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This chapter contains mature scenes... since some of you wanted seggsy time😏
You have been warned.

Miyara's pov:

"Daddy! Why is Bunnyboy in aunt Miya's bed?" I could hear my niece call from a distance. I was still asleep and her words sounded thick and far away, it wasn't Zuaia's calls that woke me, it wasn't even the enormous hangover that washed over me, it was something hard poking against my ass that woke me. I squinted my eyes as the sunlight hit hard followed by a terrible headache. Aonung was sleeping like a baby, his arms wrapped around me as my back was pressed against his chest, he was so deep asleep that for the first time I heard him softly snore. I sighed and decided to sink into his embrace and close my eyes again, but as soon as I closed them I felt Aonung's loincloth get wet against me, my eyes shot open and I gasped, he just had a wet dream but he still didn't want to wake up.
"Seriously, Aonung?" I whispered under my breath as his strong hold on me forced me to stay put.
"Daddy!" I heard Zuaia call, "can I have a sleepover with boys too?"
"NO!" Mo'iki shouted so loud it startled Aonung awake, who groaned at the bright sunlight as he opened his eyes and looked at me, smiling when he saw me already looking at him over my shoulder.
"Goodmorning," he said with a raw voice as he loosened his hold on me.
"I'm sure it is for you," I scoffed as I nodded toward his loincloth. Aonung frowned confused as he looked down and his eyes widened when he realised what happened.
"Shit," he hissed under his breath.
"Shit?" Zuaia repeated as she suddenly stood in my doorway, pushing the curtain out of her way as I quickly grabbed a blanket next to me and threw it over Aonung and me.
"No, no, no," Aonung said as the young girl curiously eyed us, "that's a bad word.. you can't say that."
"Why did you say it?" Zuaia asked him confused.
"I'm the Olo'eyktan's son, only I am allowed to say it," Aonung lied and I rolled my eyes but Zuaia seemed to buy the lie he just told her as she stepped forward with a big bowl like nothing had happened.
"Daddy and I made you breakfast," Zuaia said as she sat down infront of me and offered me the bowl that was filled with fried fish and a bunch of herbs from the forest.
"Thank you, sweetie," I said as I stroke my hand past her face, watching my niece light up as I thank her, "what time is it, Zua?"
"It's almost noon," Zuaia said and my eyes widened, I had Tsahik training in ten minutes.
"Oh no," I said as I jumped out of bed and scrambled through the Tsahik supplies Ronal had gifted me for my trainings and I sighed when I finally found the herb I was looking for.
I placed the leaf in my mouth and began to chew it as I gave one to Aonung as well who just stared at me confused since he had no idea what that plant did.
"Helps with your hangover," I said as I swallowed the leaf and slowly felt my headache get less before turning to my niece, "thank you for breakfast sweetie, but I really have to go or else I'll be late."
"Okay," Zuaia said as she got up, "Bunnyboy can finish it then."
"My name's Aonung!" Aonung called after Zuaia as she ran out of my room and closing the curtain behind her, Aonung sighed and looked back at me as he began to eat some of the fried fish. I quickly pulled a top and a loincloth together as I started to undress in a hurry, hearing Aonung cough on his food as soon as I undressed.
"A little heads up next time would be appreciated," as he stared at me with wide open eyes, taking in every inch of my body in the broad daylight and I frowned at him.
"You saw me naked a few hours ago," I said smirking as I got dressed, "you touched my naked body as well."
"Argh," Aonung groaned as he closed his eyes and forced himself to get control over his body.
"You're so horny," I said as I grabbed a few of the fried fish and pointed at his loincloth under te blanket, "you better get that down before my brother sees you."
Aonung frowned at me as he watched me leave my bedroom with a few of the fried fish and my Tsahik supplies, running out of the pod, greeting my niece and brother, who was side eyeing me, before making my way to Ronal realising I'd be just in time.
"I was almost afraid you'd be late," Ronal said as she saw me wearing my hair the exact same as the night of the party, "I'm assuming my son's in your pod? He didn't come home last night."
"He's.. he's in my pod, yes," I stammered feeling a little awkward admitting to Ronal that Aonung spend the night in my bed with me.
"Hm," Ronal said as a small smirk appeared on her face, making me blush, "today's the day they'll be riding the skimwings for the first time, so you'll be seeing a little more of my son today.. we are here to tend to those that are wounded.. many will fall badly."
"I can imagine," I chuckled as I followed after Ronal, "wouldn't it be weird if they saw me doing Tsahik stuff instead of Tsireya?"
"We will announce it very soon," Ronal said softly, "I wanted my daughter to be Tsahik, but Tsireya had different plans.. I have to admit that I was disappointed that you would become the next Tsahik instead of her.. but you've worked very hard these past few days and you learn quickly.. you'll make a fine Tsahik and you seem to make my son very happy."
Ronal looked at me and smiled as I returned a warmhearted smile, I knew that Ronal wanted Tsireya to be the Tsahik and I understood that I was a downgrade but still I was glad she appreciated me for doing it nonetheless. Tsireya's already had Tsahik training for the past three years and I would have to fill those three years into ten months since I needed to be finished before my eighteenth birthday. The last few days we had been studying all the herbs around Awa'atlu and now would be the first time I'd treat the wounded. Ronal told me that only Mo'iki's group would have skimwing lessons today and those were the people that already knew that I would be Tsahik, I would probably have to go back to my skimwing lessons after I turned eighteen since I had to give them up now for Tsahik training... Tsireya owed me big time.
I watched Aonung and Mo'iki chat as the two made their way to the beach, they seemed to get along and I frowned at the sight of it since neither of them saw me and Ronal waiting on the beach.
"She was seven years old when she decided that she wanted seven children," I heard Mo'iki say and my ears lowered as I realised they were talking about me, "and she used to have the weirdest names for those imaginary children of hers."
"Really? You did mention that she already had names picked out," Aonung said.
"She changed them and be glad because you do not want your son to be named Seashello," Mo'iki said as they both bursted out into laughter, annoying me that much more.
"Seashello?" Aonung repeated as he laughed, "and what'd she have picked out for the girl?"
"I think it was.." Mo'iki began as his eyes landed on me, "oh, hey Miya.. and Ronal."
Aonung's ears shot up as he turned around, almost giving himself a whiplash to look at me, an awkward smile appearing on his face as he saw me roll my eyes.
"Don't you have more important things to talk about?" I asked my brother as I placed my Tsahik supplies down and folded my arms, "like your skimwing class?"
"That hasn't started yet," Mo'iki snorted, "besides Aonung might've known you since you were five but there are some things that only your big brother knows, like the time you thought you were going to make it as a fish whisperer."
"I did not!" I said defensively as Aonung bursted out into a loud laughter fit, even Ronal next to me had to cover her mouth as a smile appeared on her face, "that was jus- ugh, why am I even answering to that."
Aonung chuckled as he walked over to me and kissed me on the top of my head, hoping I would be less irritated then but it didn't work as I stubbornly glared at the sand.
"I believe you would've made it as a..." Aonung began but snorted, "fish whisperer." And just like that he couldn't contain his laughter anymore as Mo'iki joined in, I liked it more when they didn't get along with each other.
"Just pray to Eywa you don't fall from that skimwing," I told Aonung as he continued laughing, enjoying to see me so irritated over stupid things I've done and said when I was a child.
Not much after that Mo'iki's lessons started, I had to help Kiri with a few bruises several times but other than that nobody fell badly and therefor Ronal was mostly informing me on other matters until Aonung fell off and started shouting like a little kid, I grabbed the Tsahik supplies and ran for my boyfriend. I crouched down besides him as he layed in the water, clutching to his knee.
"Aonung, are you-" I began worried but he placed a hand on the back of my head and forcefully pulled me down, making me kiss him.
My eyes widened from the sudden kiss as he let go of me and smirked at the flabbergasted look on my face, clearly enjoying it.
"Skxawng," I said as my ears lowered irritated from him kissing me instead of telling me what was wrong, "are you allright? Where does it hurt?"
"If I were to say it hurts down there would you touch me infront of everyone?" Aonung asked as he eyed me curiously, a smug grin upon his perfectly pretty face. I groaned annoyed once more as I quickly looked to his loincloth and even if it was for a slim second he knew I took a quick look down there, making his smirk wider.
"Be serious," I said as I blushed, "are you hurt?"
"No, I just wanted to kiss you," he said as he floathed in the water, "had to get you near me somehow, didn't I?"
"You're insufferable," I scoffed at my boyfriend as I began to walk out of the water, hearing him chuckle as I did so, Ronal looked at me curiously as she wondered why I didn't help her son.
"What happened?" She asked me.
"Nothing, he just wanted my attention," I said as I tried to fight the smile that appeared on my face, Ronal shook her head and smirked at me as she saw her son get back up on the skimwing to try riding it again.
"Well, then I'll be the one to treat him should he try it again," Ronal chuckled as I nodded in agreement.
I chuckled and turned around to see Aonung try riding a skimwing for the fourth time, I couldn't take my eyes off the tense muscles on his back as he took the right posture on the skimwing by following Mo'iki's instructions, I never realised how attractive Aonung's back was. I didn't even notice Ronal looking at me as I stared at the back of my boyfriend, the muscles in his arms tensed up as he took a hold of the handle and nodded at Mo'iki to let go of the skimwing.
"Remember your posture!" Mo'iki shouted as he took a step back. I saw Aonung take a deep breath, check his posture once more before he dove with the skimwing, I anxiously watched as he resurfaced and rode the skimwing, managing to perfectly ride it on his fourth try. I gasped and applauded as I watched him ride the skimwing back to the shore with a proud smile on his face, throwing his free hand up in the air to celebrate his victory over the skimwing as he kept his gaze on me, his smile growing that much wider as he saw me cheering him on. My feet moved towards him before my brain could even give them the command as I jumped into Aonung's arms as soon as he got of the skimwing, he wrapped his arms around me as he twirled me around in a circle, my feet off the ground making me chuckle as he did so.
"You did it!" I exclaimed excited and since I was so close to him I could see his pupils dilate at the sight of me, he pecked a quick kiss on my lips as he held me up in his arms.
"Thanks to your kiss," he whispered, "you're my lucky charm."
"That must be it," I chuckled as I leaned a little closer to him, "what if we.. celebrate tonight?"
Aonung's ears perked up and I could tell that he knew what I was talking about as he swallowed some saliva in his throat and nodded at me before he placed me down to the ground and his mother flung her arms around him and started pecking small kissed all over his cheeks.
"Mother!" He exclaimed as he was showered with motherly affection, "stop!"
"If Miyara can, so can I," Ronal joked as she continued to baby her seventeen year old son.
"Can't believe he did it before me," Lo'ak said as I saw his ears lower as he kicked a rock away.
"Dude, he's been riding Ilu's all his life you just got here a few months ago," Kiri said and she rolled her eyes, "besides you ride other things." Clearly hinting on Tsireya and him mating.
"Kiri!" Neteyam said his eyes falling on me before they landed on Kiri as he was shocked by his sisters forwardness, "you hang out too much with Teungyi."
"Your boyfriend broke my record," Mo'iki scoffed as he stood besides me, "Eywa I'm a good teacher."
"I expected you to be jealous," I snickered as I watched my brother roll his eyes. My bother, despite being an outcast for a few years, was the first one in the clan to master riding a skimwing on his sixth try but now Aonung had beat that record.
"Nah, this just proves that I am that fucking good," Mo'iki said proudly before returning to his lesson with the other three.

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