're warned ⚠️

I would also like it if you'd all respond with who Miyara should end up with according to you, some say Neteyam and some say Aonung.. who would you like her to end up with and why? because honestly I have a difficult time in choosing myself...
Now enjoy this chapter!


Miyara's pov:

"You're telling me that Lo'ak walked in on a pretty hot kissing session between you and Neteyam?" Teungyi asked me as a smirk grew upon her face as we both sat on our Ilu's in the sea near the beaches.
"Yes, I wasn't.. sober," I said  awkwardly as Teungyi laughed at me.
"You weren't drunk enough either, stop fooling yourself girl," Teungyi said as she leaned back, "you are intrested in him.. wether you allow it to yourself or not."
"What use would come of it? I am still very much betrothed," I said and sighed resting my head against the neck of my Ilu.
"Do you even still want to be betrothed to that skxawng?" Teungyi asked me quirking a brow.
"No," I said and sighed, "yes, I don't know.. I feel a lot of things but I don't understand them."
"Shouldn't you be figuring it out then?" Teungyi asked me and shrugged.
"What do you think I'm trying to do?" I groaned, "had they never come seeking for uturu here I would've been happily in love with Aonung without any distractions."
"Right, the Aonung who likes to cut faces open of guys he sees as competition," Teungyi said sarcastically, "score!"
"I'm sorry," I said as I tied my hair up, "what do you think I should do?"
"I think you should mess around with both until you know what you want," Teungyi shrugged casually, who was in a similiar situation a while ago.
"What? I can't do that, that's insensitive," I said slightly surprised she'd even suggest it.
"Sweetie, you're already doing that," Teungyi rolled her eyes, "look you are into Aonung and you're into Neteyam but you don't know who you're more into. Let's not forget that you almost had sex with Aonung had Lo'ak not exposed him and who knows how far you and Neteyam would've gone last night had it not been for Lo'ak to walk in on you.. Woah, now that you think of it Lo'ak just looooves to ruin your sex nights."
"It's not like that," I chuckled also finding it funny that Lo'ak did always manage to squeeze himself in between those situations, "besides I wouldn't have fucked Neteyam last night.. It wasn't like that, with him it's.. different.. it's passionate."
"Sex is passionate, you skxawng," Teungyi said rolling her eyes, "to be very honest with you, I think that it'll be Neteyam for you in the end.. because if you really loved Aonung you wouldn't have fallen for Neteyam.. just saying."
"I can't get out of my betrothal to Aonung and I do love him, it's just that Neteyam.. makes me feel differently compared to Aonung," I said and Teungyi frowned.
"That's your mistake, Miya," she said softly, "you can't compare them to each other. You should stop trying to compare one to the other."
"What do you mean?" I asked her.
"From what I've seen, Aonung's more of a fun love, one that challenges you to dive deeper into yourself.. his love's more dangerous, it's all about dominance.. he likes to show off that you're his, he brags about it. He's the one that brings out a sassy side within you, the one that you'd like to supress and he's got that protective dick boyfriend energy, you know?" Teungyi explained, "Neteyam's more of a serious love.. he's protective in a more mature way.. he feels a deeper kind of love, a pure kind of love. He's more shy but in a cute way, he's the type of love that comes off as a sweet love but in private a more confident and hard loving kind of boyfriend.. he's the type of love that could also be your best friend. Do you understand what I'm saying? You're experiencing two entirely different kinds of love by two entirely different boys, you can't compare one to the other because they are nothing alike."
"I think I understand it a bit more now," I sighed as I looked away from Teungyi to the beach. My brows furrowing together when I saw Aonung walking along the shore with a girl next to him, laughing about a joke he made. It was Leykuzi. They weren't holding hands or anything but they walked awfully close together as they were both smiling and laughing with each other. Teungyi noticed my gaze and turned around to see what I was looking at before returning her gaze to me with a smug look on her face.
"You broke up with him," she said, "you can't be jealous now."
"Jealous? I'm not jealous!" I said a little too loudly causing Teungyi to quirk up a brow, "I am not jealous... I'm simply intrested in what that bitch has to say to him, that's all."
"Probably something like; 'oh, Aonung, you're so big and strong please mate with me and let that curly haired bitch live alone'," Teungyi said as she mimicked Leykuzi's annoying voice.
"That's rude," I said looking at my friend who enjoyed making fun of me.
"It's Leykuzi, she's after everyone's man," Teungyi said rolling her eyes, "bitch made a move on Yrritsyo as well."
"She did?" I asked her and Teungyi nodded.
"She sure did, I almost broke her teeth had Yrritsyo not pulled me back," Teungyi chuckled, "I mean somebody has to do it at some point, why not me?"
I softly chuckled as I looked back at Leykuzi and Aonung, watching how Leykuzi playfully touched his arm.. the arm he wore my birthday gift to him on. And Aonung simply smirked when she did. I felt this sudden anger boiling inside of me as I watched them act like that, was he really into her or was he simply doing this to get under my skin? Because it was working. I scoffed as I told my Ilu to move to the beach, leaving Teungyi behind.
"Miya, what are you doing?" Teungyi hissed as she quickly followed after me.
I was determined to break this little shit show apart as I got off my Ilu and stomped to the girl that was touching my man's.. I mean Aonung's arm!
"Aonung!" I said with a strong tone in my voice, watching them both curiously looking at me. Aonung's behaviour suddenly changed as Leykuzi dropped her hand from his arm. I stood there dumbfounded as I realised that I had no idea on what to say, my anger getting the best of me, which I hardly ever allowed to happen. Aonung eyed me curiously, waiting for me to speak as I could feel Leykuzi glare at me from the corner of my eye.
"I.." I stammered trying to find an excuse, "..was wondering if, uh... the ceremony outfit that your mother made for me should be returned to.. eh.. well, your mother?"
I could hear Teungyi behind me laugh to herself, clearly enjoying that I've made a total fool of myself. Aonung's ears slightly lowered, like that wasn't what he wanted to hear, he took a deep breath before speaking.
"No, that's yours, you can keep it," he said as he curiously eyed me, trying to read the expression on my face, "was.. that all?"
"No!" I said raising my voice but then realising how loud I was, "I mean yes! Thank you... for your time..ish. Goodbye.."
I groaned as I walked past them, deciding to be a bitch and bumping my shoulder against Leykuzi as Teungyi gladly followed after me and despite not liking Aonung bumped into Leykuzi's shoulder as well.
"Why didn't you stop me?" I asked Teungyi when we were far away enough.
"Well you left me no choice," Teungyi explained "you left me in the sea as you went for them like a one woman army!"
"Did you hear me? DID YOU HEAR ME?" I asked and Teungyi began to laugh.
"Yes, I sure did," she laughed.
"It's not funny!" I exclaimed.
"Yes, it is!" She continued laughing, "I mean, you're cute when you're jealous."
"I wasn't jealous!" I scoffed, followed by a loud snicker from Teungyi as she clearly didn't believe a word I said.
"No, you were as chill as the night sky," she said sarcastically, "I have never seen you so laid back as just now."
"You're so not helpful!" I groaned as I walked back into the water and began to call for an Ilu.
"Where are you going?" Teungyi asked me still laughing over how I had humiliated myself.
"I don't know, to crawl under a rock in the middle of the ocean and die," I sighed as I got on an Ilu, "don't follow me."
"Have fun with your rock!" Teungyi smirked, "see you later."
I waved her off as I left for the rock I once made a special date for Aonung and me, suddenly feeling nostalgic.

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