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Miyara's pov:

"Can you believe they actually had the audacity to leave our family pod with everything we ever owned?" I grunted as I helped Mo'iki go through his room after we finished mine, "they leave Awa'atlu and make Teungyi tell us that we have to empty the pod.. we haven't lived here in a long time had we needed something we would've gotten it."
"Yeah, our parents are cunts and they just had to make one last bitchmove before leaving us for good," Mo'iki sighed as he looked down at my belly, "you should get some rest, we've been emptying their shitty marui all day long."
I grunted annoyed as I looked at everything we would be giving away to people, all kinds of stuff that was no longer needed, soon this pod would belong to another family and all the memories we made in here when we were growing up would just be memories.
My parents left Awa'atlu the day after my pregnancy announcement, after I had told my mother to leave if she really couldn't bear to look at my child and not be called grandma by the child, I didn't regret it, in a way it was relieving to know that none of my children could be scarred by my parents like me and my brother were. The problem was that our parents decided to leave almost everything exactly the way it was and on the day they left they told Teungyi to tell me, Mo'iki and I had dragged out the cleaning of the marui pod for at least three months, we simply didn't want to do it but now this pod needed to be ready for a new family that would move in here.
My baby belly had started to grow and it was now visible for others to see but it was still too soon to actually feel my baby kick.
Aonung had offered to watch Zuaia and Re'ylä so my brother and I could empty out our old family pod and it was going quite allright until we heard the horn blow, announcing someone's arrival. I frowned confused as I looked at my brother, he placed his hand on my shoulder as his ears perked up.
"You should stay back," he said worried for me.
"I'm not helpless, I'm the future Tsahik so I'm going," I said stubbornly as I left the pod and made my way over to the beaches, Aonung had handed Zuaia and Re'ylä over to Tsireya who was waiting for us near the edge of the village, I thought she looked a little pale.
"There you are," Tsireya said as she handed little Re'ylä to Mo'iki and then turned to me, "Aonung needs you."
"Why? What happened?" I asked Tsireya worried.
"Uncle Nungie and you have to work together," Zuaia said on Tsireya's behalf but it still didn't make sense to me as I looked at Tsireya for clarification.
"Two people from the forest showed up on their Ikran's," Tsireya explained, "my father said that this will be yours and Aonung's first task to handle since you barely could do any tasks together before your mating because of your Tsahik training."
"Oh, now I understand," I said as I looked at the Ikran's that towered over the villagers, "he's already there?"
"Yeah, he is," Tsireya said and I walked towards the villagers who were all looking at the two newcomers, making a pathway for me as soon as they saw me approach.
Aonung was already glaring at the two newcomers, a boy and a girl who seemed to be a little older than me, they were both forest people, looking a lot like the Sully's as I eyed them curiously, confused why they'd come here.
"Stay back," Aonung said with gritted teeth as he stared at the two newcomers and placed his hand on my belly, gently guiding me behind him, "I don't trust them."
"Who are they?" I asked as I scanned for any of the Sully's but not finding them amongst the crowd.
"Woah, Miyara, pregnancy looks good on you!" The boy exclaimed, his voice sounded farmiliar but he was a total stranger, but him saying that only made Aonung that much more angry.
"What brings you here and who are you?" Aonung asked the two, the girl was eyeing Aonung curiously as I saw her pupils dilate at the sight of my husband.
"You can't tell? Bro, that hurts my feelings," the boy said and chuckled, "it's me, Spider!"
"Spider?" I whispered under my breath but Aonung didn't seem intregued at all as he kept his hand on my belly, making sure I was safely behind him.
"Who?" Aonung asked and I sighed, he couldn't have forgotten about Spider, he was probably just trying to make Spider give more information about himself so he could confirm it was him. Although I remembered that he had also forgotten who Kiri was when we first had to teach the Sully's free diving.
I turned around to the first villager I saw, a woman who was holding a spear in her hand as I offered her a kind smile.
"Could you do me a favor and get any of the Sully's to confirm his story?" I asked the woman, she nodded and quickly left to find any Sully who for some reason weren't here.
"It really is me, Miyara you saved me from the Sky People ship, remember? You got shot in your shoulder because you saved Neteyam?" The boy claiming to be Spider said, "I told you all I left to get my own Avatar and return once it was permanent and after I had learned the Omatikaya way.. so here I am."
"How do we know you're not just another one of the sky people here to destroy us? Our clan has suffered enough because of your kind," Aonung spat put followed by a hiss from the girl as Aonung turned to her, "oh, shut up, treehugger, will you?"
"Aonung," I whispered and he clenched his jaw right away, "let's wait for one of the Sully's first."
"Fine," Aonung said as he turned around to me, "but I have no problem sending them all those miles back if it means that you and our baby will be safe."
"I know but we also know that if it really is Spider we have no choice but to accept him into the clan, otherwise the sky people might take him and come back," I said and he grunted when he knew I was right, he never liked Spider to begin with. I wasn't sure why Spider brought a girl, perhaps she was his mate? But I doubted it from the way the girl was looking at my husband with dreamy eyes.
"Who are you?" I asked the girl as I slithered past Aonung, making him angry because he could not shield me any longer.
"Fninrey?" Neteyam suddenly questioned from behind us, I turned around and my gaze landed Neteyam who was looking at the girl confused. I saw the woman who I had set up with the task to find a Sully and kindly smiled at her to thank her as soon I made eye contact with her, she kindly returned a smile to me.
I sighed as I walked back to Aonung, but stopped infront of Neteyam first, grabbing onto his lower arm as he turned his head to me to listen to what I had to say.
"This boy claims to be Spider," I whispered to Neteyam, "I need you to confirm or deny this, please."
Neteyam nodded and stepped forward as I walked back to my spot next to Aonung, who was shooting daggers at the newcomers with his gaze, I could feel him get more frustrated with each passing minute.
"Neteyam, bro, it's good to see you, can't believe I'm taller than you now," the boy exclaimed as Neteyam frowned at him.
"How do I know it's you?" Neteyam questioned and Spider sighed as he crossed his arms.
"On the day you and Lo'ak were supposed to be spotters you two went down and you nearly got blown up thanks to your brother, your grandmother and Kiri were patching you up and Kiri said that Mo'at should use yalnabark because it stings less, you whined and I asked if you needed a kiss on the boo-boo," the boy said and Neteyam looked over his shoulder at us and nodded to confirm it was indeed Spider.
"Great," Aonung sighed, clearly wanting nothing more but to send them back to where they came from, "the deal was that you returned alone, why'd you bring that girl?"
"Fninrey lost her entire family to one of the last sky people attacks, she is done with war and wanted to come here with me to be safe and be able to heal," Spider explained, "so.. looks like we need uturu."
"Those fucking forest people and their uturu," Aonung hissed under his breath as he looked at me, talking to me with his eyes.
I don't want them here, his face told me since we had to decide on what to do with them. The way we spoke to each other with facial expressions reminded me a lot of how Ronal and Tonowari had decided the Sully's were allowed to stay when they came seeking uturu.
We can't send them away, my eyes told him and he rolled his eyes.
Fine, they can stay.
I nodded as Aonung turned to Spider, the girl Fninrey and Neteyam and cleared his throat to announce our decision.
"You two can stay, we will teach you our ways and you will not cause any trouble for our clan, if I find out that the Sky People followed you here I will send you to them with a spear up your ass," Aonung said and my eyes widened at his announcement, a few Metkayina chuckling at Aonung's threat.
"Aonung," I hissed under my breath but he ignored me as he kept his gaze on the newcomers.
"Understood?" Aonung asked Spider and Fninrey as he ignored me and the two quickly nodded as Aonung turned to me, "perhaps you can show them to their own pods? I was busy hunting so you don't have to eat any fish that make you sick."
"Sure," I said with a beaming smile as I stepped forward, "follow me, I'll show you to your new home."
Spider and Fninrey nodded as they followed after me with all their belongings, as well as Neteyam who didn't want me to carry anything because of my pregnancy and this way Neteyam could catch up with Fninrey since the two knew each other.
"How far along are you?" Spider asked me as he pointed at my baby belly, "if you don't mind me asking?"
"Not at all, I'm at four months now, nearly five," I answered, "what was it like getting an avatar? It looks kind of weird, in a good way."
"Because the last time you saw me I was short and not blue and now I'm nearly as tall as your threatening boyfriend?" Spider chuckled, he might be tall but he'd never outgrow Aonung who was still growing taller by the minute.
"Husband," I corrected him, "but not only that, you're in an entirely different body."
"It was a hard time adjusting in the beginning and I lost a lot of sleep because I first had to get adjusted to my avatar body before Mo'at, the Tsahik and Neteyam's grandmother, could make it permanent for me," Spider explained, "I had to learn the Omatikaya ways which Fninrey helped me with but the Omatikaya and the sky people are still fighting and in a big battle Fninrey lost her entire family.. I asked her to come here since she had nobody."
"I vouched for you two, don't make me regret that," I said stern and Spider nodded, "anyway, so what's the first thing you'd like to learn, I think my husband will be the one to teach you our ways."
"Hm, the Ilu looks like fun," Spider said, "but first I must do something else."
"What?" I questioned him confused.
"I have to get Kiri back, she belongs with me," Spider said and my eyes widened as I looked up at him, feeling disgusted by him.
"She's in a happy relationship with Rotxo," I said and Spider scoffed, making my brow twitch as he discarded their relationship like that.
"Because I was human, but now I am Na'vi, she can be with me and she should be with me," Spider said seriously.
"I'm Kiri's friend and I just want her to be happy," I explained as I glared at him, "but I was Rotxo's friend first before Kiri came into the picture and she makes him happy and if you do anything to hurt him or her I will personally make sure that the next time you have an injury that instead of being healed you will be poisoned, and if you think my mother-in-law will come to save you because she is still Tsahik you might want to think again because our entire family has a soft spot for Rotxo and you, my friend, are still just an outsider, did I make myself clear?"
"Your threatening husband's rubbing off on you," Spider said as his smile faded.
"No, I'm the threatening wife," I said, "my husband will do much worse to you than I without warning if you hurt his best friend, which you just told me you were about to do for your own happiness.. You've had your chance, Spider, Rotxo stole her heart and not you. Leave it be."
Spider clenched his jaw as he looked away from me and I knew that we wouldn't have seen the last of this. He would be starting drama for his personal gain.

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