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Neteyam's pov:

I couldn't go to that party because I'd see her with him and after she kissed me the thought of seeing them together made me nausious and angry. I was falling for Miyara and I was falling hard for her but even if she liked me I don't think she was falling as hard for me as I was for her. It was slowly cracking my heart into pieces as I stared at the sand beneath my feet with a numb look on my face. Why couldn't I just find that kind if happiness?
"Are you allright?" A girl asked, she sounded a lot like Miyara but when I looked at her I realised it wasn't her. I didn't know this girl but she seemed to be around Tsireya's age. She looked slightly like Miyara, but with a more oval face shape instead of a round one, her eyes were the light blue everyone had here and were more narrowed compared to Miyara's, her black hair was rather wavy instead of the big bush of curly hair that Miyara had. This girl was smaller than Miyara or Tsireya, she was around 7'1 and her front teeth were slightly bigger and round but in a cute way. This girl looked a lot like Miyara but at the same time she didn't.
"I'm allright," I answered stiff, "just got a lot on my mind."
"I can understand that," she said with a soft smile, "but you are safe now that you're here, the Sky people won't find you here."
"I hope not," I said as I extended my hand for her, "I'm Neteyam."
"Yeah, I know," she chuckled as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, "oh- my name's Leykuzi."
"It's nice to meet you," I said and she nodded with a soft smile on her face.
"I've been wanting to talk to you, but I never caught you alone," she chuckled, "you're always with people."
"Sorry about that, I have a big family," I answered not knowing why this girl wanted to talk to me so badly.
"I'm aware, I myself have three older brothers and two older sisters but I wasn't talking about your family," Leykuzi sighed, "I was talking about Miyara, you do know that if Aonung finds out you and your family will be send away?"
"What would he find out according to you?" I asked her nudging my head and folded my arms.
"I saw you two," she said, "I saw her kiss you this afternoon."
"You saw wrong," I said stubbornly as I watched Leykuzi roll her eyes, "were you spying?"
"No, I collect the flowers that grow near the river side when I stumbled upon you two," Leykuzi said as she folded her arms as well and quirked up a brow, "I did not see wrong."
"Does it matter?" I asked her as I could feel my heart rip everytime I allowed myself to think of the kiss with Miyara.
"I'm just saying that she will always be his," Leykuzi said, "they have a history, Neteyam."
"You don't know me," I said feeling myself get angry. Why was she talking to me like this?
"You're right, I don't know you," Leykuzi sighed softly, "but I know them and I know Miyara, to her you're just a new shiny toy. She's not as sweet as you think she is. She'll grow bored of you and break your heart, she always does."
"What do you know about her? You're probably just jealous of her!" I spat out as Leykuzi looked at me with an offended look on her face, "why are you telling me this? We don't know each other, we are nothing to each other."
"I'm simply warning you," she said, "you will get your heart broken if you don't pull yourself out of that situation with her right now."
I had thought about it, just giving up on the idea of me and Miyara, especially since everyone kept on telling me to go for it. Kiri was even making up something she called 'shipnames' for Miyara and me which Teungyi had taught her apparantly. She kept coming with Miteyam and Neyara and it was annoying but it still made me blush everytime my sister would mention it. But this girl, that didn't know me told me to drop out of it and it changed my entire mindset. Leykuzi sounded so determined on having me cut Miyara off that something shifted within me. I wanted her, why should I have to continue to sacrifice my own happiness for the happiness of others.
"If you want to get me banished, go ahead," I said stern, "but leave my family out of it!"
"I never even wanted to get you banished, I just wanted to warn you," Leykuzi said as I walked past her, "that girl will hurt you, Neteyam."
"I'll get over it!" I said as I waved Leykuzi off.
"Where are you going?" She asked me not getting the hint.
"To a fucking party!" I groaned as I left the girl behind me and stubbornly walked over to Miyara's pod.
I would get her, I had found a new flame of determination inside my heart. I wouldn't let it slip by.

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