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Neteyam's pov:

"The Tulkun have returned!" Tsireya shouted from outside getting me and my family's attention, "everybody! Our brothers and sisters have returned!"
We ran out of the pod and saw Tsireya on an Ilu alerting the entire village and everyone seemed to be happy about it. I frowned as I looked at Lo'ak who without second thought jumped into the water and swam towards Tsireya.
"Mo'iki!" I heard Miyara shout from the pod next to ours, "come on! The Tulkun are back! Mìfeyri and Moyo have returned!"
I watched her run out of her pod, for the first time I saw her since she told me we could not fall in love together, when she noticed me standing infront of my own pod her smile slowly faded as she stared at me with those pretty eyes of hers. I couldn't explain what that look in her eyes meant once they landed on me, but she stared at me like I was from another world before her brother walked out of the pod with both of his children and she dove into the water as she held the baby whilst Mo'iki took Zuaia.
"What happened?" Kiri asked me, startling me once she popped up besides me, "you two have been acting like you don't exist to each other and yet when you actually see each other you just stare at one another without saying anything."
"What's there to say, Kiri?" I sighed as I turned to my sister, "she admitted that she was falling for me and told me that we couldn't fall in love, that it would always be Aonung for her."
"That's not true because she never would've fallen for you if it was," Kiri rolled her eyes, "she has been brainwashed to fall in love with Aonung since she was six years old, that's all she knows.. of course it won't happen right away."
"No, Kiri," I sighed, "it will never happen."
Kiri stared at me, clearly not believing that herself as she rolled her eyes once more and patted me on my shoulder.
"Let's at least try to enjoy today," Kiri said as she pushed me forward to the water, "just like the entire village is doing."
"Fine," I groaned as Tuk suddenly jumped infront of me, grabbed my hand and helped Kiri to drag me into the water.
Kiri and Tuk quickly left with Rotxo and hung out with him and his Tulkun brother. I saw Mo'iki presenting his daughters and telling how Avaroa passed away, also telling this to Avaroa's spirit sister. I saw Lo'ak watching Tsireya from above as she was telling her spirit sister about a boy that she had met, clearly meaning Lo'ak, before she and her Tulkun swam together. Even Aonung was sharing stories to his Tulkun brother about how in love he was with Miyara, how after all those years of yearning for her she was finally his and how happy she made him, watching that was making me feel sick to my stomach. I saw Teungyi and her Tulkun Sister talk about absolutely nothing important, besides the fact that she hated that her boyfriend never wanted to hang out with her friends. Clearly Teungyi didn't know what Aonung had done to Yrritsyo. My eyes did however land on Miyara who couldn't see me as she was talking with her Tulkun as she held her hand on the Tulkun's fin under water before continuing the sign language.
I'm with Aonung now, she signed, I know that I used to hate him.
I had to hold back my laughter, I could already picture Aonung trying to rizz her up and she just punching him in the face like Tsireya said she used to do when they were younger.
I should be happy right? I mean this is what I was born for, he chose me, the village chose me, Miyara signed as her Tulkun talked back.
Not that I understood any of it but I could only assume what the Tulkun was saying to her in response by what she signed herself.
The issue is that.. there's this boy, she signed and immediatly getting my attention, I like him, a lot. Too much actually but him and I can never be.
Of course it upsets me, but I just have to get over this boy I can't allow myself to fall more for him than I already have, she signed as the Tulkun talked back. My heart beating in my chest as she talked about me to her spirit sister.
I know I've never had feelings for any other boys here but he's not from here, he's from the forest. His father was Toruk Makto, Miyara signed having my full attention, no, they don't look funny.. He's honestly one of the most attractive people I've ever met, don't tell Aonung that. He thinks they're freaks.
Yes, I know you'd never snitch on me but still, Neteyam's very dreamy, she signed, a big smile forming on my face when she called me that, I have to force myself to not talk to him because I know my feelings for him will get stronger for him once I do.
My heart dropped when I saw her sign that to her Spirit Sister, she now avoided me on purpose because she knew she'd only fall harder for me. I could hardly believe what I saw and I couldn't break my eyes away, I just had to know.
I can't be with him, you know my duty is to my people, she signed, what do you mean if I had the chance would I go for it?
My eyes widened as I watched to see what she'd answer as her Tulkun probably repeated the question. I saw her hesitate, like she was afraid to answer.
Now that I think about it, she began, I don't know if I would go for it had I not been who I am. I feel things when I'm with him that I don't feel when I'm with Aonung, but that can't possibly mean anything right? Because I love Aonung. But I can't, I have to lead my people in the future with Aonung, I was chosen for that. Besides, Neteyam and his family are not a part of the clan yet, if him and I get together he might get banished. I can't do that.
I wasn't sure what to feel as I watched her dismiss her feelings for me, as I watched her dismiss us.
What do you mean with a difference between forced love and true love? She signed, so you think that the love I share with Aonung is forced and with Neteyam it could be true love because I don't understand what I'm feeling? Why are you so wise? But I don't know, I'm not even sure what I feel for Aonung let alone Neteyam.. It's making my head fuzzy.
I saw how she laughed when the Tulkun said something else to her before they began to talk about her ceremony and what she'd wear, about what she wanted for her birthday and already knew Tsireya would have it for her but what stuck out the most was when she began to talk about Aonung again.
I.. I asked him to have sex with me on my birthday after the afterparty, she signed and with that breaking my heart a little more than she already had, to be honest with you I think that me having sex with Aonung will be the push I need to get over Neteyam because I everytime I kiss Aonung I imagine that it's Neteyam for a slim second and it has to stop, so maybe me having sex with Aonung will do the trick. I have to do something to get Neteyam out of my head.
I wasn't sure if I was supposed to feel hurt of flattered that she pictured me when she was with Aonung, because she was getting out of her way to make those feelings she had for me go away.
I don't think it's a mistake.. I have to mate with Aonung, that's my life, so I can't exactly be in love with another now can I? I have to do whatever I can to stay in love with Aonung because now he can tell that something's going on with me.. I love him but I can't seem to escape my feelings for Neteyam and neither of them can know! You think this is a terrible idea, don't you?
I swam away with the Ilu afterwards, spotting Lo'ak being dropped off by Tsireya at our pod and taking this oppertunity to talk to him about it, because besides Kiri I had refused to talk about what happened on the last archery lesson I gave Miyara. I loved kissing her so much and the way she so passionately kissed me back. The way her hands moved from my chest to my neck as she pulled me closer to her.. my hands on her back, afraid to touch her ass since I didn't want her to think that I was that kind of guy.
"Bro, am I glad your here!" Lo'ak said as he pulled me off my Ilu and we walked into our pod, "I saw Tsireya talk to her Spirit Sister about how she met a boy and how she was in love.. She is in love with me! Me!"
"So, why haven't you kissed her yet then?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes, "we've been here for almost four months and you still haven't made a move apart from holding her hand."
When I heard Lo'ak being so excited about his relationship with Tsireya and getting the confirmation that she liked him back I couldn't tell him about what happened.. at least not until he asked me about it.
"Yeah, yeah," he shrugged, "I will."
"Afraid you'll disappoint her?" I asked him quirking a brow, knowing my little brother a little too well.
"..Yes," he groaned as he folded his arms, "I've never kissed a girl before!"
"And she's never kissed a guy before so you'll both learn it together," I said rolling my eyes, "you'll be fine, Lo'ak."
"If you say so," Lo'ak sighed suddenly being more nervous then ever, "I'll do it tonight."
"Make it special," I said and he frowned, "take her somewhere nice, like the pools in the roots."
"Where we always hang out together?" He asked, "no, but I'll figure it out. I'll ask Miyara, she'll know."
And with that he walked off.

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