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Miyara's pov:

"What's going on?" I asked as I approached Aonung on the beaches, "why are Jake's sky people friends back? Did something happen to Kiri again?"
"I don't know why they're back," Aonung said as we saw the sky people aircraft approach and preparing to land, "get behind me, love."
I frowned but did as I was told as Aonung used his left arm to guide me behind him, standing infront of me defensively as the aircraft was about to land on the beach, showering us all with sand as I placed my hands on Aonung's waist and hid behind him, pressing my forehead against his back as he used his right hand to cover his eyes from the sand.
"Hey guys!" Spider shouted as soon as the aircraft had landed as he ran for the scientists, "is it done?"
"Yeah, it's done, just like you asked us months ago," the one I recognised as Norm answered, "you'll have to do some test -runs with us back at High Camp and then you can decide if you want to make it permanent, Mo'at said she'd help you."
"Brilliant," Spider said and smiled as he saw Aonung and me standing on the beach as the others were slowly coming over from the village.
"Isn't it dangerous that these guys come here?" I asked Aonung, not wanting the sky people to return again.
"Yes, it is," he answered with gritted teeth as he glared at the scientists and Spider, "nothing's wrong with the Sully's so I don't get why they're here."
"Kiri, why are the scientists back?" I asked when I swe Kiri approach us with her family and she shrugged, making me frown as I looked at Aonung for reassurance as he placed his left hand over my left had that remained on his waist.
"I have no clue," Kiri said as she came to stand next to me and suddenly pointed a finger at me, "only two more months before you two are separated for three months right?"
"Yes," Aonung and I said in unison both sounding displeased.
"The night before Aonung's birthday me and the girls are taking you out Miyara and the boys are taking Aonung out," Kiri said and smirked.
"Why do you want to kill the time we have left with each other?" Aonung asked Kiri without looking at her as his eyes remained fixated on the scientists who were now talking to Jake and Tonowari.
"It's a bachelor and bachelorette party, it's a sky people thing and since you're both vanishing from Awa'atlu for three months we had to do it before then," Kiri said but Aonung still didn't seem pleased, "it's happening, get over it."
"My father doesn't seem pleased," Aonung said as I saw Ronal approach with Yukrì in her arms, I could tell by the look on her face she was angry about the unannounced arrival.
"Please hold him for me," Ronal asked me as I nodded and took Yukrì from her, Aonung shielding us both as I held the three month old baby in my arms, allowing him to nibble on my finger.
"You don't have to he afraid of them," Kiri said as she chuckled at the way Aonung shielded me and his baby brother, my ears lowered as I looked up at Aonung.. I already knew what was coming.
"It's no fear for them," Aonung said stern, looking at Kiri, "but the last time they came the other sky people tracked them here, people died because of that, Miyara could've died because of that so unless they have a good reason to be here I don't want them here any longer than they have to be and I won't have them near Miyara and my family."
I knew about Aonung's nightmares in which I had died, I knew of the fear he felt of the sky people ever returning and I knew how he felt about the scientists. Everytime a word of the sky people came up Aonung became incredibly defensive over me, in the first few months he was tormented by nightmares, not that he would ever admit it to anyone besides me.
Kiri stayed silent as she saw Aonung's glare towards the scientists as I took care of Yukrì, after a while Ronal returned and still didn't seem happy.
"What happened mother?" Aonung asked as she took Yukrì from me and looked over at Kiri, signaling that she should leave and with a deep sigh Kiri left us alone as she returned to Neteyam.
"The Sky People have made an Avatar for that Spider boy," Ronal explained, my eyes widening in shock as I looked up to Aonung who clenched his jaw, "they're taking Spider and his hut away for a couple of months so he can get adjusted to his avatar body before making it permanent like Jake Sully did."
"I assume you've told them that they can just keep him there then," Aonung said, "I don't need that pet of theirs to return here like another one of those dark blue tree huggers."
I sighed at his comment but decided to ignore it for now as Ronal continued to speak.
"I did, but he has to return here," Ronal said and grunted irritated, not being happy about the entire situation, "it's not safe for him to stay there and it's not safe for the Omatikaya clan if he stays there, he will be hidden as he learns his avatar body, learns their ways first and then he returns back here."
"Whatever," Aonung scoffed as he glared at Spider who was gathering his things, "I will not be the one teaching him the way of water."
"Shouldn't they have asked permission first before they moved along with the creation of an avatar body?" I asked Ronal confused, "all this moving around could attrack more sky people here, they should've involved you and Tonowari in making this decision."
"They should have indeed," Ronal said stern as she looked over at Jake talking to the scientists, "the Sully's are reef people now, only Tuk has to master a Skimwing and Neteyam will soon be of mating age... they are a part of our clan now, and soon that demon will be too."
"Come on," Aonung said as he took my hand into his own, "we're leaving this shit show."
"O-okay," I said as I took a few quick paces to walk besides him as he tightly held onto my hand and dragged me away from the Sully's and the scientists.

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