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Aonung's pov:

This chapter contains some mature scenes

I slowly opened my eyes and smiled warmly when I saw Miyara in a deep slumber with her head on my chest, her hand resting on my lower abdonem as I had my arm wrapped around her shoulders. She looked so peaceful as she slept, her lips were slightly parted and she nuzzled herself deeper into my embrace. I noticed her shiver a little and so I pulled the woven blanket over her as I quietly watched her sleep, usually she was up before me but I was glad that for once I could watch her sleep instead of her watching me sleep. It was soothing to see her so calm.
I sighed and smirked when I recalled what we did last night, how amazing it felt to be inside of her, the moans she made, the way her tits bounced as she was on top. I could feel my cock twitch under the blanket at the thought of it as I replayed it in my mind. Fuck did I enjoy that. I wanted to do that again.
"You staring at me as I'm asleep is kind of creepy," Miyara suddenly said with her eyes still closed.
"It's romantic," I chuckled as she opened her eyes and they met with mine.
"I could feel you staring at me," she said, "that's why I woke up."
"I can look at the flowers around here so you can go back to sleep," I grinned, "but they're not as beautiful as you are."
"My hair's a mess so they are more beautiful," Miyara rolled her eyes. It was true that Miyara's curls were always more defined than my own, they were more wild than those of others, mine could be mistaken for waves sometime but her curls were big, thick and wild. Much like she was last night.
"I like your messy hair," I said and she smiled, "it shows how much I exhausted you last night."
Miyara scoffed and rolled her eyes as I chuckled at my own joke, her hair was getting more wild and bushy during sex and her hair always got bushy when she got to high into her emotions. But despite having more wild curls compared to the other Metkayina she never let it bring down her confidence, she was proud of her hair and I admired her for that. She knew she looked the same but different and she knew that she was beautiful even if she was shy about it. I had always known she was beautiful, from the moment I met her I knew that I had met the most beautiful woman on the planet. Her beauty was unmatched and her personality was so different from my own, she drew me in without even trying.
"Your hair's a mess too," she said trying to insult me for joking about our sex night and I laughed at her pathetic remark.
"You are really bad at that," I laughed, "but it's fine, your fine tits make up for your lack of rudeness."
"Oh, I see. You want to play that game now, hm?" She asked and grinned as she pulled the blanket off me and wrapped it around her body as she got up, leaving me bare on the other blanket we were sleeping on.
"I am trying to figure out what game you think we're playing," I questioned as she simply held onto the blanket and rolled her eyes at me. Miyara tied the blanket around her like a towel as she began to rummage through the basket of food, not even answering me right away until she found what she was looking for.
"If my tits are all that's good for you, you will never get to see them again," Miyara said smug as she ate some of the berries that she held into her hand. A grin appeared in my face as I got up and walked over to her, my eyes fixated on hers as I watched her nervously take a step backwards with each step I took towards her until her back was almost against the wall, drawing her into a corner.
"I might have a way to convince you," I said as she eyed me curiously, finishing the last of her berries.
"Yeah, right," she scoffed but I could see her blush, I could tell that I was getting under her skin and I enjoyed having that power over her as she looked so innocently.
"Fold your hands together like this," I said as I demonstranted it by folding my own hands together, making my own fingers interwine with each other. Miyara frowned confused as she looked at my hands before folding her own hands, she didn't seem to understand where I was going with this.
"And then what?" She asked me confused as my smirk grew wider. In a swift move I grabbed onto her hands with my right hand, pushed them up above her head and pinned her against the wall behind her, trapping her hands with my own against the wall above her. My left hand was on her waist and she instinctively arched her back, signaling to me that she secretly enjoyed it. Miyara's face flustered red as she nervously looked down, but that wouldn't help her this time since I was naked and so she forced herself to look everywhere but me, I loved leaving her flabbergasted and speechless. I chuckled as I moved my left hand up to the blanket around her and peeled it down with my indexfinger, revealing her naked body as I took in every inch of her beauty.
"Ah, look," I grinned as I cupped her boob and let my fingers play with her nipple, softly squeezing it and drawing a satisfied sound from her lips, "there they are."
"Y-you're so annoying," she spat out but it wasn't very convincing as she looked up into my eyes.
"This is the second time that I've won, right?" I grinned remembering the water fight we had months ago where I carried her on my shoulder and forced her to tell me that I had won.
"You didn't win," she spat out defensively, "you.. you deceived me! That's not winning!"
"It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you win," I chuckled as I watched her groan, pretending to be annoyed with me, "and I've won. Again."
Miyara grunted as she tried to shake her hands loose from my grip, wanting to prove she could win from me but my hold on her hands were too strong for her. I let out a breathy chuckle as I slowly leaned in, feeling her hitching breath on my lips. I smashed my lips into hers as a pleased yelp escaped from her lips, each satisfying sound she made drove me insane. I moved my left hand from her boob to her back before slowly sliding it down to her ass, my fingers digging into her skin as I pulled her body against mine. I smirked against her lips as I could feel the heat radiate from her boobs as they were firmly pressed against my own chest. With my knee in between her legs I slightly allowed my knee to reach her wetness, gently rubbing against it as a moan rolled off her tongue, clearly one she didn't want to let out by the look from her widened eyes, making me that much more satisfied.
"J-just to be clear," she whispered as she broke away from the kiss, "you didn't.. w-win."
"We'll see," I said as I let go of her hands and used both my hands to pull her up above me, her back pressed against the wall as she wrapped her legs around my waist and placed her hands on my shoulders.
"Why did Eywa make me love a man as self smitten as you?" Miyara chuckled, making my ears perk up.
"Because the others were too boring for a girl like you," I whispered as I watched my girlfriend's smile grow, "I mean they tried but you'll always come back to me."
"My brother was the one to make me realise it," she suddenly said and I frowned as she ran her hand through my hair, "he told me that feelings that return are feelings that never left but feelings that were surpressed.. I thought I fell out of love with you for a time, I was stupid but the more time I spend away from you the more I realised how much I needed you. It's you, Aonung."
"You did have me worried for a while, darling," I said admitting how much breaking up with her had hurt me, "for a moment I thought I lost you to that treehugger."
"For a moment so did I," she admitted.
"What changed? Because I have to admit, Miya, I sometimes still worry," I said as I watched her eyes widen when I said so. I'd never tell her but in the month she was away I had vivid dreams of her leaving me for Neteyam, of her in his arms, of her starting a family with him and each and every dream I could recall from beginning to end.
"I understand your worry, I would be worried too if the roles were reversed," Miyara said as she drew patterns along my neck with her finger, "I was searching for a feeling without realising that you were the only feeling I ever needed. I liked Neteyam, I did, but when I loved him it was not the kind of love that I have for you, it was the love that I have for Lo'ak, Tsireya, Teungyi.. It was the love I have for my best friends and I knew that I had screwed things up, my mind and my heart were a mess and then the trial happened and it messed me up even more. I had to leave in order to find my own way, because for the first time in my life I was allowed the freedom to draw my own path and it drew me straight to you."
"So, just to be clear," I began, my heart beating fast in my chest as I stared into those bright, colored eyes of hers, "you don't have any feelings for Neteyam anymore, besides friendship?"
"The only one I have romantic feelings for is you, skxawng," she chuckled as I allowed her to slide back down to her feet, feeling my arms get sore, "I love you, Ma'Aonung, only you. I want to be with you, I want to mate with you, I want to start a family with you, I want to lead our clan with you and after we've lived a long and beautiful life together I want to die with you and even after death I'll find you. I will love you in every lifetime. You and me, that's all I need."
I smiled warmly as I felt a burden fall off my shoulders, finally I believed her, I had struggled so much with it and I never admitted it to her but now I was also finally able to be vulnerable with her. I now knew that she loved me and I now knew that she really did love me like I loved her.
"I was wondering," I said softly as this question had been bothering me for a while watching her eye me curiously, "when we mate.. on your birthday.. do you want me to pull out?"
"I'm not sure what you mean," she stammered and I frowned at my oblivious girlfriend.
"I don't know when you want to start with children, and I know it's still nine months give or take until the ritual but I just wanted to see where you were at," I said and raised my brows as I tried to read the expression on her face.
"Oh, I see," she said staying silent for a little while, "I would like to start our family then, if you are ready for that too."
"So when we mate for the first time, you'd want me to impregnate you?" I asked as a smile grew on her face from the way I asked her.
"What a beautiful way of describing that," Miyara chuckled as she wrapped her arms around my waist and placed her chin on my chest, looking up to me with a broad smile on her face, "but yes, I would want you to impregnate me on our mating ritual but only as long as you are ready for it too. That's a choice that we will make together when the time comes."
"But I already know," I said as she awaited my answer, "when we have our mating ritual I want us to start our family, I'm ready to have a family with you."
"We will have seven," she said smirking as my eyes widened.
"We agreed on three," I said as I kissed her on top of her head.
"If they take after me you'll want seven too," she laughed as I looked down at her with an offended look on my face.
"In that case I hope they'll take after me so we can stop after three," I laughed as she rolled her eyes, "I think we'll be good parents."
"I think so too," she said, "we should get going, I have Tsahik training and I believe tonight's the night that your parents will announce the change of the Tsahik."
"You're right," I said and smirked, "you still have time, shall we go for another round?"
"You're always so horny," she laughed as she brushed past me and started to gather her stuff.
"For you," I chuckled as Miyara rolled her eyes.

Sooooo, I updated the CHARACTERS LIST, every character now has a sketch face version.. so be sure to check it out! And also is there something you'd like to see happening in the coming chapters? Let me know in the comments

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