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Neteyam's pov:

"Aim," I said softly as I observed her, adoring the way she crunched her nose up when she was concentrating, "loose."
Miyara let the arrow fly but missed the fish she was aiming at, feeling frustrated she grunted as she looked at me.
"You came a lot closer than the one before," I chuckled as she rolled her eyes.
"So I almost have enough to make dinner," she said sarcastically as she drew another arrow, "I only have what you shot."
"You'll get the hang of it, besides you had a two week break and it shows," I said as I stepped behind her to adjust her position slightly. Aonung thought she was with Teungyi since she lied for us for some reason, nobody knew about me teaching Miyara archery, not even Lo'ak or Kiri.
I hadn't seen her for two weeks and until that moment I hadn't realised how much she'd began to mean to me in the past three months, I found myself missing her presence and being dragged along by Lo'ak to meet with the others who didn't seem too bothered that Miyara couldn't hang out with us. But what pissed me off the most was how casual Aonung was, how he didn't make an effort to visit her. I tried, I walked up to her pod when her father saw me coming and hissed at me to leave right away, I ended up acting like I wasn't there to visit Miyara and so I walked into Teungyi's pod since the girls are neighbours but I ended up walking into Teungyi's three older brothers, who were all a lot taller than I was.
Aonung on the other hand was liked by her parents, and he didn't check on her once and when she was finally allowed to hang out with us again he insulted her. He made jokes of her. I was so angry with him, I couldn't shut myself up, I had to stand up for her.
Miyara took a deep breath as she aimed the arrow once more after I had corrected her position slightly and when she blew the air out the arrow landed into the fish she was aiming at. Watching the big smile form on her pretty face.
"I did it!" She said excited as she jumped up and down, dropping the bow on the ground.
"See? You got this, Dimples," I chuckled watching her be excited over this. Miyara jumped up and wrapped her arms around my neck, I had to catch her and maintain my balance otherwise I would've fallen onto my back with her in my arms.
"I did!" She exclaimed, still dangling from the ground in my arms, "thank you!"
"You did that yourself!" I said softly as I allowed my arms to wrap around her as well, my heart beating out of my chest as I held her so close to me.
She was very excited as she let go of me to get the fish, I helped her kill the fish as I showed her step for step how my father taught me and she eyed me curiously with her big, ocean blue eyes that held a few green spots in them.
"If you can shoot another one again right now I'll tell you a funny story about Lo'ak," I said and she smirked at me.
"I'd rather hear a funny story about you," she said softly.
"Fine, a funny story about me," I sighed as I watch her avert her attention back to the water, drawing her arrow.
She followed the exact steps I had told her to and managed to shoot another one right away, Miyara became more excited then the first one she shot.
"Did you see me?" She said practically jumping towards me, "did you see?"
"Yes, I saw you, Miya," I laughed, loving how cute she looked when she was excited over something.
But in her excitement she did something I could not have anticipated; with a big smile on her face she grabbed onto me and smashed her lips against mine. My eyes widened as I realised what was going on, Miyara kissed me, she actually kissed me. She quickly realised what she was doing as she let go of me and jumped five feet away from me with wide open eyes, staring at me as worry washed over her face.
"I'm so sorry," she said in disbelief as I placed my fingers on my lips where hers had been a mere second ago, "I don't know why I did that."
I was too stunned to speak as I stared at her in disbelief myself, the kiss itself lasted only a slim second but still I could still feel her lips on mine. I could tell she was ashamed of herself, she kissed me and she had a boyfriend but now that she did I was starting to gain the hope my family was forcing on me. Because no matter how excited you are, you wouldn't kiss them for it if you didn't have some sort of feelings for them, right?
"I really didn't mean to," she said with her hands in her hair, beginning to stress, "oh, Eywa why did I do this?"
"Don't worry about it," I said trying to calm her down, "you just got lost in your excitement, it could happen to the best of us."
"Oh I have to go," she said as she grabbed the fish, forgetting the one she just shot, dropped everything as she tried to walk away since she was extremely stressed out.
"Miyara," I said softly as I helped her gather her things again, she sniffled her nose and once I got closer I could see the tears pulling in her eyes.
"No, Neteyam," she said with a lump in her throat, "I shouldn't have done that. It's not fair to you, it's not fair to me, it's not fair to... Aonung.."
I remained quiet as I watched her walk away from me with the hunt in her arms, probably too stressed to even notice that it was in fact a bunch of dead animals in her arms and she should've used a net so she could've carried the hunt without having it pressed against her in her arms.
I was upset for her, for how it happened but I wasn't upset that it had happened. I just wished it could happen again. I thought about what it would be like to tell Lo'ak and Kiri, they would be so excited for me, but I had seen how her parents treated Miyara and I knew that in the end she would be with Aonung so me telling other people would only burden her. I sighed feeling my heart rip a little now knowing that I couldn't tell a soul.
She would never chose me over him. Never.

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