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Hey everyone, you've officially gotten to the end of this book but before you leave I just have a few questions for you since I'd love to know your opinions and thoughts on this book and on the characters in this book, so if you'd like to answer my questions to you, you can find them down below!

Question 1:
Who's your favorite OC out of these characters?
1. Miyara
2. Teungyi
3. Seyza
4. Mo'iki
5. Yrritsyo
6. Fninrey
7. Avaroa
8. Zuaia
9. Asena
10. Raì
11. Davaï
12. Kiojah

Question 2:
Which chapter was your favorite and why?

Question 3:
Are there any other things you would've liked to see that aren't mentioned in this book?

Question 4:
Is there a character you would've liked more backstory on?

Question 5:
If you could rate this book on a scale from 1-10, what would you give it?

Question 6:
If you could meet Miyara, what would you tell her?

Question 7:
What are your thoughts on Mo'iki?

Question 8:
Is there something you'd like to know about any of my OC's?

Question 9:
Which character did you dislike the most and why?
1. Eyive
2. Keoima
3. Leykuzi
4. Niokä
5. Oimliän

Question 10:
Which one of Miyara & Aonung's children did you like the most?
1. Araoukai
2. Asherah
3. Kaoru
4. Na'aila
5. Zaniyah

Question 11:
What was your favourite Aonung and Miyara moment?

Question 12:
What was your favorite Neteyam an Miyara moment?

Question 13:
What do you think would've happened had Miyara chosen Neteyam instead of Aonung?

Question 14:
Who had the most chemistry in your opinion?

Question 15:
Is there something you would've changed in this book and why would you have done that differently?

Question 16:
What did you think of Miyara partially saving Neteyam on the Sky People ship?

Question 17:
Was there a time you were very annoyed with Miyara and when was this?

Question 18:
Which friend duo our of these 10 is your favorite and why?
1. Teungyi & Aonung
2. Teungyi & Miyara
3. Seyza & Miyara
4. Miyara & Kiri
5. Miyara & Lo'ak
6. Tsireya & Miyara
7. Yrritsyo & Aonung
8. Tsireya & Teungyi
9. Kiri & Teungyi
10. Seyza & Teungyi
11. Seyza & Aonung

Question 19:
What did you like the most about this book?

Question 20:
Did this book mean something to you?

Question 21:
Do you have any questions left for me? (You can comment them and I'll answer your question should you have one)

I would like to thank you all for all of your love and support with this book, all of your kind words keep me motivated to write more and they mean so much to me, I treasure you all! Not So Perfect has come to an end, I'll be returning to the writing of other work I have in my drafts and I will also be focussing on finishing my voltron trilogy.
Writing Not So Perfect was so much fun for me because not only was this one od the first times that I wrote throughout multiple pov's, this was also one of the first books in which I wrote so much smut, which I'm still not sure of if I did it right..
I had such a great time writing this story and with these characters, drawing them out and visualising how they moved, talked and acted amongst the already excisting Avatar characters and actually giving you a guideline for what my OC's would look like. I really liked it but unfortunenately it really has gotten to an end now. There may not be any more chapters coming but should you like to see some more art and video content that I make for all of my Wattpad stories you can find all my social media accounts and spotify playlists in the linktree in my bio!
Thank you all for sticking with me all the way to the end, you're the best!

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