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Miyara's pov:

"Hi father," I said as I walked into our family pod and stole some of the fish he has in his bowl since I hadn't had lunch yet.
"What brings you home this early in the day, daughter?" My father asked me as I sat down besides him and continued to steal the food from his bowl followed by a soft slap on my hands when I took too much. I grinned as I ate it anyway and I saw he had to smile as well, he had gotten used to me stealing his food.
"There's a new family, from the forest," I explained, "they came seeking uturu."
"Hm?" My father asked as he raised his brows and finished the last of his bowl.
"Mhm," I sighed, "Tonowari allowed them to stay but now Tsireya and Aonung have to teach their children our ways so I decided to come home."
"So you came home instead of helping Aonung and Tsireya with this important task?" My father asked with a stern look on his face and I could already feel where he was going with this, "Miyara, as the future mate of the next Olo'eyktan it is important that you help both him and the future Tsahik with important tasks such as these."
I remained quiet as I stared him in the eye, the look on his face only got more serious as he let out an irritated groan.
"You will help them, now," my father said, "do you understand?"
"Yes, father," I sighed as I got up, eating the last of the food I stole from him.
"Don't disappoint me like that again, daughter," my father said and with a simple nod I left the pod to go looking for Aonung and Tsireya.


"Are you some kind of mindreader?" Tsireya chuckled as see saw me walk over to them on the beach, "I was just saying how much easier it would be if there were four of us since there are four of them!"
"I did, in fact, read your mind," I chuckled as I walked into the water up until my waist, "here I am."
My eyes locked with Aonung's as a warm smile appeared on his face, one I had never seen before, perhaps there was a side to him I hadn't met yet.
"Oh, Reya!" Rotxo exclaimed suddenly, seeing the look Aonung and I shared, "I have to tell you something!"
"No, you don't!" I hissed at him quickly as I found myself standing in between Tsireya and Aonung, followed my a cheeky chuckle from Aonung so I slapped him on his arm.
"Hey!" Aonung exclaimed as he smiled at me.
"This is our friend, Miyara," Tsireya introduced me to the Sully kids, "Miyara, this is Lo'ak, Kiri, Tuk and Neteyam."
"Pleasure to meet you," I said kindly as my eyes locked with the yellow orbs of the oldest once more, Neteyam. It was a nice name, it suited him.
"Hi," he said with a nervous smile on his face making me smile as well. He was cute.
"Come on," Tsireya said, "swim with us."
We dove into the water but quickly noticed that the others were having trouble with keeping up with us, they kept swimming back up to the surface.
What's wrong with them? Rotxo signed to us.
They are bad divers, that's what's wrong with them, Aonung signed back followed by a slap from Tsireya.
Stop it. They still have to learn, Tsireya signed annoyed with her older brother.
We should check on them, I signed, they can tell us what's troubling them so we can practice it with them.
Good idea, come on, Tsireya signed as the both of us swam to the surface.
"Are you okay?" Tsireya asked them as soon as we reached the surface.
"You swim too fast," Tuk whined as she rubbed her eyes, clearly exhausted already.
"Just breathe," I said as I demonstrated for them to take a deep breath. I got startled by Aonung, who trailed his hand along my spine as he swam to the surface and his head popped up besides mine, his hand still resting on my back, making me blush.
"You are not good divers," Aonung grinned, "maybe good at swinging through trees."
I grunted as I slapped him on his head much like Tsireya had done so earlier, followed by an irritated glare from him.
"Stop," I whispered to him and with an annoyed grunt he took his hand off my back and looked away from me.
"We don't speak this..." Neteyam said as he made strange movements with his fingers, "this finger talk of yours. We don't know what you're saying."
"I will teach you," Tsireya said but even I had to hold back laughter by the way Neteyam called our sign language.
"Where is Kiri?" Rotxo asked as he looked around, I frowned as I realised that the girl was indeed missing from their group.
"Who?" Aonung asked and I rolled my eyes at him as everyone searched for Kiri.
"Where is she?" I questioned confused.

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