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Aonung's pov:

When I woke up the next morning I realised that Miyara wasn't next to me again, even though she went to bed with me. Fear overtook me in an instant as I sat upright and didn't see her anywhere else in my room. I was afraid something had happened, I was afraid someone hurt her, never in my life had I worried over someone more than I've worried over my girlfriend, I felt so extremely protective of her. I crawled back up to my feet and ran out of my room into my pod, in a worried hurry I wanted to run out of my pod and search for my girlfriend.
"Aonung?" Miyara's voice called from behind me as I halted in the entrance of my pod, "where are you going?"
I frowned confused as I turned around to meet my gaze with Miyara, she looked at me confused as she sat next to my father with Yukrì in her arms.
"I.." I stammered as my father and Miyara waited for me to answer them, "I thought something happened.. to you."
"Oh," Miyara said softly and smiled at me, "I woke up and you were so peacefully asleep, I didn't want to wake you."
"Miyara told me that once you mate you want to start a family right away," my father said and I quirked my brows up, confused why she would tell my father that.
"S-she.." I stammered as I saw Miyara awkwardly smile, "you told him that?"
"It's not like that," Miyara said as she let Yukrì nibble on her finger, "your father told me that he thought I looked like I would make a good mother and then I told him that I wanted to start a family right away.. and you.. agreed."
"So, now all that know about us wanting a family are you, me and my father?" I asked as I watched my father burst out into a loud laughter fit.
"Your sister knows too," my father laughed and I saw Miyara's ears shamefully lower as I stared at her in disbelief.
"What? I'm just excited," she said with a soft voice, how could I be mad when she spoke with such a cute voice.
"So am I," my father said and I frowned, "I want to be a pop-pop."
"Please don't call yourself that ever again-" I began as Miyara said; "Oh, that is such a cute nickname! Pop-pop!" at the same time, which resulted in the both of us looking at each other with a flabbergasted look.
"I should get going," my father laughed as he got up and looked at Miyara, "will you be allright with the little one?"
"Oh, totally!" Miyara exclaimed with a broad smile upon her face as she looked down at Yukrì, "we will be okay together, won't we Yukrì?"
Yukrì started to make.. happy baby noises as Miyara pecked little kisses on his face, my father laughed and gave me a pat on the back as he made his way out of our marui, leaving Miyara and me with Yukrì.
"How long have you been up?" I asked her as I sat down next to her.
"A couple of hours," she answered, "had a lovely chat with your parents and since they both had to go to Leykuzi's trial I offered to look after your baby brother."
"Leykuzi's trial?" I asked her confused as she rolled her eyes.
"She confessed," Miyara shrugged, "she was the one to get Oimliän and Niokä back on the island unseen so they could kill me and she could have you."
"She what?!" I shouted angered, startling Yukrì who loudly began to cry followed by a glare from Miyara as she hugged him against her body to calm him back down.
"It was kind of obvious," Miyara said stern, "but she wanted me dead."
"I'll kill her," I said as I got up to my feet but Miyara jumped up and grabbed my hand as she held my brother in her other arm.
"No, your parents will deal with it," Miyara said as she stopped me and stepped infront of me, "she's not worth our time, no matter the verdict, meaning that you will accompany me in babysitting your brother and my two nieces."
"She tried to have you killed, I should feed her to the akula," I grunted angered.
"From what your father told me she has two choices, she either mates with that guy that was supposed to mate with Tsireya, I forgot his name-"
"Rayelfe," I said.
"- Right, Rayelfe," she continued, "she either mates with him since he was promised a mate and apparantly threw quite a rage fit after Tsireya had mated with Lo'ak and he kind of got everyone he went hunting with nearly killed or her queue gets cut off. But she has to leave us alone or else there will be consequences."
"Just rip her head of like she tried to do to you," I huffed out some air annoyed as I dropped back down to the ground, "she tried to take you from me, she should die for that."
"We will be fine," she said softly as she sat down besides me and pecked a kiss on my cheek, "she'll probably choose to mate with Rayelfe and that'll be the end of it, after that your father will make them go to another village and they can live happily ever after somewhere else.. only this time your father will make sure that they will be accepted into the other village unlike Oimliän and Niokä who were immediatly disowned by their families and were both living on rocks for months."
"They deserved far worse than that," I said as I ran a finger through her curly hair, "how do you even know all that?"
"Teungyi was the one that could interrogate Leykuzi," she said and my ears perked up, "so I don't think Leykuzi will be looking all that well now."
"Teungyi finally got to do what she wanted," I chuckled knowing how much Teungyi hated Leykuzi, she just didn't want to be the first one to throw the first hit.
"Mhm, so instead of sulking and being angry over Leykuzi we're going to enjoy some time with your brother and my nieces and tonight we're going to Lo'ak and Tsireya," Miyara said and smiled at me.
"Why would we go to Lo'ak and Tsireya?" I asked her confused.
"Lo'ak wanted to throw a house warming party, it's a sky people thing in which they celebrate their new home with loved ones," Miyara explained and shrugged, "sounds like fun."
"Yeah, why not?" I smirked as I leaned in and kissed my girlfriend passionately, "I just realised I hadn't kissed you goodmorning yet."
"You didn't, you almost made me cranky," she chuckled as she kissed me back, a warmhearted smile appearing on her face as I saw her pupils dilate as she looked at me, warming my heart.
"Why did you tell Tsireya about our family plans?" I asked her curiously, I was already confused why she'd tell my dad but the two had grown close and my father just couldn't wait to finally call her his official daughter-in-law.
"She wanted to know so we can get pregnant together," Miyara blurted out, my eyes widening in shock since I did not want my sixteen year old sister pregnant.
"She wants to get pregnant?" I asked Miyara flabbergasted, "my sister wants to get knocked up by that treehugger?"
"That's your brother-in-law now," Miyara said rolling her eyes, "they've mated, Ma'Aonung, it's pretty common that mated couples want babies."
"But she's sixteen!" I stammered, "she can't have babies!"
"She's not pregnant yet, skxawng," Miyara said rolling her eyes, "besides she's much more mature than you are."
"I am mature!" I said raising my brows as Miyara simply scoffed at me.
"If you're so mature you'll go with me and have fun with Zuaia, Re'ylä, Yukrì and me instead of going to Leykuzi's trial," Miyara said as she got back up to her feet with Yukrì in her arms, "won't you?"
"Well, yes I am because I am more mature than my foolish little sister," I said stubbornly as I took my baby brother from Miyara and began to walk out of my pod before I halted in the entrance, my ears lowering as I realised what Miyara had done..
"You knew I'd respond this way, didn't you?" I asked her as she walked up to me and placed her hand on my upper arm, smirking as she looked up at me.
"I sure did," she chuckled, "ready to go pick up my nieces?"
"...Yes," I groaned as I followed after Miyara who happily took the lead as we walked up to her brother's pod.


Neteyam's pov:

"Tuk's really improving with her dancing lessons," Seyza told me as we walked along the shore together, "she might even become better than me."
I hardly listened to what she had to say as my eyes landed on Aonung and Miyara, watching as they were standing in the water with Re'ylä, Yukrì and Zuaia.
"Make her stop poking my eyes please," Aonung said as he held Re'ylä away from his face, like she was a bomb, to make her stop from poking him in his eyes. Miyara had to contain her laughter as she walked over to him with Yukrì in her arms so she could help Aonung.
"She just wants to take a better look at you," Miyara giggled, "stop holding her like she's going to explode."
"She's going to explode?!" Aonung asked shocked as he looked at the few months old baby.
"Did you even try to listen to me?" Miyara scoffed, "just hold her a little closer to your face."
"No, she'll poke me in my eyes with her babyhands," Aonung said defensively, sounding like a little baby himself.
"She just wants to take a better look at you, you big baby," Miyara sighed and rolled her eyes as Aonung did as he was told.
"If I'm the big baby than perhaps I should be cradled on your boobs instead of my brother," Aonung said smirking as Miyara's jaw dropped in disbelief.
"What's boobs?" Zuaia asked followed by a snicker from Aonung.
"Seriously? Infront of my niece?" Miyara asked Aonung in disbelief as he just bursted out into laughter whilst Zuaia was waiting for an answer.
"Boobs are," Miyara began as she awkwardly looked at Aonung for help but as soon as she mentioned 'boobs' he was staring at her boobs that were covered by her seashell top, which made her that much more irritated with him, "you know what, I don't want to be the one to tell you that, you can ask your father later and when you do make sure to tell him that Aonung told you about boobs."
"Wha- NO!" Aonung exclaimed.
"Okay," Zuaia simply said as she dipped back into the water leaving Aonung stunned.
"Neteyam?" Seyza asked, snapping my attention back to her, I had no idea how long I was staring at the scene that displayed infront of us.
"Yes?" I asked her and Seyza looked at Miyara before looking back at me and sighed.
"I know you used to have feelings for her, but are they truely in the past?" Seyza asked me, quirking a brow, "or do you still have feelings for her?"
"I.. I don't know what I feel," I said honestly, "a part of me will always feel something for her but what I feel for you is much greater."
"How can you know that when you don't even know what you're feeling?" Seyza asked me, her ears lowering, "I think I'm taking a small break from whatever we are until you've figured out your feelings."
"Are you jealous?" I asked her confused and she shook her head no.
"I'm not jealous that you might or might not still have feelings for the girl every guy in Awa'atlu has had a crush on at least once," Seyza said, "I used to be jealous of her, but I grew up.. which is why I'm giving you the time to figure it out, even if it leads you back to her."
"Shell never want me again," I said and Seyza shrugged.
"You'll learn that soon enough," she said casually, "because I've always known she's loved Aonung, even before she knew what love meant. I didn't even need to know her well to tell they had something most people will never have in their lifetime."
"I know," I said hating the fact I still had some feelings for Miyara and now I might be losing Seyza because of them, "will you come to Lo'ak and Tsireya tonight?"
"No," she said calmly, "I'm taking my distance from you for a little while until you can tell me what it is that you feel for her and for me."
I sighed as I watched her walk away and vanishing behind a big rock,drawing my attention back to Aonung and Miyara as I saw how Aonung was tossing Zuaia around the water and hearing her shout 'again!' everytime she'd resurface as Miyara was looking at the scene with a big smile upon her face and the two babies in her arms as she let them float a little in the water. I was a fool for ever falling for her, they already looked like they could be a family.
I groaned annoyed as I turned back around to the village, hearing their laughter die behind me and frowning. I wanted that kind of love too.

Sooo the next chapter is going to be a party chapter... is there anything intresting you might like to see happening in that party chapter?

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