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Miyara's pov:

"Can I talk to you?" Aonung asked me, interrupting my conversation with Teungyi after I had finished my bowl of food at dinner.
"Uhm, sure," I said as I placed my bowl besides me and got up, "I'll be back soon, Teung."
"Take your time," Teungyi smirked, "I'll go look for Tsireya, I'll see you at the pools tonight."
"Okay," I said as I watched Teungyi scan the crowds for Tsireya, I turned my gaze to Aonung who was for some reason nervously looking at me. I don't think I had ever seen him this nervous before in my life, he was always confident, cocky, arrogant and smug but now he actually looked kind of anxious.
"What did you want to talk about?" I asked as he grasped my hand and pulled me away from everybody to a more private place not too far from the others.
He took me behind a big palm tree and pinned me against it out of sight of the village, placing his hands on the tree and closing me in as he towered over me, looking down at me. I could feel my heart flutter by the sight of how he had locked me in and I softly chuckled before nervously looking down at my feet, which was something I always subconciously did when someone made me nervous. He usually caught onto it and joked about how he made me nervous.
"Miya," he began in a more serious manner, "I know we are to be mates when you turn eighteen but that doesn't mean that nothing can't happen between us before that."
"You're not asking me to mate with you already, are you?" I quirked a brow.
"No, of course not," he groaned, stepping closer and instead of his hands against the palm tree I was pinned against he decided to lean against it with his elbows, closing a big distance between us, his face now only inches away from mine as he stared into my eyes.
"Aonung?" I questioned and he took a deep breath, "just tell me."
"I can understand if you'd like to wait until you turn eighteen," he said, licking his lips, "but I would really like it if you would be my girlfriend now."
My eyes widened as I was somehow surprised he'd ask me even though he had been trying to get with me for at least the last three years. I was trying to decide what my answer would be, it's true that I was beginning to return the feelings he had for me for so long but if I said yes there was no going back. Everybody would know and there's a chance our clan might even want to celebrate that, but if I said no I would be lying to myself because I knew that I wanted him. With my lips slightly parted I stared into his eyes with a stern look on my face, I could tell he was getting anxious but seeing as he and I are to be mates this wasn't an easy decision to make. We weren't just two people that had feelings for each other, we were like celebrities in our own clan because we were the clan's future.
"You're making me anxious with your silence, Miya," he sighed, "I want you, only you, do you want me to prove it to you? Do you want me to beg you?"
I didn't want him to beg but being able to see the chief's son, the arrogant, self-obsorbed boy, beg for me would be an appealing sight. I had already decided what I wanted after he told me he only wanted me but still I wanted to tease him, nobody ever held the upper hand over him and now he was giving me the option to do so, I wanted to take that chance and see how much control I could actually have over him. I was curious about it.
"I'd like to see that," I smirked and he chuckled before taking a deep breath and slowly crouching down on one knee before me. My jaw dropped as I had never expected him to go through with it but nevertheless it was a fine sight to see.
"Miya.." he began in a low tone as he took my right hand into both his hands.
"Yes," I said and he frowned confused, "I want to be your girlfriend."
"Y-you do?" He stuttered in disbelief, probably thinking I would turn him down for the millionth time. But this time I was actually falling for him and I actually began to see the future how it was planned for me.
"I do, now get up," I chuckled as I watched him get back on his feet and tower over me once more, "you're cute when you beg. I might make you beg me more often."
"Hm," he grinned, "for you I would, but perhaps there'll be a day I'll have you on your knees for me."
I knew exactly what he meant as I gaped at him with wide open eyes remaining quiet for too long, now it was too late to make a sassy remark. My heart leaped as he placed his hands on my waist once more.
"What's wrong? Did I leave you speechless?" He whispered and smirked as he gently rubbed his thumb on my stomach near the edge of my loincloth.
"Just kiss me, skxawng," I muttered, enjoying the smug look on his face. He leaned in and placed a tender kiss on my lips before guiding me back against the palm tree by my waist, our bodies pressed together once more. I was starting to yearn for these moments with him, I wanted this more than anything. I could feel a younger version of myself laughing at me in the back of my head, telling me what a fool I was for allowing Aonung to seduce me like this but I didn't care anymore. I wanted him so badly. His hands slowly moved up to cup my face as I found myself trailing my fingers along his loincloth before taking a grasp of the edge of his loincloth and pulling him even closer to me, I could hear him groan as my fingers moved along his lower abdonem before placing both my hands on his chest.
"We should go to the pools," I whispered in between kisses as he wrapped his arm around my back, his hand resting in between my shoulderblades and his other hand running through my hair as I moved one hand to cup his face and held the other on his chest where I could feel his heartbeat.
"I wasn't invited," he whispered in between the kisses.
"You're with me," I said as he stopped the kiss and let his lips brush past mine.
He opened his eyes and looked at me with an unreadable expression, almost like he had forgotten that he finally had me as his girlfriend now. But I knew he was just surprised how quickly I would introduce him as my boyfriend.
"You're with me, Aonung," I said again as I saw a sparkle in his eyes as he heard me speak those words to him, "so you're invited."
"I'm with you," he whispered, almost in disbelief, "let's go then, I'll ride."
"Sure," I said and smiled before placing a small kiss on his lips, "come on."
He chuckled to himself as he gently took my hand, our fingers interwining with each other and he lead me through the village to where the Ilu's were. I could feel the stares of local villagers, see them smile when they saw me holding his hand, turn to each other and whisper something, one even applauded. Aonung could sense the situation was making me nervous and so he softly squeezed in my hand to reassure me everything would be fine. And it was comforting to know he'd make me feel allright.
Along the way I saw my parents, my mother smiled at me but it wasn't her approval I was after. I looked at my father, who looked down at my hand in Aonung's hand before looking back up to me and giving me a polite nod which was enough to let me know that he was proud of my decision. I smiled at him, feeling a certain relief knowing that I had finally pleased my father in something.

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