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Aonung's pov:

I was at the bonfire that was set for the return of Raì and Asena, Miyara already made friends with Raì's mate as soon as she introduced herself to Miyara, the two women were now talking about pregnancy and Raì's and Davaï's baby Nìmra was already being held and kissed by Miyara, she already had maternal instincts but since she got pregnant they only amplified.
I had gotten the task of providing my pregnant wife with lots and lots of food, I took a deep sigh as I started to make Miyara something that didn't make her feel sick and that's when my eyes landed on something else.
I frowned as I saw Spider trying to take ahold of Kiri's hand, since the two were best friends once upon a time I calmly waited to see what would happen, especially since I knew of Spider's feelings for her. Spider continued in trying to hold her hand as Kiri continued to pull her hand away, pleading for him to stop. I narrowed my eyes at the sight and noticed the bowl in his other hand, he was drunk and I didn't know how far he would go to get Kiri close to him now.
I grunted annoyed, placing Miyara's food bowl down as I walked over to the two since Spider continued to grab Kiri, who clearly didn't view him as anything more than a friend, she was after all in a happy relationship with Rotxo for almost six months.
"Spider, stop," Kiri said annoyed as she held her hands close to him, "you're my friend but I'm with Rotxo."
"That little guy? Come on, Kiri, stop kidding yourself, if his hair wasn't so big you'd be looking over his head," Spider said.
"Funny you should be the one to say that," I said stern as I crossed my arms and watched Spider's smile vanish from his face, "since only months ago you were the size of a fan lizard, until you got a bunch of nerds to build you a new body."
"Shouldn't you be going to your wife?" Spider asked me as he narrowed his eyes and began to smirk, "if you stay away too long she might forget you like she did when Neteyam first showed up."
"My wife's the only reason you and your little slut friend are even still allowed to live here, you might want to speak about her with more respect," I said with gritted teeth, "or else you'd have to find your uturu elsewhere."
"Aonung..?" Kiri whispered as she stepped behind me, clearly Spider had been making her feel uncomfortable and clearly she could feel the tension between Spider and me.
"Funny you call my friend a slut when your own wife likes to meddle with other boys," Spider said and I balded my fists, "let me know if that baby comes out with a darker shade of blue skin, you know, so I can prove my case in what kind of slut your own wife is."
Before Kiri could take ahold of my arm I swung my fist at Spider, hitting him right on his nose and hearing a loud crack of the bone in his nose as he stumbled back and fell flat on his ass.
"Aonung!" Kiri shouted in disbelief as she took a step away from me.
"You will no longer speak of my wife like that again or else I'll cut your tongue out," I growled at him as Spider reached for his bloodied nose, "and you will leave Kiri alone from now on, if I hear that you harass her one more time I'll be sending you back to the forest in a wooden box."
Spider hissed at me as he got up and launched himself towards me to attack.


Miyara's pov:

"She is so adorable," I said with a big smile as I held little Nìmra in my arms, watching her smile at me as I let her play with my finger.
"She really is, I just love her so much," Davaï said she watched me hold her little girl, "how far along are you again?"
"Almost five months," I answered as Davaï took her baby back into her own arms and as soon as the baby was back into her mother's arms I instinctively placed my own hands over my belly, being very excited to meet my own baby.
"Did you feel the baby kick yet?" She asked me curiously.
"No, not yet, the baby moves a little but I hardly feel it since it's still too soon," I answered, "my mother-in-law said that it's possible from the fifth month to feel the baby kick."
"Do you have any names already?" She asked me as Nìmra grabbed a braid from her mother's head and tugged on it.
"We have a few names, we haven't been able to decide which one we want," I chuckled, "Aonung needs the name to be one of a kind, like they haven't heard yet and he's determined on getting that."
"Your husband seems like someone with a hard shell around him but once it cracks it turns out he was a real softie," Davaï said and I giggled since she had met Aonung only five minutes ago before he left to get me some food.
"He was hard to crack to others," I said softly, "but never to me."
"Miya, Miya!" Neteyam shouted as he walked over to me with worry upon his face, "it's Aonung."
"What's wrong?" I asked as I immediatly shot up to my feet, worry washing over me.
"He's fighting with Spider," Neteyam said and he suddenly grabbed my hand, "come on."
I soon realised the reason Neteyam grabbed my hand was to guide me through the crowds of people and with that making sure that nobody bumped against my belly accidently. I could hear Aonung's angered shouts come closer and soon I saw him on top of Spider, beating the shit out of him. I gasped as Spider was now nearly knocked out, not even making an effort in fighting Aonung back as people were watching the fight and not doing anything, Kiri stood behind them and cried into Rotxo's shoulder as he looked at his friend in disbelief but clearly he had no idea yet why Aonung would hurt Spider so suddenly.
"Aonung?" I questioned, afraid to come closer since he was clearly in another state of mind, "Aonung, you knocked him out get off him. It's over."
"I want this fucker dead," Aonung growled as he didn't look at me, I saw the fury in his eyes, one I only had seen when he had beaten the shit out of Niokä already a year ago.
"Aonung, get off him, you're not killing him," I said in a calm voice, Neteyam tapping me on my shoulder when I started to move a little closer to Aonung, "he's not worth it, come on Ma'Nung."
"Aonung, please listen to her," Neteyam said and suddenly his glare shot up to Neteyam, making us both jump back with the hatred that filled his eyes.
"You get him to behave or the next time I won't stop," Aonung spat out to Neteyam as he got off Spider's unconscious body and towered over us, "I didn't accept them into Awa'atlu for him and that girl to take us all for granted, if he doesn't learn to understand that soon, I will drown them both myself."
"Aonung," I hissed as Neteyam and Aonung glared at each other before Aonung turned and looked to me with a much softer expression in his light eyes and he looked down at my belly before looking back up to me and switching his gaze between me and Neteyam, making me frown confused from the sudden suspicion on his face.
"I'm sorry I didn't get your food," Aonung said cold as he allowed me to take his hand and step closer to him so I could examine the small cut on his jaw, making him crouch down a little so I could take a better look.
"Don't worry about it, but I would like to know what this was about," I said softly as Aonung remained quiet, "if you're not going to talk then I will be tending to Spider from the damage that you've done to him."
"He doesn't deserve your treatment," Aonung said as he grabbed my hand and clenched it tightly in his own.
"It's not for me to decide who does and doesn't deserve treatment," I scoffed, "I am the next Tsahik, it is my duty to tend to his wounds."
"It was about fucking time someone beat that fucker up," Teungyi suddenly sounded from behind me.
"Thank you," Aonung scoffed clearly glad that Teungyi agreed on his part as he let go of my hand and crossed his arms, sulking like a little kid.
"Now we just have to give that other bitch a beating and we're all set," Teungyi said and I glared at her as I looked over my shoulder, watching her awkwardly smile when she saw my gaze at her.
"Agreed," Seyza suddenly spoke, making Neteyam look at his mate with widened eyes, "what? They have been causing nothing but problems since they got here."
"We are not beating anyone up, okay?" I spoke stern even though I wouldn't mind bitchslapping Fninrey, but I was supposed to set the example to the rest of the village, just like Aonung who for some magical reason decided that his example would be to beat Spider up.
Aonung still wouldn't speak and so I stubbornly crouched down next to Spider as I looked at his wounds, Aonung had hit him pretty good and I sighed. Before I knew it Ronal showed up besides me with the Tsahik basket as Tonowari roughly took Aonung to the side to speak with him privately.
"Do you know why Aonung did this?" Ronal whispered to me as we treated Spider together.
"No, I asked but he wouldn't say," I whispered back as I saw Aonung get the scolding of a lifetime, feeling bad for him since he was officially an adult now, living on his own but I understood that Tonowari wouldn't accept his behaviour.
"I-I know why he did what he did," Rotxo suddenly said making both Ronal and I share a confused glance with each other, "Spider was harassing Kiri, he was drunk and when Aonung stood up for her he made fun of him... but according to Kiri he also said a lot of bad things about you, Miya."
"What'd he say?" I asked Rotxo confused, perhaps something bad about the threat I made, I assumed.
"He made fun..." Rotxo halted as he quickly looked over his shoulder to where Aonung was in a heated discussion with his father before Rotxo looked at me and Ronal, "he made fun of the time.. Niokä and Oimliän nearly... you know."
"He did what?" Ronal hissed as she looked at Spider who was still knocked out before looking at me, "go to my son, Miyara, talk with him."
"O-Okay," I said still a bit in disbelief that someone would make fun of that, I halted infront of Kiri who was still disstressed and at the moment crying in Neytiri's arms, "Kiri, are you allright? Are you hurt?"
"No, no, I'm allright, just a bit shaken up," Kiri sniffled as she looked at me, "go to Aonung, he needs you."
I nodded as I briefly brushed my hand along her arm and walked over to Tonowari and Aonung.
"That is no reason to nearly kill the boy, Aonung," Tonowari hissed at his son, "I thought you had grown out of this behaviour."
I saw Aonung's ears lower when Tonowari brought up how Aonung used to be when he truely had indeed grown out of that behaviour, he wasn't that awful to other people anymore, I wasn't sure on what I'd say to them and I didn't figure it out when I reached them. Tonowari and Aonung turned to me, I always felt small compared to those two as they eyed me curiously.
"Miyara," Tonowari greeted me, "I assume you'd like to have a word with your mate?"
I shook my head no as I turned to Aonung, who clearly had expected a scolding from me as well, but instead I placed my hands around his neck and pulled him down into a hug. Aonung halted for a second before placing his hands on my back and returning the hug, taking a deep breath as he sunk his face into the nape of my neck.
"I'll leave you two alone," Tonowari spoke softly and I quickly nodded at him as Aonung refused to turn away from me, watching Tonowari walk over to his mate who was clearly angry with Spider but treated him nonetheless.
"Do you want to go home?" I asked Aonung and he nodded, "let's go home."
He took a deep breath and took a step away from me, I saw the conflicted look in his eyes and was determined to get to the bottom of this as I grasped his hand and gently guided him back to our own pod in silence, closing all of the curtains in our pod as soon as we got home.
"You have to talk about what happened, baby," I said in a soft tone as he sat down on the ground, I took my own basket of Tsahik supplies and crouched down on my knees infront of him as I started to treat his bloodied knuckles.
"You won't forget about me," he suddenly said, "right?"
"Forget about you? Why would I ever forget about you?" I asked him confused, "what did Spider say to you?"
"He might've mentioned how you forgot about me when Neteyam first showed up," Aonung said as he refused to look at me, clearly having Spider's words roaming through his head and messing with his feelings. I offered him a sympathetic smile as I placed my hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at me.
"I never forgot about you, not even then," I said softly, "I forgot about Neteyam, but never you. I could never forget about you."
"You promise?" Aonung asked me, a hint of insecurity clearly sounding in his voice.
"I promise," I said softly and smiled at him, "you're a skxawng, but you're my skxawng.. you want to know how I feel about you?"
I held up my queue for him as he curiously looked at me before taking his own queue and connecting it to mine, allowing him to feel and think exactly what was going on in my head and heart as I could feel the same for him. What Spider had said to him had struck a nerve, one that was still bothering him but I could slowly feel his worry fade away when he felt the amount of love I felt for him.. all worries vanishing. Aonung placed his hand over my belly as he leaned his head against mine, I placed my own hand over his hand as we stayed like this for a little while longer until we were both sure about each other again.

I wished I could've updated sooner, but I had my twentieth birthday yesterday so I was pretty busy. But anyway here's another update, let me know what you thought of it

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