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This chapter contains mature scenes, since you wanted spice

Neteyam's pov:

"So, what happened with Seyza?" Kiri asked me as we made our way over to Lo'ak and Tsireya's Marui Pod. I sighed as I looked down at my sister who eyed me curiously.
"She discovered that I might still have some unresolved feelings for Miyara," I answered honestly as Kiri's eyes widened. At the trial, when it was revealed that Aonung had sacrificed everything for Miyara's safety, including their relationship, I saw something shift inside of her, it was like she stopped fighting the feelings she had for Aonung and I could tell that in that moment it didn't matter what she felt for me because I could see in her eyes that no matter what, she loved him more. So after the trial I decided to let go of my feelings for Miyara, and it was working quite allright but I could tell that Aonung was annoyed that nobody was bothered by her absence, I could tell he missed her more than I ever could and the moment she returned I could tell how much they yearned for each other by simply looking into each other's eyes for a slim second. Miyara and I never would've lasted had she chosen me and it showed. I was convinced that I was over her but now that I was spending everyday with her again I was falling all over again but now I also had unexplainable feelings for Seyza and I didn't know what to think or feel.
"I thought you were over her," Kiri said softly and I sighed annoyed.
"So did I," I said as my eyes fell onto Miyara and Aonung who were walking ahead of us, holding hands as Aonung continued to pull her into him as she playfully pulled away, chuckling like the lovesick couple they were.
"Perhaps you should talk to her about it," Kiri said, "it happened before why not again?"
"She doesn't want me," I said stern, "it'll always be Aonung, those were her own words before she even realised that she loved him more than me."
"Then you know what to do," Kiri said and shrugged as I frowned at her, "stop thinking about what could've been and start thinking about what you can have, Miyara and you are done, whatever you two were, but that doesn't mean it has to be the end of you and Seyza."
"I don't even know what I feel for Seyza, those feelings are so different compared to what I felt for Miyara," I groaned, before we moved to the reef I was fine on my own, sure I had a crush once but that was it, I didn't feel so conflicted like I did right now, "I'm always nervous around Miyara, my heart will beat so fast it'll almost beat itself out of my chest and with Seyza it's easy, it's calm and I don't almost have a heart attack everytime I'm near her."
"Brother," Kiri gasped as she stared at me, "that's love."
"What?" I questioned her confused, "what would you know about love?"
"Mom told me that when you can be calm around the person you think you like it's true love," Kiri said, "for example, even though I've known Spider all my life I still felt nervous around him but with Rotxo I was always calm and it was easy."
"So, you're telling me that you're in love with Rotxo?" I asked my sister with a smirk as her eyes widened in shock, realising she just exposed herself to me.
"It's just an example, no love," Kiri lied as she started to blush, "just figure out what it is that you want from Miyara and then allow yourself to feel something for Seyza."
"Don't try to change the subject-" I started but got interrupted.
"I'm not changing the subject you and Miyara and Seyza and Aonung were already the subject," Kiri said quickly, "don't bring up Rotxo or Spider again."
"Aren't they both going to be there?" I asked her as she rolled her eyes.
"Shut up," Kiri said and I laughed. I saw Miyara's foot slip through one of the holes in the woven pathway, falling down and letting out a yelp as she grabbed onto Aonung who bursted out into a laughter fit.
"One fucking hole in the entire pathway and you manage to get stuck in there," he laughed as she struggled to get back up, her foot dipping into the water beneath, "but you're not clumsy, right?"
"It's not my fault someone didn't weave that correctly!" Miyara said defensively as she held her hands out for Aonung to grab but he was too busy laughing, "can you pull me up, you skxawng?"
"That's not very nice," Aonung said.
"Neither is laughing at me!" Miyara said slightly annoyed.
"I would never laugh at you, I was laughing with you," Aonung chuckled as he grabbed her hands and pulled her back up.
"I wasn't laughing," Miyara said stern.
"In that case I was laughing at you," Aonung chuckled as he leaned in to kiss her but before his lips could touch hers she pulled away and smirked when he shot her a shocked look.
"That's for laughing at me," Miyara said as she walked up ahead and fell into yet another hole, even I snorted when I saw that as Aonung fell flat on his back from laughing, "who the fuck weaved these fucking pathways?"
"Are you drunk already?" Aonung asked her as he sat upright, Kiri ans I halted as we watched the scene display infront of us.
"I'M NOT FUCKING DRUNK!" Miyara shouted enraged which made Aonung laugh even more, "can you help me up now?"
"Ooooh no, you were rude to me so you can help yourself up," Aonung laughed as he got back up to his feet and placed his hands on his hips, smirking at Miyara as she stubbornly tried to pull herself back up but her feet but with her leg stuck in the water beneath the pathways she didn't have the strength or proper position to pull herself up as she halfway fell back down, grunting annoyed.
"Aonung," Miyara said sternly as she started to blush and refused to look at him, "help me back up."
"I couldn't hear you," Aonung lied, he clearly liked teasing her. Miyara's ears lowered as she glared at her boyfriend.
"Could you please help me back up?" Miyara asked as Aonung slightly tilted his head, looking amused, "please?"
"Ah, because I love you," he chuckled as he helped her back up to her feet and quickly wrapped his arms around her as he pulled her up and threw her over his shoulder like she weighed nothing.
"What are you doing?" She asked him confused.
"You're clearly a danger to yourself so as your future mate it is my job to protect you," Aonung said as he started walked towards Tsireya and Lo'ak's pod for the housewarming party, "and besides, this way I can look at that sweet ass of yours."
"Aonung!" Miyara yelped as he placed a kiss on her ass and chuckled as he continued to carry her on his shoulder, after a little while Miyara stopped complaining and just allowed her to be carried by him before they vanished from our sight.
"I think she has to be the only person that actually loves that fool," Kiri said rolling her eyes, "but honestly, for some strange reason they do make sense together, as do you and Seyza."
"We do?" I asked Kiri confused.
"Miyara's your first love," Kiri said and sighed, "don't let her be your last."

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