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Miyara's pov:

"There you are!" Tsireya shouted causing both me and Aonung to wake up with a jump. I frowned confused as I looked up to meet with Aonung's irritated gaze that he had aimed at his sister. I realised that we had fallen asleep together after our date and missed the entire morning. I still remembered what we had done together, what he had done to me and how much I enjoyed it. How much I enjoyed that lustfull look in his light eyes and how much I enjoyed making him hard for me. My heart would skip a beat by just thinking of it.
"We have been looking everywhere for you two!" Tsireya shouted enraged as she got onto the rock, "you could've told someone that you were running off to a rock in the middle of the ocean instead of leaving before hours and scaring us all to death!"
"I don't need you to baby me!" Aonung grunted at his sister. Neteyam followed after Tsireya, my heart skipped a beat when my eyes landed on Neteyam, remembering what happened with us tonight before I left for Aonung. Neteyam however nervously turned his head away from me, like it pained him to see me in Aonung's arms. What was I doing?
"Clearly you do!" Tsireya grunted, "come on, we have to follow Lo'ak."
"Because he left before hours as well?" I asked her confused, not understanding how this conversation ended with Lo'ak. Tsireya had found a new talent in making every conversation turn back to her crush.
"You would've known had you been there," Tsireya scowled, "we found out he's going to Payakan and that he has been secretly doing that the past month."
"How's that my problem?" Aonung grunted annoyed as we both sat upright and placed his hand on the small of my back, "not my fault he's got a death wish."
"You are the reason he even met him in the first place," I whispered under my breath as Aonung's ears lowered and he shot me a glare.
"It's your problem because I say so," Tsireya said stern, "follow me."
"Fine," I grunted as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and got up, leaving my belongings on the rock, not that I'd miss them. Aonung quickly followed after me and soon we realised we came with only one Ilu and I grunted annoyed.
"I'll ride," Aonung voluntered as she stepped past me, "I can tell you don't want to."
"Thanks," I sighed as I got on the Ilu behind him and followed after Tsireya and the others.
When we were beyond the reef it became very easy to spot Lo'ak and Payakan, Aonung instinctively held his arm before me and swam infront of me, that was his way of protecting me from what men believed to be a killer Tulkun.
Hidden in the plants I found myself in between Aonung and Neteyam as we watched how Lo'ak and Payakan acted with each other. My eyes widened when I saw Payakan open it's mouth for Lo'ak to enter. I shot a worried look to Aonung and without a second thought I grabbed his hand and clutched it tightly in my own as I was worried for my new friend. I saw Neteyam trying to swim after his brother to save him but Tsireya and I both grabbed his arm and pulled him back. He frowned confused looking from me to Tsireya before she told him to wait and anxiously turned around to see what would happen after Lo'ak had entered Payakan's mouth.
It was to be expected that when Lo'ak came back out he had bonded with Payakan. Aonung's eyes widened as he looked at me over his shoulder.
My parents are going to be pissed, he signed to me and I nodded.
This isn't going to end good, I signed back and I was right.


"You allowed it!" Ronal shouted angry once we were all brought to Aonung's pod, "you allowed him to bond with the outcast!"
I found myself in between Neteyam and Aonung again as I saw the sad look on my best friend's face across from me. I saw Jake and Neytiri appear behind Lo'ak from the corner of my eye. I found myself nervous because I knew my father would be here soon and I would get the scold of a lifetime if not a beating like my brother used to get when he misbehaved.
"Tsireya," Tonowari said stern looking at his daughter, "you disappoint me daughter."
Tsireya's ears lowered as she looked at her father with tears in her eyes, I felt so bad for her, I just wanted to hug her but I couldn't.
"And you," Tonowari said turning to Lo'ak, "the son of a great warrior who has been taught better."
"With respect, sir," Lo'ak started and immediatly got a side eye from his brother, "Payakan saved my life. You don't know him."
Tonowari sighed exhausted and took a quick glance to his mate who was staring at Lo'ak full of hatred before turning back to us all.
"Sit down," Tonowari said calmly as he sat himself down, but it sooned turned to anger when nobody sat down, "sit down!"
I quickly sat down and felt Aonung grab my hand to comfort me as his father spoke so sternly, I offered a small smile to my boyfriend as he softly squeezed my hand to let me know he was here for me.
"Hear my words boy," Tonowari began in a low tone, "in the time if the first songs, the tulkuns fought among themselves to gain territory and to get revenge. But they realized that killing, no matter how justified, only brings more killing. Therefore it was forbidden. This is the Tulkun way. Payakan is a killer and therefore he is outcast."
"Sorry, but you are wrong," Lo'ak said, earning himself a side eye from me and Aonung as well besides Neteyam, nobody was ever stupid enough to tell Tonowari he was wrong except for Ronal.
"Lo'ak! You're speaking to the Olo'eyktan!" Neytiri hissed at her son. Lo'ak wanted to open his mouth again to protest but Jake was first.
"That's enough," Jake said angry.
"I know what I know," Lo'ak said and Jake roughly grabbed onto his arm.
"I'll take care of this one," Jake told Tonowari and dragged his son away, being followed by Neteyam.
"Miyara," I heard my father's stern voice behind me, my ears immediatly lowering in fear, "I expected more from you."
Hesitantly I let go of Aonung's hand and turned around to face my father, frightened of what he might do. Because I knew what he was capeable of.
"Father," I whispered but he grabbed onto my queue and dragged me out of the pod with full force, "ow!"
"Eyive!" My mother softly hissed at him, signaling he was acting too harshly with me.
"Y-You're hurting me!" I cried out, tears rolling down my cheeks and gaining the attention of Neytiri who walked behind Lo'ak and Jake with Neteyam, the both of them seemed shocked my father would do this but I had seen him take out his anger on my brother like this thousands of times before. Which is why I never disobeyed him, this was the way my father raised his children, by hurting them.
"Father!" I heard Aonung call out to his dad with worry in his voice, "she had nothing to do with this!"
"This is not up to me," Tonowari said with a heavy heart as my father dragged me back to our pod.
I ended up being grounded for two weeks, for something I didn't too but then again I came off easy and I wasn't going to snitch on any of my friends, especially since I did allow him to bond with Payakan. I saw that Payakan wasn't what we were all told he was, Lo'ak made me and the others realise that. He was no killer.

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