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Teungyi's pov:

"Hello? I asked you a question," I said as Aonung locked his jaw and looked away from me, turning his gaze back to Miyara who was in a deep conversation with Lo'ak about what they'd do for his date with Tsireya. I had seen Aonung stare at Miyara all night.
"I heard you," Aonung said, never having him heard this stone cold before, "I used another blade to do it. But I am the one that mutilated your boyfriend."
"Do you think I'm stupid?" I asked him as I rolled my eyes, "you never use another blade but your own, I never payed attention to your dagger before until you handed it to me earlier today when I got to study every inch of your dagger. So I decided to see what a cut would look like from your dagger, got myself a fish from the sea and made a clean cut. A thin and precise line but Yrritsyo's cut was more wide, like the skin was ripped open by all of these tiny teeth on one large tooth.. you know, what grass eating fish have to chew their food properly.. you on the other hand clearly have the tooth of one of the flesh eating animals because it doesn't have those tiny teeth on them.. it's made for clean cuts which Yrritsyo's cut was not."
"Let it go, Teungyi," Aonung said as he got up and towered over me, a serious and disturbed look in his eyes, "you never liked me, stop trying to prove that I wasn't the one to carve your boyfriend open.. I am the one who cut him.. why would I lie?"
"That's what I'm trying to figure out, because you are lying," I said because suddenly this story became twisted and not as black and white as we all believed it was, "your dagger didn't make the cut, I don't even believe you made that cut... but perhaps one of your little friends did. And I will figure it out."
"It's best that you don't," Aonung said softly, looking around to make sure no one heard him, "who knows who's lives are in danger if you do."
"You just exposed yourself, skxawng," I said softly and smirked, "by saying those words you proved that there is something else behind this twisted story."
"Let it go, Teungyi," Aonung said with gritted teeth, "people will get hurt if you don't."
"You know me well enough, Aonung," I said stern, "when have I ever given up?"
"What's in it for you, hm?" He questioned me, "what do you gain from this?"
"The truth," I said as I watched his eyes widen, "you didn't do this.. but for some reason you've made everyone believe that you did, including Miyara... why would you make her believe that you did it if you know she'd hate you for it? You knew you'd lose her if she found out and still you took the fall."
"You're smart," Aonung said, "what motive would I possibly have to make her think I'm ruthless? Besides other than that I did cut Yrritsyo's face open? I pinned him down, I cut his pretty, little face open and left him there in his own blood."
"His wound was closed, otherwise he would've bled out," I said, "I'm a lot smarter than you think I am, a cut that wide and deep would've cost him his life had it not been for a certain Tshahik's son who knew how to close it up.. so someone else made the cut and made you take the fall for it, but how would that work? Yrritsyo himself said he saw you with your own dagger on his face before he passed out.. he fainted and that's why he believed it was you but he was passed out for a long time and in that time someone else besides you could've made that cut and he wouldn't know about it because you were the last person he saw with a dagger on his face.. but it still doesn't explain why you would take the fall for that.."
"First of all, you can't prove it," Aonung said as he looked down at me, a cold look in his light colored eyes, "second of all, I am the one that cut his face open. He passed out and so I still cut him open, I wanted to leave him there but when I saw how badly the wound was bleeding I closed the wound and still left him in his own blood.. I am the one that hurt him, it's my fault.. and that's the truth... happy now, Teung? Now you know, so let it go."
Aonung grunted as he angrily walked past me, leaving the village as he kicked rocks away before vanishing behind a bush and out of my sight. I knew that wasn't the truth, Aonung wasn't that good of a liar, I knew him long enough to know the difference between him lying and telling the truth and that wasn't the truth.
But why? Why would he take the blame for someone else? Why would he risk his relationship with Miyara if he didn't do it? It made no sense. The only thing that made sense was that the one that did it would've been one of his friends.. it was either Oimliän or Niokä, the third one, whatever his name was, wasn't close enough to have done it.. Yrritsyo said he was on the look out to see if anyone would come along while they would threaten Yrritsyo, that friend however did see who made the cut.. he just wasn't involved in doing so.
I had to somehow get close to those three, I had to figure out what it was that made Aonung, who never took the blame for anyone, take the blame for them.. even when Lo'ak was left behind the reef and took the blame for Aonung he didn't stand up and speak up and that was something that he did do, so why would he still take the blame for something that he didn't do?
"Hey, Teung, long time no see," Seyza said and frowned, "are you allright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, just stuck in a thought," I said and it clicked, "your friend Voyena used to date Niokä a few months ago, right?"
"She's not proud of it, but yes she used to date him," Seyza said and frowned, "why?"
"I need to talk to her," I said and Seyza frowned, "I have to figure something out, can't tell you what.. where can I find her?"
"She's with Tsireya," Seyza said, "I can take you there, if you'd like."
"I would very much appreciate it," I said as I followed after Seyza.

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