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Neteyam's pov:

A week had passed since we came here, since I met her. I hadn't spoken to her since our little Ikran ride, I could still feel her hands on my body as she clung onto me, the way her hands moved from my lower abdonem to my chest. My heart was beating extremely fast but I think she was too scared to even notice it, she was so busy with her surroundings she hardly noticed what her touch did to my body in that moment, the way I struggled to control myself.
I only spoke to her during the swimming lessons but I hardly catched her alone when those were over, I noticed her spending more and more time with Aonung and it annoyed me, he now always seemed to be by her side. I already had a strong dislike for Aonung and now that he was with Miyara all the time, making her laugh, hug her, tickle her and tease her made me hate him even more. I wanted to talk to her so badly but I was starting to lose hope that anything would ever come out of it. I could see by the look in her eyes that she was slowly starting to fall in love with Aonung and it pained me to know that I would never see her look at me like that.
"Have they always been so close?" Lo'ak asked Tsireya as we watched Miyara and Aonung walking together on the beach from our breathing spot on the rock. It was like Lo'ak could read my mind because I was wondering that too, Tsireya was her best friend so I knew she must have the answers but I was too much of a coward to actually ask her, I was afraid I would out myself as intrested in Miyara. I was glad that Lo'ak was willing to take the fall for me.
"No, actually," Tsireya shrugged, "she used to beat him up when we were younger and he took a liking to her."
"So why are they acting like they're a married couple going out for a stroll?" Lo'ak asked once more, I didn't look at Tsireya, Lo'ak, Kiri or Rotxo as I kept my gaze upon Miyara and Aonung. If anyone was paying attention to me they'd think I was going insane.
"I don't know," she said, "perhaps it's practice."
"Practice?" I scoffed, finally turning my head to face Tsireya, "for what?"
"Miyara is promised to Aonung," Tsireya explained, "since they were six years old. So they'll end up together anyway."
"Oh, right," Rotxo said like he remembered something and smirked as he looked at Tsireya, "I forgot to tell you."
"Tell me what?" Tsireya asked confused as Rotxo leaned over to whisper something in her ear. I was eager to find out what Rotxo was telling her and if it was related to my problem, I studied the look on Tsireya's face curiously if it would give anything away. Tsireya gasped and her eyes widened as she looked at Rotxo in disbelief.
"No! You're joking!" She exclaimed and she looked over at Miyara and Aonung, "I don't believe you!"
"I saw it with my own eyes!" Rotxo said and grinned, pointing at his light colored eyes, "why don't you ask them and see their response."
"Bro, what are you even talking about?" Lo'ak asked Rotxo. I shot a quick look at Kiri who seemed to be too deep in her own thoughts to be even bothered by this.
"I can't say," Rotxo said, "he made me promise I wouldn't."
"He made you promise?" Tsireya questioned surprised, "why?"
"Because she's not ready to have it out in the open yet or something and he's respecting her wishes," Rotxo shrugged and I squinted my eyes as I was getting infuriated with not knowing what the two were talking about. Lo'ak seemed to be getting annoyed with it too and gently tugged on Tsireya's arm hoping she'd tell him.
"I didn't know he could do that," Tsireya snorted looking back to where Aonung and Miyara were. I looked over and saw them sitting next to each other on the beach, chatting about something, I don't think they even noticed us on a distant rock watching them, they were too consumed with each other.
"I have no clue what you guys are talking about," Kiri said suddenly to let us know she was still here too.
"Neither do I, sis," Lo'ak grinned as he crossed his arms.
"So, will you ask?" Rotxo asked Tsireya, totally ignoring the rest of us and Tsireya smirked.
"Perhaps I won't have to," she grinned as she got up and walked over to the water, "who's in for a little spy work?"
I frowned, haven't seen this sassy side of the chief's daughter before as I watched her jump into the water followed by Rotxo and they swam to a rock closer to where Aonung and Miyara were and hid behind it looking at the two. I shot a questioning look to the others. Lo'ak simply shrugged as he followed after the girl he liked without second thought and even Kiri seemed to be intrested in Tsireya's plan. I sighed before deciding to follow after them to see what was going on between the guy I despised and the girl I was starting to like.

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