Sequel Update

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Yes, you read that correct as of today July 2nd the sequel to 'Not So Perfect' is finally online, or at least the first five chapters are including the characters lists of course! You can find the sequel on my profile, the name is 'Flood Of Ashes'
The original plan was to have it published at least two weeks earlier but three weeks ago we suddenly had to put our family dog down who's been with me since I was a mere six year old, on July fifth she would've turned fourteen unfortunately she didn't make it but because we so suddenly had to put her down it took quite a toll on me which delayed my writing.
I'm also going on vacation with my best friend so I won't be able to publish for at least a week or two (I'll try my best but I'll make no promises) so you'll have to do with the first five chapters!
This is actually not the only update I'll be giving because another Aonung fanfiction is in the works with a bunch of new characters and storylines but that won't be finished for a while yet, but just to let you know that once you finish this and the sequel another story will be awaiting for you !


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