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Warning: this chapter contains mature scenes

Aonung's pov:

A year ago Miyara and I were broken up because everyone believed that I was the one to have cut Yrritsyo's face open and in that moment I thought that I has lost her for good.
She was growing closer to Neteyam and I was afraid that I'd have to let her go. I used to be selfish, it is no lie that inbetween the ages of thirteen and fifteen I scared off a lot of boys who had an intrest in Miyara, my girlfriend is an extraordinary beautiful woman so I can't blame those guys for falling for her, but that didn't mean I'd allow them near her, I used to tell myself that I scared off those admirers because I wanted to protect her but in reality I was just afraid she might fall in love with one of them since she hardly showed any romantic intrest in me until we were at least fifteen, around the time Rotxo started to hang a lot more around my sister and where my sister was Miyara also would be, so I started to join Rotxo and get closer to her, starting to show her another side of me and she finally started to allow herself to feel something more for me. I've always felt connected to Miyara, despite her being very different than I am, I always felt like she understood me, like we were stringed together from the start.

My father was walking me back to the village, I could hear the drums and loud cheers of people from miles away, everyone was excited about Miyara and I finally mating but I was extremely nervous.. Usually I was confident for these kinds of things, every birthday celebration or other important matter wouldn't make me nervous but now my knees were shaking and all I could think about was Miyara, wondering how much she had changed in the last three months that we've been separated, wondering what my sister made for her to wear, wondering if she had perhaps grown taller even though I doubted it.
"My son has returned!" My father exclaimed with a broad smile upon his face as he held my hand up in the air, the entire village cheering me on. I could spot Yrritsyo and Teungyi standing close by the pier as they were rooting loudly for me, a year ago I wouldn't have expected the two of them becoming this important to me. My gaze landed briefly on Neteyam, who was holding hands with his mate, Seyza, the two seemed genuinely happy as they applauded my return. I frowned when my eyes landed on Lo'ak, who was holding a strange device that flashes the entire time, I quirked a brow at my sister for an explination but she signed to me that it was a sky people thing.
I followed after my father to the edge of the pier and there he halted, turning to me and placing his hands on both my shoulders as he quietly waited for my mother's call on the other side of the village. As soon as my mother announced her and Miyara's arrival my father smiled at me, he looked briefly at the entire village who had fallen silent before turning his gaze back to me.
"Aonung, do you take Miyara as your mate? For now and ever before the eye of Eywa?" My father asked me loudly as the entire village gaped at me.
"Yes, I take Miyara as my mate," I spoke loud and proud, the village cheering until my father raised a hand, signaling for them to shut up.
"Ronal, does Miyara take our son, Aonung, as her mate for now and ever before the eye of Eywa?" My father asked as everybody turned to where my mother and Miyara were hiding. I couldn't see them, which I hated because I was desperate to see Miyara since I knew my mother would be the one to announce Miyara's decision.
"Yes, she does!" My mother shouted, a broad smile appearing on my face as a certain amount of weight lifted off my shoulders and the entire village cheered loudly for me and Miyara.
"Allright, son," my father said, turning to me, "you may walk to the edge of the pier, where your skimwing is, and wait for Miyara to find you.. after that you will go to the cove of the ancestors from there you will find out where to go.."
"Thank you, father," I spoke as I wanted to walk onto the pier but my father pulled me back.
"I see you, my son," my father spoke softly, my ears perking up as I looked at my father in disbelief.
"I see you, father," I said as he let go of me and nodded for me to walk to the end of the pier, where Runoo, my skimwing was waiting for me. The village was loudly cheering and celebrating as I nervously waited for Miyara to arrive at the pier, having to navigate herself through the crowds of people.
I kept staring at the crowd, waiting for her to pop up but it was taking too long and I was growing anxious, afraid that she might've changed her mind last minute and ran away. I was driving myself crazy as all kinds of thoughts ran through my mind, creating a chaos in my head that couldn't be tamed and then.. there she was, all my fears fading as soon as my eyes met with hers.
She looked stunning, I never thought she could become more beautiful than she already was but yet again she proved me wrong. Miyara blushed and smiled when she saw me, her pupils dilating as she elegantly walked over to me, I could tell that our friends were making fun of the astonished look on my face but I just couldn't tear my eyes off her. She was breathtaking.

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