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Authors note:

A big shoutout to ITSBR1TTNYBIYCH who inspired me to write a sequel to Not So Perfect.
The Sequel will be called 'Flood Of Ashes' and you will be able to find it on my account when I post the first chapter but since it's still in the early drafts and I have some more characters to draw out it might take me a little longer to publish, but I'll make an 'update' chapter at the end of this book when the first chapter is uploaded so that you all get a notification from it, or you could follow me in which you will be able to view it on my profile right away.
This story will follow Aonung and Miyara's story on how they are as parents and leaders but it will also follow all of their children and their journey as yet another war find it's way to Awa'atlu and this time not for Jake Sully and his family.

This will by the way be the cover of the book
(Yes this is Miyara but older)

And also this might be the last chapter to this book but by the end of this chapter you can keep scrolling for the remaining characters' face reveal (such as Seyza for example and of course everyone's children) and also some extra facts about this...

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And also this might be the last chapter to this book but by the end of this chapter you can keep scrolling for the remaining characters' face reveal (such as Seyza for example and of course everyone's children) and also some extra facts about this book and a quiz. So this might be the last chapter to the story but not the last chapter in this book!
Now let's move on to the preview chapter of the sequel! Enjoy!


Neteyam's pov:

"Daddy, can I hold him?" De'iya asked as she looked at her little brother in my arms. De'iya was the only one that wasn't mixed like our other three children, De'iya took fully after the forest Na'vi and the older she got the more she started to look like my mother.
"Of course," I said softly as De'iya took her brother into her arms and with a big smile sat down on the sand.
"No, grandpa, you're supposed to sit still," Zaria laughed as she decorated my father's hair with seashells.
"You should've told me that, little monkey!" My father laughed as he suddenly picked Zaria up and walked over to the water with her as she laughed.
In the water my mother and Seyza were teaching Yalìo to swim but he was too occupied with an Ilu from another villager than his mother and grandmother.
It all seemed so perfect until two dragon like creatures made their way over to the shore near the village. Before I could even say anything someone had already blown the horn to announce the strangers. The dragon like creatures resembled the Ikrans somewhat, but they were bigger and had scales, their skin seemed like that of ash and a blazing red and they had large vangs. Riding the creatures were two Na'vi women, but they looked much more different than the Omatikaya and the Metkayina. Their hair was a silver color, their eyes were bloodred and they had more narrowed pupils, like that of a lizard, their tails were thick like a crocodile and their skin was ash blue with lighter markings all over their bodies.
"Neteyam?" Seyza asked me as she pulled a crying Yalìo up to her chest, worry washing over her face as she looked at the strangers that were approaching the village.
"Stay here," I said stern as I looked down at De'iya, "look after your mother and siblings, allright little warrior?"
"Okay, big warrior, I'll look after them," she said and smiled as she took Eyrae over to Seyza.
I quickly ran over to the beach followed by my parents as the strangers were being surrounded by villagers and warriors, I spotted Teungyi amongst the warriors together with Lo'ak and Rotxo.
"What's going on?" I asked them as their eyes landed on me.
"They're looking around like they own the place," Teungyi answered, "that's what's going on."
"But what do they-" I began but was interrupted by Aonung as he made his way over to the two strange women.
"What brings you to Awa'atlu?" He asked stern as Miyara followed behind him, a hand over her baby bump as she held Na'aila in the other. Her ears perked up and I saw the worry on her face as she handed Na'aila over to Tsireya who followed after her. Tsireya trying her best to take Araoukai, Asherah, Kaoru and Na'aila with her but only Araoukai listened. Asherah quickly shot past Miyara but before she could strut over to the newcomers and judge them Aonung held her back and pushed her over to Miyara who quickly grabbed onto their daughter and forced her to go with Tsireya.
"Mommy?" Kaoru softly questioned as he hid behind his mother, "who are they?"
"I don't know, sweetie, but please go with auntie Reya," Miyara whispered as the two strangers were watching the scene unfold infront of them, Aonung making himself bigger to shield his family. Kaoru sighed as he finally allowed Tsireya to take him away so Miyara could do her Tsahik duties but as soon as she wanted to walk past Aonung and greet the strangers he placed his hand over her belly and gently guided her behind him. All the years that had passed and he was still extremely overprotective of Miyara.
"I'll ask you one more time," Aonung said stern, "what brings you to Awa'atlu?"
"We live a few days away from here and our home got burned down," the little one said as she looked at the villagers, "we have no home."
"You seek uturu?" Miyara asked as she brushed past Aonung.
"No," the bigger and more serious one said as she looked at Miyara's baby bump, "excuse my sister, she has no manners I'm afraid. My name is Varang, I'm the leader of the Ash Na'vi and this is my sister Kanzia, we're not here to seek uturu we are here to discuss the terms of you leaving Awa'atlu and handing it over to us."
In an instant Aonung grabbed Miyara's wrist and dragged her to his side, immediatly mistrusting the strangers and making sure his wife was safe. I frowned confused as I looked over at Lo'ak who was just as confused as me, Teungyi clutched the spear in her hand more tightly as Rotxo scoffed.
"That's not going to happen," Aonung said calmly, "anything else?"
"Your mate's unborn child would be fine," Kanzia snickered, "a juicy snack for the road back."
My eyes widened in shock as I looked over at Miyara, her ears lowered and her eyes widened in fear as she immediatly took a few steps back and stepped behind Aonung, her hands on his waist as she looked absolutely terrified by what Kanzia had said.
"Do you have the shot?" I heard Lo'ak question through his throat microphone as he kept his gaze upon the Ash women.
"Negative," Tuk replied through the throat microphone making Lo'ak grunt frustrated.
"My sister has a morbid sense of humor," Varang said, "please excuse her."
"You're excused," Aonung said as he placed his hands over Miyara's that were still on his waist as she anxiously hid behind him, "we can not help you, return to your own lands. Leave Awa'atlu this instant."
"So you will not give us what belongs to us?" Varang asked.
"Awa'atlu does not belong to you," Miyara suddenly spoke, "it belongs to the people that live here, we could've offered you supplies and an alliance but you can't come here and take what is ours."
"We can," Kanzia said cold, "and we will."
"You better pray to that false God of yours," Varang said as the sisters got back onto their dragon creatures, "because we will return one day and we will burn you and your people to the ground and we'll take that God of yours down with you."
Before anyone could say anything else the sisters took off, Kanzia laughing loudly and manicly as they got high up in the air and vanished from our sight. Aonung shouted after them saying that he will have their heads should they ever return but Miyara was mostly startled as she placed her hands over her belly, worried for her baby.
"Great," Teungyi grunted frustrated, "a bunch of lizards just declared war on us."
Teungyi clutched her spear as she left to find Yrritsyo and her three children, Rotxo joined Lo'ak as they went to find Kiri and Tsireya and my eyes briefly landed on Aonung comforting Miyara. She wasn't sad or anything, in fact she had this stonecold look on her face, but nonetheless Aonung was making sure she and their unborn baby were allright. I took a deep breath as I walked up to the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik.
"What do we do now?" I asked Aonung as he ran his hand through his hair and got upright.
"We prepare for war, just in case," Aonung said as he turned his gaze from Miyara to me, "I know nothing of these Ash people but should they return we need to be ready."

The end.

So, it's not a big chapter but it's the start of something. You can scroll down to see the remaining characters designs.
I also want to thank you for all of your love and support on this book, it means a lot to me and it kept me motivated 💕

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